View Full Version : Feeding Question

01-10-03, 11:25 AM
As I've stated before I keep my 8 month old BP in a 25 Gallon Long Tank with a Hide, Water, etc... I will be feeding him for the first time this weekend. I have another 20 Gallon tank and I was wondering should I put him in there to feed? I've heard it is good to do this on several levels. If this is true how long should I leave him in there after he's eaten till I return him to his "Regular" Housing? I don't want any regurgitation or getting bit myself!

What all should the Feeding tank have in it besides substrate as well also? I figured really nothing since all I want him to do is eat?

01-10-03, 11:34 AM
I feed all my snakes in smaller rubbermaids. I do not give them lots of room in the feeding enclosure. This makes sure they will eat and not get bored and go hide in another corner, leaving the food.

I leave mine in just long enough to eat and about 5 minutes after they can close there mouth I gently move them back to there cage. Be gentle and use both hands for support.

If they do not eat I usually put the lid on and leave them overnight with the food and it is usually gone in the morning.

No substrate, or just a paper towel.

That is how I do it.

Hope it helps:o

01-10-03, 12:47 PM
So you would leave the snake and prey in overnight sometimes in the Rubbermaid if uneaten? Do you have the Rubbermaid Heated? If so with what? That sounds like a good idea! Thanks.
You pre kill your prey right?

01-10-03, 01:06 PM
Yes I feed F/T

I heat the rubbermaids with a human heat pad set to LOW. Covering only part of the rubbermaid. I can usually fit 2 or 3 rubbermaids on one heat pad.

Hope this helps

01-10-03, 08:24 PM
I feed all my animals in their enclosure (except for one that refuses to eat in it :p). At one point when my collection was alot smaller I used to remove them for feeding. I have not noticed any behavioural differences in my animals from being fed in their enclosures instead of being removed. I believe that removing them causes unecessary stress to their systems. Also, when you are dealing with larger animals it becomes a very big safety hazard for the keeper to be handling them around feeding time. When you have many animals it is inefficient to remove them for feeding. If you do choose to remove your animals from their enclosure, I would suggest waiting at least 15 minutes. You automatically run a risk of regurgiation by handling the animal, even if you wait longer, and you can still get bit. I have one snake that stays in feeding mode for at least 24 hours after each meal and strikes at everything around her enclosure for that period of time. Anyhoo, hope this helped. Hood luck with your ball ;)