View Full Version : Wish me Good Luck with my Parents
12-04-11, 06:12 PM
I put up a post a while back because I havent been on here for a bit. This post said that my parents said I could get a snake because I did all the things you guys said. I made a essay and thats what made them say yes but now they rethought it. They said that I can get another izard instead because they think that if I care about it that much then I can find a lizard that I like. They already said no to the legless lizards so tried that to. Im not going to give up that easy and what im asking is, Do you guys and gals have any other ideas to get a snake.
I am moving to the basement of my house soon and I would like to get it then. I said that I would get a freezer for my room for the mice because my dad doesnt want them in the kitchen freezer. I also keep telling them all this stuff that I know about them and they just say, "Thats Cool". As you know Christmas is coming up and if I could convince them and keep them convinced then that would awesome. Then they could get it for christmas.
CK SandBoas
12-04-11, 06:27 PM
To me, it almost sounds like your parents are trying to placate you, trying to get you to accept the new lizard instead of the snake, because deep down, even though they told you beforehand you could get a snake, they had no plans on you actually getting one. I may be wrong about this, and if i am, i do not mean any disrespect towards your parents at all.
What i would do is sit down with them, have a long conversation with them, and ask them, in a polite and mature manner, what made them change their mind on you owning a snake. Also ask them if there is anything else you can do to prove to them that you are ready to have your first snake, because you did meet their criteria in their own eyes.
I hope this has been some help to you, and good luck! :)
12-04-11, 06:32 PM
^^^^^ I couldn't have said it any better. That's exactly what I was thinking.
Sit down with your parents and ask them what their reasons are behind a lizard versus a snake, and reiterate why you want a snake rather than a lizard.
12-04-11, 06:43 PM
I dont think they were ever going to let me have one either. They are trying to placate me and it isnt working I wont give up and if that means to keep at it and do nothing special then thats how its going to have to be. I have already talked to them strait up why they changed there minds and all they say is,"Because we decided together that we dont want a snake in the house."
12-04-11, 06:44 PM
Do u have any ideas of why a snake is better than a lizard. I dont really have a reason for wanting a snake more than a lizard I just like them alot more.
12-04-11, 06:54 PM
A lot of lizard species range from a little to a lot more comlicated than caring for a snake.
CK SandBoas
12-04-11, 06:55 PM
I cannot say why snakes are better than lizards, or vice versa, because each snake and each lizard has qualities that appeal to different people. This is truly a hard question to answer, at least for me, because i've never owned any lizards myself, i'm strictly a snake gal. Maybe it's because i was exposed to snakes by my father as a child, and grew up appreciating their beauty,and their different temperaments.
I wish i could give you a simple, straightforward answer, but it's hard for me to put into words, if that makes any sense:)
12-04-11, 06:59 PM
I wish my dad was like that. He doesnt really like pets to be straight forward with you. I thought of another one that didnt work. I said that snakes are easier to feed in general because u can feed frozen mice instead of crickets.
CK SandBoas
12-04-11, 07:05 PM
My advice to you is be patient, continue to research the species you would like to eventually keep, and educate your parents when ever you can. It might take you time,but do not let this discourage you. The most important thing to do is remain calm, and really listen to your parents and their concerns.
12-04-11, 07:08 PM
Maybe they are worried about it getting out or worried about the smell or something? Maybe if you had a specific snake in mind it might be a little easier. Try and explain to them what appeals to you so much about the snake you chose. Show them that you know how to care for it and how to prevent it from getting out. If nothing works you may have to wait until you move out. my parents were not very pet friendly but every once in a while I would manage to convince them of something. A snake was easier than a dog.
12-04-11, 07:09 PM
Yea this is kinda off topic but my parents said I could get one if I got Honours with Distiction in school. Anyway this is not happening but they said if I did it woud neeed to be at 4 feet max. What snakes are that short. Because if I do manage to get them to the point of getting one it will probably have to stay that size. I want a ball python but as long as I get a snake I dont really care that much. I also like Garter Snakes.
CK SandBoas
12-04-11, 07:14 PM
My Grey Banded Kingsnake is around 37 inches, and he's an adult. Great snake, very active and inquisitive. My male Ball Python is 3 1/2 feet long, and he's also fully grown:)
12-04-11, 07:17 PM
What about garter snakes or Rat snakes. Ball Pyhtons and King snakes can be all over the place thought. Sometimes there ong somethimes there short. I dont know much about garter snakes or rat snakes yet.
CK SandBoas
12-04-11, 07:21 PM
Wayne would be the person to ask about Garter Snakes:D
The only experience i have with Garters is the Eastern Garter that hung outside my bedroom window every summer when i was growing up. Even though he wasn't a pet, i did end up naming him "Hermie" lol
12-04-11, 07:23 PM
Haha thats awesome
12-04-11, 08:36 PM
Rosy boas and sand boas stay well under 4 feet and are calm snakes. Look into them and see if they appeal to you and your parents :)
12-04-11, 09:09 PM
Is it possible that they are getting you a snake for Christmas and are just trying to throw you off? My wife does that to me.
12-04-11, 09:13 PM
Yea I thought that too but my parents arent that nice. Its my birthday on the 10 of December and as a early birthday present they got me a book. I don't want to get my hopes up because with my dad it almost never happens. When and if Wayne reads this can u please tell me about how big most of your Garder Snakes are.
12-04-11, 09:30 PM
Garter snakes stay small. Definitely under 4 feet but it depends on the species.
12-04-11, 09:45 PM
K do you guys no any Garder Snake Breeder pages that I could look at the different species and color morphs.
It sounds like maybe your parents could be afraid of snakes, and that is the reason they dont want you getting one. If thats the case, then you have a couple things that are possible. One, you could try working on them with other peoples snakes. In other words, take them over to a friend's house who has a snake or the pet store and bring it out while they are there. Let them see that it is not crazy, biting and going to kill them. Let them see how calm it is, how good you can be with it, and the controlled nature of the animal. It may take a while, but if you truly want this then that may be the commitment that is required. Two, you could approach your biology teacher and see if he/she would be willing to get one in the classroom. While it wouldnt be yours exclusively, you would still get to see and work with it everyday. Odds are if your teacher gets it because of you, you could also be instrumental in its care and upkeep. You are not far away from my hometown of Rocky Mountain House. We had a biology teacher there who was famous in Alberta, his name is Alfred VonHollen. He had an entire zoo in the junior high. I mean ZOO. We had class everyday with numerous reticulated pythons, burmese pythons, toucans, turtles, lizards, small mammals, etc in our classroom. Talk about an awesome way to teach biology. He won so many awards as a teacher for his dedication. Get your teacher hooked and you might be up to your eyeballs in reptiles!
I'm not a parent, but I don't think it's cool when anyone makes a deal and then reneges on it. I'm sure your parents have their reasons though and they could be anything from not believing you'd take good care of it to them just being afraid of snakes.
My only advice would be to be consistent in your approach, but yet not be too annoying with constant requests. Continue to educate yourself and maybe they'll give in at some point.
Good luck.
PS: Jarich, gives good advice I think.
12-05-11, 09:18 AM
What about garter snakes or Rat snakes. Ball Pyhtons and King snakes can be all over the place thought. Sometimes there ong somethimes there short. I dont know much about garter snakes or rat snakes yet.
My black rat snake got pretty big. I keep saying he is about 5 feet but he very well could be six. I am 5'2" and he is longer than I am tall. Sweet snake, but he did get a lot bigger than I expected. I have a friend with a rat snake that I think was just a little over 4 feet much smaller than mine.
This picture really doesn't do his size justice he is doubled up under his hide which is long with a good portion of his midsection outside of the hide
12-05-11, 05:10 PM
Go look at Waynes "garter snake thread" he's got DOZENS of different morphs on that one
12-05-11, 10:15 PM
You asked for reasons why snakes are better to keep than lizards. You feed them once a week and their food isn't alive. What do they prefer? crickets and other insects able to get out and around the house OR a simple bag of frozen things that you take out once a week?
Also, I would talk to them about it. Tell them you like snakes a lot more and if you end up getting a lizard you'll just grow bored like other kids and just not care for it properly. Whereas a snake, you'd love forever and always be taking care of it.
Lastly, here's a short list of some snakes that pretty much don't ever get over 4 feet.
Male ball pythons
Most milksnakes (exceptions being sinoloans and hondurans, could be others)
Most Kingsnakes
Rosy boas
Sand boas (stay hidden a lot so they wouldn't see much of it)
Children's pythons
Spotted pythons
There's probably more but there's a good start for you.
12-05-11, 10:54 PM
k thanks for the help. The not taking care of the lizard correctly wont work because I already have 3 Crested Geckos and I take care of them well. She knows im responsible because I have takin care of many animals over the years. She is not scared of them either because my dad used to have is own reptile shop, Way back. Lol. And when he had the Reptile Shop the snakes where his least favorite animals in the shop. I am going to try the, go to the pet store and take out the snake thing with my mom because I think she is a little unsure about them. She says why would you want an animal that does not love you or show any afection towards you. I dont really have an anwser to that statement other than. Because ive wanted one for a long time, ever since i was 4, and I am very intrested in them. Then she just ignores me. It took me 7 years of convincing to just get a lizard and a snake is a even bigger step. Im just trying to find ways to get more of a chance.
Thanks for the idea about Waynes garter snake thread I looked and it gave me a great idea of the ones I like. If I do manage to pull this off I think I will be getting either a Garter Snake or a Ball Python. Exept a ball python is kinda pushing it on the length limit. Like I said I dont want to get to worked up about it because my parents, espectially my dad, know how to dissapoint and they do it alot!!!!!!!!!!
12-05-11, 10:55 PM
If I were you, if you manage to convince your parents to get you/let you get a snake, get an adult of the ^above listed species.
2 Reasons: its mostly down growing, there's no "well maybe it'll be a freak and grow an extra foot or two"
provided it comes from a reliable source, you'll know it is eating f/t
12-05-11, 11:05 PM
That is very good advice but my parents dont like selling animals so if I said, got a garter and it grew a bit bigger than 4 feet then it would be okay. They wouldnt be to happy but it would be okay.
12-05-11, 11:33 PM
if a male garter grows to 4 feet I might poop my pants, I don't think its possible.
12-06-11, 09:29 AM
Yea this is kinda off topic but my parents said I could get one if I got Honours with Distiction in school. Anyway this is not happening but they said if I did it woud neeed to be at 4 feet max. What snakes are that short. Because if I do manage to get them to the point of getting one it will probably have to stay that size. I want a ball python but as long as I get a snake I dont really care that much. I also like Garter Snakes.
A male ball python certainly would only grow to around 4 feet, esp if you dont power feed it during its growth spurts.
How old are you? My parents were hesitant to say yes at first too, but one day I just brought one home and that was that. I am 20 though and I have a secure job to finance all of my snakes needs; however, this may not work for everyone. If you wont get one until they say yes, then you may have to face the reality that you wont be able to get one until you move out of the house, which really isnt so bad. If you are infatuated with snakes, lizards just wont cut it in my opinion.
The best you can do for now is keep being persistent, your parents will start to understand that this is something that is important to you, and not just an idea you like for a few months. Show your mom some videos of big breeders handling ball pythons to show how docile they are. Dont show pictures because they look a bit menacing to someone who doesnt like snakes, but the docile movements of a snake in a video might make it easier for them to understand where youre coming from. Either way, good luck! Do well in school and then they cant say no!
12-06-11, 12:54 PM
Do well in school and then they cant say no!
well... the CAN, but they shouldn't
12-06-11, 04:53 PM
I am currently 15. Soon to be 16. I am doing well in school just not Hounors with Destiction good. I normally have Honours. I am not going to give up I will keep trying and I will not give up. I have to go to the pet store one of these days because I need to get some food for my Crested Gecko and also some new moss for him.When I go I will see if I can take a snake out to show that they are not mean and do not normally bite you. I am also trying to do more chores without being asked to show that I am super responsible.
12-06-11, 05:00 PM
Don't bug them too much, my mom hates that :p
12-06-11, 06:16 PM
I am not bugging them too much. Just enough that they are not getting all mad at me.
12-07-11, 07:35 AM
I am not bugging them too much. Just enough that they are not getting all mad at me.
i wish you the best of luck in winning your parents round
imo your going about it in the best way possible,most kids your age would throw a strop at not getting their own way.
you however have a very mature approach to the matter in hand
with that attitude your parents must be very proud of you mate ;)
cheers shaun
12-07-11, 10:03 PM
Thanks Shaun. I am very persistant
12-08-11, 12:42 AM
You know... I don;t want to get your hopes up... but what if they are telling you no now because they made some plans for the holidays? I can't count how many times my kids have nagged me for something that was in the closet wrapped. Obviously the snake wouldn't be wrapped up in the closet... but you get my point. They could have put a deposit or something?
Try to leave things be until after the holidays just in case. You might be pleasantly surprised. Even if that's not the case... this time of year is stressful for parents, and you should give them a break on the begging for a bit.
Best thing you can do right now is take super great care of your lizard to show them you are responsible. Continue your hard work in school. That is always a great way to show you are responsible. If you want to really go all out, do some nice things out of the ordinary, maybe cook breakfast in bed one Saturday, do extra chores, etc.
Every parent operates differently. What worked on my mom to get my way would never work on me. You probably know best at 15 years old how to deal with your parents more than anyone else. My mom the only way to EVER get things was to either nag her to death or do it anyways and deal with her throwing a fit for a little while... which coincidentally my brother had no shame and did all the time, I just wasn't so skilled in the nagging department and usually went with "just do it anyway" and got in trouble. With my kids I really try to reward them NOT nagging me by giving them what they want within reason as long as they somehow earn it (extra chores mostly), where nagging just gets them grounded. So yeah... you need to decide how to go about it. It sounds like you are going about things the right way right now, I would just be patient.
12-08-11, 05:16 PM
I am taking it very slow and stopping around the holidays. Now I am doing extra chores, taking care of my dog and my lizard. I think I am going to make my mom and dad in bed to. My parents are very much like u, candyraver69 they ground me if I nag them to much but if I do it slowly and when they are happy.They actually listen if they are happy and I do it slowly.
12-08-11, 06:30 PM
wow, sounds like you're on the right track. Just remember to take it easy and not to nag and beg, but more to educate and have conversations about.
Do you know what kind of snake you would like to get? I would definitely get something off the list that was previously mentioned. I'm biased to ball pythons as I have one and he's the most amazing pet ever and i love him to death. They can be picky eaters, but their temperament is amazing, very docile. They also aren't very expensive, and there are lots of morphs to choose from (though some of the morphs get quite pricey)
Good luck!
12-08-11, 06:34 PM
I really want a Pastel Ball Python but if they dont let me get it because it can get to big then I will get a Garter Snake. By nagging I didnt really mean nagging but throwing information out there every once in a while. The information is about ball pythons because thats what I want the most. I just need to keep positive and hope for the best during the holidays. :)
12-08-11, 06:37 PM
sounds like it will all work out nicely in time :)
Good luck! my favourite ball pythons are piebalds and albinos but I have a normal. he was my first snake, I got him when I was in grade 9. I had wanted a snake for a while and my mom is pretty open to always bringing home new pets so once I did all my research I was allowed to get him. I payed for him and my parents payed for his habitat (it came with him, he was 6 years old but his owner was moving due to work and couldn't take him) and that was my birthday present :)
12-08-11, 06:43 PM
I guess I am on perfect timing. My birthday is on Saturday and Christmas is coming up. I am very exited. Even if I dont get it for the holidays I am still confident I will get one. I hve been at it since I was 7 and I feel like this is the year.
12-08-11, 09:20 PM
Good luck Molson102!! I hope this Saturday or Xmas will bring you what you're hoping it will ;)
12-08-11, 09:36 PM
Thank you I hope it does to.
12-08-11, 10:21 PM
Thank you I hope it does to.
i'll have my fingers crossed for you mate
i wish you all the best of luck in getting your python
all the best shaun
CK SandBoas
12-08-11, 11:23 PM
I truly hope you get the snake that you want, be it the Ball or the Garter Snake.
I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for ya!:D
12-09-11, 04:51 PM
Thank you every body. Today I am getting my birthday present so hopfully its what I want. :)
12-09-11, 04:58 PM
Keep us posted!! :)
12-09-11, 05:01 PM
I will keep u guys posted and I will be opening my present as soon as my dad gets hope which is around 5 o'clock Albertan time.
12-09-11, 06:38 PM
I am aperantly not werthy of a snake. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( I got a dumb phone and it isnt even the one I wanted. BOOOOOOO. I am really depressed and my sister even asked her if she was getting a snake or stuff for a tank for my birthday or for christmas and my parents said I am never getting a snake. I had really believed that they were going to get me one. Its like them taking a marker and righting YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR US on my forehead because my sister got my od phone which she wasnt supposed to get for 2 more years and they got my sister a hamster that my parents siad they would never get her.
12-09-11, 06:39 PM
I am sorry if I sound spoiled but I was really looking foward to a snake.
12-09-11, 06:44 PM
Aw molson sorry to hear that :( That's quite disappointing, I get that. Listen- it's not forever though. When I was younger I really wanted a snake for the first time and my mom said NO because she's super religious and associates snakes with evil. Eventually though, despite hearing her tell me NO NO NO for years, when I was 15 she finally got on board and I got my first snake (a baby corn snake). She had two priests come bless the house (lol). And now she loves my two ball pythons that I have. It's all about time, patience, and persistence. You'll get one some day. Even if it means waiting a little longer than you originally hoped to. You might not get one for your birthday or Christmas, but you might get one once you get High Honors with Distinctions next year. In the meantime, find out who around you has snakes and get involved with those. They'll come around if you don't back down and do it nicely. Chin up, molson! Enjoy your 16th birthday :) (and hey, getting a phone is pretty cool too!!)
12-09-11, 07:15 PM
Thank you I really needed that to help me with my confidense. It just seems ike so long that I have been trying for one and now I feel like its the year. I am happy about the phone and my friend does have a snake so I will help.
12-09-11, 07:26 PM
keep your chin up man, you'll get one some day. In the mean time try and find a zoo and get a job working with reptiles or something similar. Maybe if you buy your own you're parents won't say no.
12-09-11, 10:01 PM
Aww, so sorry to hear that. Don't worry about it for too long, I'm sure it'll work out in the end and before you know it you'll have a snake. My boyfriends parents (i've been dating him almost three years) have never been over to my house because they are very religious and don't like wolfus (my BP). oh well, in time, in time.
This will at least give you time to do some more research in your spare time (while keeping your school marks up) and figure out what kind of snake is the perfect match for you so that when you are able to get one you will have no regrets
12-09-11, 10:51 PM
I have a garter named Garters can be pretty small depending on the subspecies...males are the smallest. Some females can get up to 3 feet. My eastern male is only a foot and a half at a year old. My female eastern is 2 and a half feet and many eastern females are 3 feet. If you go with a male eastern garter, I would say chances of the snake growing to over three feet are very slim. One argument for your parents could be that most garter snakes are very friendly. There are only a couple of subspecies of garters that are aggressive...people automatically think that lizards are not aggressive and that is not necessarily true. I am not saying that all lizards are. Many lizards are perfectly friendly...but they can be aggressive too. So...if your parents are telling you to get a lizard because they think that snakes are mean..for example, and lizards are perfectly docile...that is not necessarily always the case. Someday you will get your snake...don't give up!
12-09-11, 10:57 PM
Oh...I just read back and realized you already got the lizard...sorry guess my post is a little late! Well...keep working on your parents and you will get that snake someday! Don't give up hope!!!
12-09-11, 11:34 PM
I was just thinking, what about volunteering at a animal shelter? There is a place in Edmonton called the Reptile and Amphibian Society. You can find their website here...
Edmonton Reptile & Amphibian Society (
And they also have numerous snakes for adoption there too; some really cool ones! Maybe if your parents see how responsible you are by volunteering, then maybe they will let you bring one home. You never know...
12-10-11, 03:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. But don't let a set back ruin your day/week/month ets. Think of it this way, tht gives you two more years to study, learn as much as you can, save up, etc because when you are 18, you will be old enough to decide if YOU are going to buy one or not.
My son wants a turtle (also 16) and I told him no. I told him no because in 2 years he is going to be in college, no pets allowed, and I am not going to be stuck caring for it. I think turtles are cute, I enjoy looking at them, but I do not have enough of an affinity for them to care for them long term. Plus, it's a big responsibility because it will outlive me and I will have to make sure that he has a good home after I die. The agreement I made with my son was that he could only get a pet that I approve of because I am going to be stuck caring for it while he is in college.
After he is grown, has his own house, job, etc, he can get any animal his little heart desires. Right now, we are paying all the feeding/housing bills since he is not allowed to work, and I just don't want that responsibility. Don't be too upset with your parents, they may be thinking like I am and just have not thought to explain to you their reasons of why.
But after you finish college, move out, and are self-supporting, there isn't any reason you can't get your own. And by then you will be able to pick any snake you want, plus have had tons of time to really research it, learn everything there is, and be able to make the decision on what kind will better suit your lifestyle.
12-10-11, 10:56 AM
ohhhh! I like that volunteering idea that's pretty cool, and you'll get to be around snakes :)
12-10-11, 03:30 PM
There are some colleges that allow you to have reptiles. There's one that lets you have any snake as long as it's less than 6ft and not venomous, many that allow lizards and turtles. If that's one of the reasons they won't let you have one, tell them that. I can't remember at this time where I read it, but it was in a college magazine I was riffling through one day. That got me excited because I want to be able to take my snakes with me, or at least my BP Bud. :)
12-10-11, 03:52 PM
Oh yeah, bigsnakegirl785 reminded me to tell you this too. If a college only states that dogs, cats and other fur-bearing animals are not allowed, it is implied that scaled and feathered animals are. My college has a rule about not allowing fur-bearing animals (since many students have allergies), but have no rule for reptiles and birds, so long as your roommates/suitemates don't openly object. That being said, you should have something they wouldn't object to (ie: don't get anything that gets "big"). I kept my older ball python Kaybe with me on campus without any problems and no one seemed to care; on the contrary, most people were pretty curious to meet him and learn about him. So if your parents are worried about what would happen to your snake when you go to college tell them you'll be taking it with you! :D
12-10-11, 05:27 PM
what Alessia said^
but the University here doesn't allow squat. Here's their rule:
Non-dangerous fish which live completely underwater are the only pets permitted in the halls. No cats, dogs, gerbils, snakes, birds, crabs, lobsters, spiders, etc; only fish are allowed. Aquariums may be no larger than 25 gallons.
12-10-11, 07:20 PM
The rule here for residence is no pets, of ANY kind, not even a single fish.
12-10-11, 07:28 PM
Sorry to hear things still aren't going well for you as far as getting a snake. I'm rooting for you. Hopefully in time they will cave, but in the meantime you have time to learn all you can through reading, and I love the idea of volunteering at a shelter/rescue!
12-10-11, 08:25 PM
The rule here for residence is no pets, of ANY kind, not even a single fish.
and I thought our residence rules sucked. That said, I know of several people that kept gerbils or hamsters while in the residence halls. Dunno of anyone with a snake or lizard though.
12-10-11, 08:48 PM
and I thought our residence rules sucked. That said, I know of several people that kept gerbils or hamsters while in the residence halls. Dunno of anyone with a snake or lizard though.
On my campus (we're 1,200 students TOTAL), there are 6 snakes (owned by 6 different people)! :blink: We're not allowed to have "fur-bearing" animals but I know people with hamsters and cats too...
12-10-11, 08:59 PM
our residence does sneak inspections and stuff and i wouldn't want anything to happen to a pet if i was hiding one there. plus i wouldn't want to get kicked out a residence with nowhere to go. Luckily, I have my own place so i brought my gecko Gary and my kitten Mikha.
Everything will work out in time, I wanted a cat of my own for so long, I looked at hundreds of kittens and every time it fell through, About 2 years later i thought on a whim while shutting off my computer, I'll just check that shelter one more time, and BAM there was a three legged kitten that I had to have. I emailed the person through the site who emailed me back and said she no longer worked there, she forwarded my email to the person who worked there and that kitten was already adopted but something happened and they couldn't keep her and she was up for adoption again the day i emailed. The next day i went to see her and i brought her home. When it's meant to be it will happen :)
12-10-11, 09:22 PM
Its against the law for the residence halls (and apartments, tenant rights to privacy) to do sneak inspections here, they have to give you notice of an inspection and they generally don't do them without cause. If your door is left open and they happen to look in that's another story, they can poke their heads in.
They do have a clause stating that they will inspect rooms over thanksgiving, semester, and spring break when everyone has to leave.
12-11-11, 12:26 PM
I am not really worrying about the college thing because I will be going to a college that reptiles are allowed. I could not live without my gecko, Pablo. Thank you also that volenteering thing is a good idea when I get my licence but I haven't even got my learners permit because I didn't really need it. Once I get my licence I will definitly do the volunteering thing.
12-12-11, 05:15 AM
If I were you, if you manage to convince your parents to get you/let you get a snake, get an adult of the ^above listed species.
2 Reasons: its mostly down growing, there's no "well maybe it'll be a freak and grow an extra foot or two"
provided it comes from a reliable source, you'll know it is eating f/t
I second this. No surprises in size of snake or prey. Not going to be so small and squirmy which can wierd some people out. I haven't read this entire thread but if your parents just don't want it in the house just remember not everyone can be shown how great herping is. Many won't ever "get it" and if thats them try to respect it .... Then by an awesome snake after you leave home ;)
Best of luck. Answers as to what to get if it works out are all above. Adult BP would top my list for you for all the above reasons.
Hope it all works out :)
12-13-11, 05:14 PM
I actually like Garter Snakes because they can eat fish and smaller stuff for most of there life because i'm not so fond of the mice. I will still put up with them but I would rather not have them that much. They say they don't want one in the house but I think there is some other reason for it.
12-13-11, 06:21 PM
have you asked why?
12-13-11, 10:22 PM
Yes many times and all they say is I dont like the mice. So I say I can get a Garter Snake and you normally dont have to get mice that much. Or they say that they dont want it in there house and I say that my room is going to be downstairs in one to two months and you wont even need to see it.
12-14-11, 06:41 PM
Seriously try volunteering....I'd try a zoo first. My daughter (she's 18 now) has been volunteering at our small local zoo for about 3 or 4 years now and loves it! Our zoo has a system where new people start out with easy stuff but the more often you volunteer the more advance animal(s) you get to work with. They also certify you for certain tasks which allows you to kind of specialize with certain animals or animal groups.
At the zoo you'll be working with and learning from people with years of experience with these animals, not just anyone who's been trained. Also you get to work some with the vet when he makes his visits. At least that's how it works at our zoo and I'm assuming zoos are pretty much set up the same. It may take you a bit to work towards the reptile building but you'll learn alot getting there.
12-14-11, 06:54 PM
Yea but the problem with his is that I actually live in Beaumont and it is about a 40 minute drive to the closest zoo and like I said I dont have my drivers yet.
12-14-11, 06:58 PM
Yea but the problem with his is that I actually live in Beaumont and it is about a 40 minute drive to the closest zoo and like I said I dont have my drivers yet.
Yeah, that's not a convenient option then. When do you get your driving license? Hopefully you'll be able to start doing some sort of reptile-related volunteering once you have it.
I forget- did you say that you had a friend who has a snake? If you do, try to get involved as much as possible. Hang out and help him clean his snake's cage, etc. It wouldn't be a bad idea to show your parents that snake (assuming it's a good-natured snake). Sometimes good first-hand experiences can help battle pre-conceived notions.
12-14-11, 07:19 PM
I have seen it many times and it is a beautiful and very calm snake but my mom got knee surgery so she is kinda stuck in the house. My dad doesn't really care he would get one if he needed to and he just wouldn't touch it. I know have my sister wanting one so that will help also. And I will probably get my learners soon and then my drivers in the next year or two. I am not very rushed.
12-14-11, 07:30 PM
BTW, Happy Birthday, molson :D
12-14-11, 09:36 PM
Thanks I love this forum. By far this is my favorite forum on the net. I have been on many reptile forums around here and this is by far the best. You guys are so supportive.
12-15-11, 04:05 AM
BTW, Happy Birthday, molson :D
Same here kiddo, Happy Birthday!! (I feel like a
You are correct Molson, the people here are great and I value their opinions and experience a great deal. I am always open for learning something new, like what Shaun showed me yesterday. Who would have thought eucalyptus for snakes?!?!? I use it for us but I would be scared to consider using it on snakes. Learn something new every day and I love it.
Wait untill your older, you have no idea where your life will take you.
12-15-11, 10:51 AM
If its only a 40 minute drive get on your push bike and ride there!! Get fit as well as get to work with snakes!
Happy Birthday Dude!! ;)
12-15-11, 09:47 PM
I like your thinking Lankyrob but right now wouldn't work any way because the zoo is closed. In Edmonton there is alot of snow during the winter. And I have had that advice many times like Jay said but I'm persistent and I will not give up. No matter how long I have to wait. Even if I have to wait till im out of the house I will still be trying to get one until that time.
12-15-11, 10:34 PM
Keep at it, I'm sure your parents didnt mean you werent 'good' enough for a snake sometimes when parents don't want stuff around you cant help it. Whether you get a snake now or in a year, if you love them find ways to part take in the hobby until you can have a collection of your own.
Time and patience in waiting to start your collection may make you a better keeper in the long run..
I kinda wish you lived near me.. I would let you practice with my brood I would never have to clean a viv again (hahaha)
12-15-11, 10:39 PM
^^^^nice sig
12-15-11, 10:41 PM
thanks... I finally thought of something witty.. so I inserted it hahahha
12-25-11, 07:01 AM
My newest rat litter. I lost almost the entire litter 1-2 a day for a few days so there is only three left, but these three are still alive and well. I suspect KRV after the other things happening to my rats and doing some research, so this will be my last litter for a good long while until everyone build an immunity. I'll post some updated pics soon since this is a bit old, they have their eyes open and the rex are really soft and fluffy now :) 8786_n.jpg
12-25-11, 07:04 AM
A couple older pics that are really funny.
Paddington action shot: _n.jpg
Little John looking like a serial killer after enjoying some berries. (The entire cage was covered in berry juice looking like there was some sort of violent homicide): _n.jpg
12-25-11, 07:07 AM
And lastly a very close up pic of a tarantula molt I took to sex my cobalt. I think it's a boy if anyone is wondereing (hope the other turns out a girl!): 34_n.jpg
12-25-11, 10:01 AM
my parents were pro snake at one time when i was younger and then my little sister was born and they got rid of him and became antisnake so i was like 8 then and when i turned 13 or 14 my cousin had a full grown ball python that he needed to rehome and we didnt ask momma or deddy we just kinda showed up one day bringin the stuff into the house and ive pretty much had whatever i wanted since then...
12-25-11, 01:06 PM
^^ lol Nice one :)
My kids grew up around snakes when they were little. I was forced to rehome a couple during "the divorce". I did keep my favorite, a ball python, as I couldn't bear to part with her. I kept her hidden from the kids so they didn't inadvertently say something to their dad that I still had "dangerous animals" (the whole reason I was forced to rehome the others). I purchased an BCI rtb later. When my baby bellied up (no real clue why she passed....she just did....she had refused food for a while, which was nothing for her to do) I rehomed the rtb. I was so heartbroken I didn't want anything to do with snakes for a long time. It wasn't until this last year I bought another thing I ever did! Now my kids, who are 16 and 18, have their own bps and take very good care of them. :) Rarely do I have to remind them to clean homes. Never have to remind them to feed as they love feeding day! lol
Molson, what did you get for Christmas?
12-25-11, 01:17 PM
I saw this thread was updated on Christmas and thought this kids 'rents surprised him with a Snakey!
12-25-11, 02:00 PM
I saw this thread was updated on Christmas and thought this kids 'rents surprised him with a Snakey!
me too... I hope they did though!
12-25-11, 05:59 PM
It looks to me like someone posted pics in the wrong thread.. or did I miss something.. lol
12-25-11, 06:04 PM
It looks to me like someone posted pics in the wrong thread.. or did I miss something.. lol
I was wondering about that too?
12-26-11, 11:42 PM
ROFL!! I was wondering why my pics didn't show up in Tea's picture thread... apparently I accidentally posted them here! Doh!
12-26-11, 11:44 PM
Can a mod deleted those 3 posts or do I just leave it as is? (I'm such a dork!)
12-27-11, 12:47 PM
I got nothing I wanted for schristmas. Sometimes I think my parents don't even live with me. I got sweater (which by the way wasn't the sweater I wanted), A watch that I kinda wanted but not really, and lastly a Bean Bag chair that I didn't want but my sister did. Great Christmas!!!!! Not Really! Sorry for sounding kinda spoiled but that was almost none of the stuff I wanted.
12-27-11, 12:58 PM
Sorry to hear that. Disappointment sucks. Now be grateful you have a bloody sweater cause there are alot of people who didn't get squat. Return what you don't like and get what you want. But you better have told your parents thank you.
12-27-11, 01:03 PM
It sucks when you don't get what you want, but I always make sure I say thank you, and show that it means a lot that my parents/family got me something. I just return it later and buy something that I want. What I now do is just ask for money. Then you never have to worry about getting things that really aren't your style. :)
12-27-11, 01:05 PM
Don't worry I said thank you and I am very gratefull for the stuff I got but they should have known what I wanted because they live with me. Come on
12-27-11, 01:06 PM
And plus I tell them what I want all the time.
12-27-11, 01:09 PM
My mother never bought me what I asked for. I actually didn't get a real present foe my 16th birthday. So I do understand.
12-27-11, 01:16 PM
I wasn't asking for unreasonable presents. One of my present ideas was that they let me get a snake and I didn't need anything for christmas. Of course they say no. But I still have hope because if a person thats mom used to think snakes were evil can get oe than I think I can. Its just really hard to stay possitive.
12-27-11, 01:17 PM
I understand being disappointed. Return/exchange the sweater, give your sister the bean bag and ask your parents if you can be compensated :p
12-27-11, 01:27 PM
My sister got a bean bag chair and I don't mind the sweater its just that it wasn't the one that I actually wanted and it was the cheapest one my parents could find at the store. My parents are very cheap. Thats why I thought that the letting me get a snake for christmas would work but like every thing else it didn't. I actually am getting closer thought because now when I talk about it instead of them immediatly saying your not getting a snake, now they kinda just pretend that they can't hear me but that is good because now they are actually listening to me. Not much closer but at least a little bit of progress.
12-27-11, 01:39 PM
Well, it sounds like you're headed in the right direction. Eventually it'll work out in your favor. Stay positive!! :)
12-27-11, 01:41 PM
I dont think its fair that they wont listen to you but I also don't think what you're doing is fair either. Now in all fairness I have no idea what your family's situation is BUT it seems to me that most of your frustration is in that you simply aren't getting what you want. The wrong pet, a bean bag chair, the wrong watch the cheapest this and that
Would you really be happier if your family did everything you wanted all the time? If you ALWAYS got what you wanted would you appreciate it?
Parents make decisions sometimes it sucks but if you didn't 'hate' what they did at some point they wouldn't be parents Maybe they're being unreasonable but maybe you are too,
Be grateful you have a home and food in your stomach, that you don't have to scrounge up pennies so you can eat or work all the time just to be able to afford both heat and a place to live. Christmas is about family getting together celebrating being a family. My grandfather is 81 years old and I would trade all my animals to have him with me for another 81
Be grateful you have a home and food in your stomach, that you don't have to scrounge up pennies so you can eat or work all the time just to be able to afford both heat and a place to live. Christmas is about family getting together celebrating being a family. My grandfather is 81 years old and I would trade all my animals to have him with me for another 81
Words of wisdom...I agree 100%
12-27-11, 02:38 PM
Way better than what I said lady bug!
12-27-11, 02:40 PM
I'm with Ladybug on this one...
12-27-11, 05:59 PM
I'm a parent of two teens (16 and 18) and I agree with Lady Bug. I couldn't have said it better myself.
However, as a parent, I DO listen to what my kids ask for. But they also know that sometimes Christmas and birthdays can be hard (single parent) for me and their dad. Every since they were old enough to tell me what they wanted, I've always had a list. Either they make it themselves, or I get the one to tell on the other heehee. I always try to get 2 or 3 things on their list and get ideas from the rest of the list. However, I don't always get a chance to deliver what they want, or what they want most. But I try and they know this. But they're always grateful for whatever I get them. They know whatever I get them, I worked extra hard to get it and that means just as much to them as the gifts themselves.
I don't know you nor your situation, nor am I trying to take sides, so don't take it that way. Maybe they're "cheap" because you don't know their true financial situation. Sometimes parents only listen with half an ear or say 'no' because they're stressed financially and all they hear is "I want" which can sometimes translate into "spend money" that's hard to get the whole time they're staring at a pile of bills they have go distribute hard earned money to. Grown up life isn't as easy as it's sometimes seems. And alot of parents try to shield their children from some of the harsh realities of life.
I understand your disappointment. Even though I'm old :p I still remember how it feels to be disappointed by my own parents. I'm sorry you didn't get anything you want, Molson. There could be numerous reasons why. Be grateful you actually have parents who try. So many kids in children's home that don' many kids who have parents that don't get them anything. My boyfriend, when he was growing up, rarely got anything from his mom for birthdays or Christmas. These days are just another day to I always make sure those days are special for him now.
I don't remember your age, but I remember people suggesting a part time job. I know you don't have the transportation, but what about helping neighbors? Rake leaves, mow lawns, shovel snow, help a neighbor do some extra cleaning, an older person that may need help doing stuff they can no longer do. The pay may not be great, but it's a little something, will show dedication, determination, and desire for what you want, even if it takes a while to get it. Put a money jar in your room labeled "future snake" and start shoving every little bit of money you get and earn in it. Put it in a good place in your room where your parents can see it when they go in your room. Let them see the dedication and determination to go after what you want! Both you and your parents will learn something from it. ;)
I know it seems like it sucks right now, but I suggest you make a plan, turn it into a goal, and try your best to achieve it. You don't have to have an hourly job to make money. Side jobs sometimes will profit you more (per hour) than an hourly minimum wage job if you try.
And maybe, when your parents see how hard you're working toward your goal, they'll help you get it. Just don't brush off your chores at home to make money elsewhere. We parents don't like that lol
Keep your chin up and good luck!
12-27-11, 11:35 PM
I am very gratefull for all the stuff I have. But my parents have alot of money and both of my sisters get almost every thing they want. They are just cheap when it comes to me and almost never let me get anything. Those are alot of great words and I agree with them 100% but when my parents have the money to get stuff that is stuff I want or a little more expensive stuff and they don't spend it but they spend this money on my little sisters. Then I have a little bit of room to complain. Plus I don't want every thing. I just want a snake and some other stuff. If I got everything I wanted then I would be a spoiled brat (most likely) and would not appresiate the stuff I have and that I have a house and food that I can eat. Thanks for those words of wisdom.
12-28-11, 03:05 AM
Molson I can fully sympathize with you as my brother always got EVERYTHING he wanted, and I never got ANYTHING I wanted when we were kids. It really hurt my feelings and made me feel like they didn't pay any attention to me. Now-a-days my dad won't even talk to me but flies my brother all over the world to see him, he wouldn't even come to my wedding! My mom has started being closer with me and actually trying to get me nice gifts for holidays, if nothing else she will at least give me something I need or money, but my brother still gets everything he wants and lives off her.
There is an episode of American Dad that kinda made me feel better about this (I saw it about 2 months ago). In the episode the dad finds out that the mom's parents didn't put her in the will and only put her sister giving her everything. She was so upset, feeling like the parents were playing favorites. In the end it comes to light that the reason they did that is that they knew the dumb sister needed all the help she could get, and the character who plays the mom was fully competent to take care of herself and had a great husband also to watch over her.
That little scenario may or may not have anything to do with your or my parents intentions, but I tell you what- you will be more prepared for the real world than your sisters kiddo! You will know the value of hard work and have a chance to succeed in life. They have been spoonfed so long that when they go out into the real world they won't know how to fend for themselves. So in the end you are the winner.
12-28-11, 04:34 AM
I am very gratefull for all the stuff I have. But my parents have alot of money and both of my sisters get almost every thing they want. They are just cheap when it comes to me and almost never let me get anything. Those are alot of great words and I agree with them 100% but when my parents have the money to get stuff that is stuff I want or a little more expensive stuff and they don't spend it but they spend this money on my little sisters. Then I have a little bit of room to complain. Plus I don't want every thing. I just want a snake and some other stuff. If I got everything I wanted then I would be a spoiled brat (most likely) and would not appresiate the stuff I have and that I have a house and food that I can eat. Thanks for those words of wisdom.
I understand and it sucks feeling that way. I have an older brother that I never really knew (he didn't live with us) and my mother always compared me to him, I was never quite good enough. Favortism blows, one of the reasons I never had another kid, just my one. I know it is natural to have a favorite and I just didn't feel that it would be fair to place a child in that situation, so I still have my favorite and no one feels left out or ignored because there is only one.
I don't know your parents reasoning or thoughts behind their actions, but please keep in mind that as parents, we don't share our reasoning. It is what it is. Sometimes there are really good reasons for our actions and we do not deem it necessary to share it, sometims it is because we don't feel the need to explain ourselves and others it is because we don't think our children would understand because you scope of experiences is so limited compared to ours.
And sometimes parents are just *&^%# (insert bad word of choice).
I can only remember 2 Christmases from my childhood. The first was when I was 2 and my Teddy was under the tree with a big red bow. I love that Teddy and I still have him, his music box still works.
The second was when I was 6 or 7. My family was dirt poor and didn't have any money for Christmas, literally. My parents were going to food banks just to feed us. So my mom tells me that we are going to fill our boxes with clothes and wrap them so we have something to open on Christmas day. I remember sitting in the living room with my mom stuffing shirts and socks into boxes and wrapping them. When we were done our tree had LOTS of present under it. On Christmas day we sat on the floor and opened them all, laughing and giggling together, prancing around and pretending our clothes were more than what they were. That is the only happy memory I have. It's also one of the few memories I have of my mother being happy.
The only moral to this story is to enjoy every thing you can, no matter how small. I know it is hard to be grateful in your heart when you know it could be so much more, so much better. And there is nothing wrong with feeling that, it is a part of growing. Just remember, in 2 more years you will be a legal adult, and you will be able to make all these decisions for yourself and will no longer have to rely on the whims of your parents. I think that is what you need to focus on; providing your wants and needs yourself instead of relying on someone else. That is the greatest mark of a mature adult. Make your plan now, outline your goals and then work your butt off to make your dreams come true. In the end, it will feel a million times better than relying on someone to hand you the things you want. Plus being able to say, "No, that's ok. I worked my butt off and got it myself." feels really good!
12-28-11, 06:25 AM
Update us if you get a snake.
12-28-11, 05:25 PM
I will keep you guys posted and thank you all for the help. You really opened my eyes and I really like your idea of the future snake jar because I do lots of side jobs like Babysitting and doing stuff for neighboors. I hope this stuff works and I will be trying it. The thing is that I can't make my own choices at 18 because I will probably still be living with my parents as I do not have very much money. And there rule is as long as I live under there roof then I will be following there rules.
12-28-11, 05:38 PM
you may find that as you get older your goals will change and by the time you are 18 you may not want a snake you may want something else
Its true you have to live under your parents' rules, and Zara is right (though I dont agree that all parents of multiple children have a favourite, my parents for example) parents will do what they deem appropriate regardless of how much money they have they will do what they want
You would be amazed what your parents would do or go without for you regardless if you feel that they love you less than you may feel they love your sisters
Save your money, help out friends that have herps, or volunteer a zoo or pet store, If and when the time is right and if it is still important to you, you will have your animals. Make your own money and you can even buy whatever you want
Until then work on being a good student get that distinction your parents want you to get just for the accomplishment of getting it and stop worrying about what you dont yet have
12-28-11, 06:05 PM
Lady Bug that is good advice but not intierly true because I will not stop wanting a snake since I have litterly wanted one since I was 6. Also you say that you have to kinda just forget about it and what happens happens. That is not true because like the old saying, "If you want something badly you have to work at it." If you don't work at it and tell them stuff that is interesting to try and get them to at least deal with it then you will not get anywhere in getting the snake.
12-28-11, 06:09 PM
... the old saying, "If you want something badly you have to work at it."....
Don't forget the second part to this saying,
"Nothing worth having is ever easy."
12-28-11, 06:23 PM
If getting a snake is not feasible than but that goal on hold and work on something that will indirectly get you closer to what you want
12-28-11, 06:33 PM
If I do something that will make me closer than that will show my parents that I am not that interested in them and that I will change my mind and focus on something else. It will show that I really don't want one that bad.
12-28-11, 06:44 PM
I can go back and forth with you all night, but I wont.
The fact is like it or not you're young, you live at home, and your hands are tied. You could bring your folks the moon and if they STILL don't want to give you what you want then like it or lump it that's what it is until you move out and can do what you want you need to learn how to pick your battles, which is a big part of being an adult
and that's my 2 cents. I went on saying I didnt agree with you which I dont, I gave you alternatives which you dont like, I can understand and commend your determination but sometimes stuff just sucks and there is NOTHING you can do about it
12-28-11, 10:37 PM
I am not going to go back with you eiter but in life you are right you have to pick your battles and this battle is one i'm going to take. It is a big part of my life and I am determined. I do not pick very many battles but this is one that I am going to pick and go throught with untill I move out.
01-02-12, 09:23 PM
I want your guys opinien. My sister will be getting a Bearded Dragon and she is also getting a tank that is easiy big enough for two bearded dragons. My question is that do you think that if I get a Bearded Dragon to go with my sisters they will think that i'm giving up to quick or do you think that it will help build me up to getting a snake.
Do not keep 2 bearded dragons in the same tank!!! they are solitary reps
01-02-12, 09:26 PM
K well I still would like a Bearded Dragon and I know almost everything so if I got my own what do you think?
01-02-12, 09:26 PM
Don't house two lizards together, sometimes it can work but usually it depresses the quality of life for them.
01-02-12, 09:28 PM
K I won't that was the one thing I didn't really know but do you think it will help or show that I don't really care if I got my own in its own tank.
01-02-12, 10:41 PM
Anybody got any input on my thoughts.
01-03-12, 04:09 AM
Its hard to say as we dont know your parents. Some would say " heis showing his love of reptiles maybe he does want a snake" others would say "see i knew if we waited he would change his mind on the snake idea". :)
01-03-12, 04:41 AM
K I won't that was the one thing I didn't really know but do you think it will help or show that I don't really care if I got my own in its own tank.
I don't understand your question...what is it exactly you are asking?
01-03-12, 01:42 PM
I am asking that if I get a Bearded Dragon do you think that it will help me get a snake and show my passion towards reptiles or that they will think that I change my mind to easily and don't really care.
I am asking that if I get a Bearded Dragon do you think that it will help me get a snake and show my passion towards reptiles or that they will think that I change my mind to easily and don't really care.
Dude, nobody here knows how your parents will react. We don't know them, everyone's parents are different. i know myself if I was you age and I had this issue with my parents they would have put an end to the whole subject a long time ago. When I was younger i was upset one Christmas because i didn't get what i wanted so my parents took every gift i got, returned them then the next Christmas all I got was things i needed like a tooth brush, socks, on.
01-03-12, 01:52 PM
Brutal! But very effective I would say. Now aren't you a better person for it e
01-03-12, 01:54 PM
I guess you guys are right and even though I would like another lizard I think I will stick with the snake and try and show dedication. I am also going to try really hard in school like talking more in French because I am in French Immersion. Even if I don't get the honours with distiction I think that if I at least show that I am trying my hardest my might consider it. And if they do see that I am trying my hardest I might even have a chance to get it before the end of the year and they will just say that I have to keep it up for the rest of the year.
01-03-12, 01:59 PM
What are we right about?
Brutal! But very effective I would say. Now aren't you a better person for it e
Absolutely, my parents had a hard way of raising us but I see why they did it now.
01-03-12, 02:11 PM
That you don't know my parents and I have to know them.
01-04-12, 05:38 AM
I am asking that if I get a Bearded Dragon do you think that it will help me get a snake and show my passion towards reptiles or that they will think that I change my mind to easily and don't really care.
Speaking as a MOM, given this situation as you have stated it, I would think that you are being wishy-washy and not really sure of exactly what you want. Therefore, unable to dedicate yourself fully to the health, well being, and proper care of your pet.
I know that probably isn't what you want to hear, but that is how I would see it if my son came to me one day wanting a snake and then a few months later wanting a lizard. I would think that he just "WANTS" and doesn't really have his heart into it. If his heart isn't into it, that means he will grow tired of it and the snake/lizard/pet will then become MY responsibility...
I think your plan to work harder in school, be more dutiful and responsible at home is the best and wisest route to go. All else fails, and you still don't get the snake, you have just bettered yourself and your odds at success because you are making better grades which will get you into college with possible full scholarship rides, better career, better life, with lots of $$$ to buy as many snakes as your lil heart desires as you are an adult and fully able to care for your own needs. This is a win-win situation and by far the best way to tackle life in general.
P.S. You should always strive for honors. My son is not allowed to make anything less than a B or suffer the loss of ALL privileges. And he must make more A’s than B’s.
01-05-12, 04:33 PM
I must get honours too or I will get pretty much every thing taken away but I need Honours with Distition which is were you get 90% on everything to get a snake. And thanks Zara that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I think my parents would react the same as you. They would think that I don't really care about it that much even though I do. I will and I recently talked to my mom and she said that as long as she see's me trying hard at school like doing lots of studying and trying to speak more french in class then she will think about it seriously. Also my mid-terms/ finals are coming up soon and that will be a good time to redeem how hard I will study and if I do good on all of them that will also help my case. I can tell that my parents are actually starting to consider it seriously because they are actually having real conversations with me and listening to me when I talk about them! I know that I might need to wait till the end of the school year or even when I move out but I will keep trying hard at school and doing chores and just helping around the house.
I must get homours to but I need Honours with Distition which is were you get 90% on everything. And thanks Zara that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I think my parents would react the same as you. They would think that I don't really care about it that muc even though I do. I will and I resently talked to my mom and she said that as long as she see's me trying hard at school like doing lots of studying and trying to speak more french in class then she will think about it seriously. Also my mid-terms/ finals ar ecoming up soon and that will be a good time to redeem how hard I will studie and if I do good on all of them that will also help my case. I can tell that my parents are actually starting to consider it seriously because they are actually having real conversations with me and listening to me when I talk about them! I know that I might need to wait till the end of the school year or even when I move out but I will keep trying hard at school and doing chores and just helping round the house.
That is a very mature way of handling the situation. Good luck with your studies.
01-05-12, 04:37 PM
Thank you very much every body and if I have any thing else to say or ask about the situation I will post it on this thread. I will also keep you updated.
01-05-12, 05:09 PM
best of luck on your midterms/finals and on your dealings with your folks.
ps. blech, french.
01-05-12, 05:19 PM
I hate french. Its really anoying because if you tak english with your friends and stuff my french teacher will take of marks for not talking french.
02-22-12, 08:39 AM
Parents are effing with you. :\
Stick to your values now, have a house full of snakes later. :)
Hang in there! Keep learning about the animals, too.
02-22-12, 08:45 AM
I definitly will! Its actually funny that someone posted on this thread again because I was going to give you guys an update! The update is that it actually seems i am making progress. I have been talking about them quite abit and on Sunday I gave her some good reasons and she actually seemed to listen to me. Also when my dad was working on my room down in our basement I gave him a talk to and he said that we can talk about it when my rooms done! That is great progress with my parents!
02-22-12, 10:55 AM
I definitly will! Its actually funny that someone posted on this thread again because I was going to give you guys an update! The update is that it actually seems i am making progress. I have been talking about them quite abit and on Sunday I gave her some good reasons and she actually seemed to listen to me. Also when my dad was working on my room down in our basement I gave him a talk to and he said that we can talk about it when my rooms done! That is great progress with my parents!
glad to hear your dedication is paying off mate
cheers shaun
02-22-12, 10:58 AM
That's great news! Keep it up!! ;) :D
02-22-12, 04:31 PM
Thanks, I think if I actually get one I will probably get a corn. They said that it had to be 4 feet or less but I think that if I explain that you actually don't need as big of prey for corn snakes (If I did get one it was probably going to be a ball python) and they are easy to care for. I also did not like the look of corns that much when I got started but once looking at them after a while and doing research I actually realized some of the colours are amazing. I love the Okeetee Corn Snakes! :) I can't wait till my room is done because if I don't get a snake I can still get a lizard! I have also been using the thing that snakes are alot easier than Blue Tongued Skinks (If I didn't get a snake I woud get a Blue Tongued Skink). Plus I said that they don't need as much room and that also helped!
I hate french. Its really anoying because if you tak english with your friends and stuff my french teacher will take of marks for not talking french.
I talked to you in PM's about it, and i say stick with the snake idea. dont "cave in"
I believe you said you were 14? Keep at it, they msot likely think "oh he just wants one now and in a year or two he'll get bored with it and we'll be stuck taking care of a stupid snake"
as for the french immersion, i was forced into a spanish immersion class, I have a hearing disability called phonemic processing disorder, basically i hear words as "sounds" rather than full words in certain situations.
so, say, two people are talking at the same time (professor is talking while some stupid.. not nice person.. is chatting up her friend behind me in lecture) i wont hear either of them, normally people can "focus" on the professor, and the people talking don't distract you or sound as loud, but the combination of sounds are processed together in my brain and literally sound like nonsense to me, even if one person is a good deal louder than another. It makes parties or social events rather difficult for me.
Anyway, so if i don't KNOW a word, its even harder because I cant think extra hard to go "oh its probably hello because taco makes no sense in this situation" therefore when learning spanish, which has many similar sounds/words as english it became EXTREMELY confusing (and what drove me to get testing and found out i had this issue)
So my teacher was as "annoying" as yours, so what I did was i learned german (i know counter intuitive but hear me out) and every time he got mad at me for speaking english, he would usually say "You need to be speaking spanish" (IN ENGLISH) so i would reply "Aber Lehrer, sind Sie nicht die falsche Sprache sprechen als auch?!" <-- forgive my poor grammer if you know german, its been a while lol!)
(basically, "But teacher, are you not speaking the wrong language as well?")
you should try that, a *real* language teacher should be happy you are trying to learn other languages, if not, it'll still be funny :o
02-22-12, 10:54 PM
you should try that, a *real* language teacher should be happy you are trying to learn other languages, if not, it'll still be funny
I like it!
oh she just wants one now and in a year or two she'll get bored with it and we'll be stuck taking care of a stupid snake"
Actually he and yes I have been working at it for a long time and I think I actually proved that part to them.
I like it!
Actually he and yes I have been working at it for a long time and I think I actually proved that part to them.
Woopsie Poopsie, I edited it for a more testosterone-based persuasion
02-23-12, 11:21 AM
I definitly will! Its actually funny that someone posted on this thread again because I was going to give you guys an update! The update is that it actually seems i am making progress. I have been talking about them quite abit and on Sunday I gave her some good reasons and she actually seemed to listen to me. Also when my dad was working on my room down in our basement I gave him a talk to and he said that we can talk about it when my rooms done! That is great progress with my parents!
I'm rooting for you. :) Don't let the battle get to you! Keep a cool and collected scientific head. ;D
02-23-12, 04:25 PM
Thanks everybody. Hopefully I will have them convinced by like May because thats when the reptile show is here. Then I can look at all the different corns and just pick the one that is the nicest.
02-23-12, 04:31 PM
Thanks everybody. Hopefully I will have them convinced by like May because thats when the reptile show is here. Then I can look at all the different corns and just pick the one that is the nicest.
That's awesome. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!! Hopefully they'll go to the reptile show with you and maybe they'll be convinced on the spot :D
02-23-12, 04:34 PM
Oh I got that covered all ready! They will be coming to this show whether they like it or not. Mwhahahahahahahahahaha! :) They already made me miss 2 of them because of my sisters ringette so this time its not going to happen! JK. (They promised me we could go to this one because I have not been to one yet because of the above!)
03-08-12, 10:37 PM
Figured I'd ask here....
How's it going with convincing your parents to let you have a snake? I've seen a thread about you looking into tanks etc, and talking about getting a corn soon... Does that mean your parents are finally on board?? I hope so! :)
03-08-12, 10:41 PM
It's going really well! I am not positive that they will let me but I try to be a positive as possible. I going to get the tank early then when the show comes up I can ask for it (if they don't actually confirm it by then!) If I don't get the snake at the show then I still have the tank to get it the next time I go to a show!
03-08-12, 10:47 PM
Sounds like a great plan :) Good luck!! Keep up the good work and they'll come around to the idea in no time ;) When's the show?
03-08-12, 10:49 PM
The show is May 5-6 so I still have some time to convince, find a tank, etc.....
03-08-12, 10:49 PM
The show is May 5-6 so I still have some time to convince, find a tank, etc.....
That's soon! Fingers crossed for ya! ;)
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