View Full Version : computer crashed, I lost EVERYTHING

12-03-11, 11:43 AM
the hard drive on my computer totally crashed, everything is unrecoverable. I lost everything. All my feed/shed records, breeding plans, my rabbit, rat, mouse, snake records!!:unhappy:

It sucks!! because I lost the rabbit breeding records, I was unprepared for the nesting box and woke up this morning to an entire litter of show rabbit pinks dead.:hmm:

it is gonna take forever to redo all my records and obviously what's gone is gone and I'll never get it back. Boggles my mind on how much I have actually lost, information wise:wacky:


12-03-11, 11:58 AM
sorry to hear this mate :no:

cheers shaun

12-03-11, 02:56 PM
<tosses Snakefood a MacBook> There, that'll solve your problems. I got tired of that same issue (and many others) and made the switch 4 years ago - haven't looked back and haven't had a single problem since. Food for thought :)

If you have the coin, take your dead drives somewhere and they can recover the data, but it ain't cheap and less reputable folk may snag some of the other info on there, so you do have to be careful, but just remember - nothing on a computer is ever *really* lost ;)

Oh yeah, might wanna think about getting an external drive to backup your files once you rebuild or recuperate the originals. It can be a huge relief to have a backup when this happens, but I think you know that now, lol.

12-03-11, 03:03 PM
ahh, too late this time, my computer is still under warranty, so they sent me a new harddrive to install (hence me being back online!) but I had to ship them back the old one or they would charge my CC for the new one. We already sent it out!!

It won't happen again, I will keep my important records backed up on an external harddrive too!!

Would LOVE a Macbook, however, we have JUST gotten back on our feet after hubby's car accident, and X-mas is coming!! I have already given hubby the "want" list and it's a list of 2 snakes!!

12-03-11, 03:42 PM
Sucks, glad you are still under warranty! I use a Western Digital 1TB external. I have all 5 of my PC's backed up on it and all important files I save directly to it. I love it. It has saved my butt more times than I can count!

12-03-11, 03:53 PM
What kind of drive was it?

If it was hardware related failure sometimes your screwed, sometimes you can actually put them in a freezer for 10-15 minutes and they will work once plugged in long enough to get some stuff off.

I have also had a drive fail and set up up on another computer as a slave drive and was able to go into it and pull everything I needed.

And then sometimes, you just lose everything lol.

12-03-11, 04:29 PM
yes, unfortunately since I already sent the original drive back to HP, I have lost everything even if it could have been recovered.

But, silver lining, I've learned my lesson, I now have an external harddrive that I save my important info to directly now, and once I get my records done again, I will do the same for them.

The worst loss was the pics, I hadn't backed up the last 3 months of pics, of my son, of my geriatric dog, of my 92 (almost) year old gramma. Those are gone, but mamma will send me hers of the same events, so I will have something of those 3 months.

So I was a putz for not saving the important stuff onto external drives and devices, but I do now;)

12-03-11, 07:04 PM
Yea, its a good idea to have an external HDD, but mine has failed before. I keep all my media like pictures, stuff I can't get back on cd-r's as well as on my external. I have been thinking about getting a RAID setup for my pc for all the other stuff like games. I have a lot of digital copies of stuff and if I lose my hard drive I'll have to download GIGs of data to get my pc back to the game box it is currently haha.

This christmas I'm asking for a Solid State Drive and one more matching 500GB HDD to use a simple RAID setup.

12-03-11, 07:37 PM
<tosses Snakefood a MacBook> There, that'll solve your problems. I got tired of that same issue (and many others) and made the switch 4 years ago - haven't looked back and haven't had a single problem since. Food for thought :)

If you have the coin, take your dead drives somewhere and they can recover the data, but it ain't cheap and less reputable folk may snag some of the other info on there, so you do have to be careful, but just remember - nothing on a computer is ever *really* lost ;)

Oh yeah, might wanna think about getting an external drive to backup your files once you rebuild or recuperate the originals. It can be a huge relief to have a backup when this happens, but I think you know that now, lol.

if you're unable to operate a windows computer without it crashing for extended periods of time maybe you shouldn't have a computer at all. Also if you think MACs are un-crashable you need a reality check. One of my biggest pet peeves is people that think MACs are god's gift to computer illiterate people. They're not, caution and intelligence is.

OP, sorry for the loss of your records and your baby rabbits. Some retic or boa owner is gonna be happy though.

12-03-11, 07:43 PM
They're not, caution and intelligence is.

Haha "Stop clicking on popups/downloading things from random places."

12-03-11, 07:48 PM
Omg! 1000th visitor! Claiming my prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-03-11, 08:56 PM
SEEEE and steph thinks I'm crazy for wanting to buy individual notebook and write everything down on paper...

12-03-11, 11:27 PM
ya , I already have a customer to buy my pinkie rabbits!! But these were my SHOW rabbits, they would have been beautiful calico Rex's:(