View Full Version : So I got a Rosy Boa...
12-02-11, 09:35 PM
Dropped by to let you guys know...I got a Rosy Boa! It's been a few months since I was researching snakes and stuff. Anyway, he's a male, his name is Boaz and he's approximately three years old.
Anyway, I already had hides, artificial plants, a lid...I found a 20 gal tank in the classifieds really cheap, and the lid fits! Bought a UTH and thermostat.
SO excited to hold him again! He was soo gentle when I first got him and put him in his tank. Only thing is he is in brumation right now :pissedoff: ...SIGH...but that's normal for rosys this time of year. Anyway, I can't hold him 'till that's over...he is at a good weight for brumating. Hope he will come out nice and hungry! (I'm doing a 6 week brumation, I'm not breeding him so I doubt he will need more than that?)
If you're wondering about the financial aspect (mentioned in another thread), everything is okay now.
PS: I have found a place to get mice nearby at a store that I didn't know sold them!!
From the day I got him before putting him in his tank I snapped some pics:
CK SandBoas
12-02-11, 09:43 PM
Congrats on the new Rosy!! He's a handsome fella:D
12-02-11, 09:47 PM
Thanks! I think so too :)
12-02-11, 09:58 PM
Congrats! :)
12-02-11, 11:54 PM
Sweet snake! We are supposed to have those here in Montana but i have never actually come across one while herping. Well anyways congratulations on the new family member!
12-03-11, 02:45 AM
Congrats, cute little face on that fellow.
12-03-11, 06:25 AM
Nice. I like Rosy Boas and you don't see enough of them up here :)
12-03-11, 08:42 AM
Congrats on the pick up. I like the colors on him.
12-03-11, 08:01 PM
Thanks! Can't WAIT to hold him :D I'm gettin all antsy...
12-03-11, 08:15 PM
Hey nice Rosy!! I think its a Harquahala Mountain Rosy Boa btw :D check out and look at there localities of rosys. I am so jelous of you! I want Harquahlas!! Trade you some mexican rosys :D j/k.
I have a question for you, why brumate if your not breeding? They don't need to brumate as far as I know if you don't want good chances for breeding. I have 8 rosys myself, they are awesome snakes. I like them much more than ball pythons. They have a great feeding response, unless they are in shed of course.
12-03-11, 08:25 PM
You never brumate your rosys? Everyone on told me you have to brumate them because they will not eat until they have a "cool off".
12-03-11, 08:45 PM
No I haven't. Not an expert by any means though. Ours are sub adults varying in size from 121 (our male Ortiz) to 204 (female Anza borrego). We keep ours at 82 and offer water for 2 days once a week and are about to start feeding them pinky rats instead of multi fuzzy mice. Other than the Ortiz being a little flighty feeding wise compared to the others I don't think I could feed these things enough, there little pigs! Maybe brumation applies to adult rosys? thanks for the site btw Ima check it out!
12-03-11, 08:50 PM
ok. My problem was he wasn't eating, and everyone told me to brumate him :/
Some even said he would die if he didn't brumate, because it happened before to them. Apparently they expect cold weather because of the time of year and they will just stop eating until they get a "cold spell".
Anyways, yeah I was thinking he looked like the Harquahala's...he was $150 I hope that was a good price. :)
12-03-11, 08:54 PM
I was scared because a Rosy Boa owner said he had one die because he refused to brumate it even though that's what it was trying to do. It just would not eat and when he finally decided to brumate it was too thin and didn't make it don't think I need to brumate Boaz? Should I bring him out sooner or will that mess him up?
oops double post. i thuoght it didn't submit the first one!
12-03-11, 09:01 PM
Well for a Rosy in Canada I'd say its prolly a good price since everything is more up there. How old or big is yours? VMS has there's starting at $100. I was at a show in Denver and noticed a guy had the hugest rosy I'd ever seen and I said nice Borrego and he said I don't know what it is I just want to sell it.... bugged the crap outta me.
12-03-11, 09:03 PM
I'd say listen to those ppl on the other site, I am sure they know what they are talking about.
Also when mine stop eating all of a sudden I have an idea what to do now thanks :D
12-03-11, 09:06 PM
yeah...Rosys are SOO hard to find here!!!!! Next to impossible. Nobody anywhere even knows what they are!
Anyway, Boaz is between 2 and 3 years, apparently. He is about 27 inches long. I bought him from a pet store - one of the only pet stores I know of around here that actually care for their animals well. They do reptile rescues, etc. Apparently the owner used to take Boaz to schools because he was so gentle the kids could hold him.
12-03-11, 09:14 PM
Thats very cool! I wonder where the old owner got him? so its an adult then, has "he" been sexed? if so when your ready you should see how to import a lady friend for him and you could be Mr. Rosy seller in Canada!
So I am sure this site ( is a great resource but I gotta say I can't stand indexing posts where you have to click on them to read them and it seems you have to pay a membership to see the classifieds?
12-03-11, 09:15 PM
Or Mrs. Rosy seller in Canada! LOL...I don't really have the room in this little apartment for breeding though.
12-03-11, 09:26 PM
AND I need photos of your Rosys. stat.
12-03-11, 11:02 PM
Sorry for the delay, I was forced into hard labor helping my wife hang xmas tree ornaments.
Male Ortiz
Female Ortiz
Male Pioneertown
Female Pioneertown
EEEKKKK, they are hungry lol
Female Pioneertown again
Male hypo Anza Borrego
Female hypo
12-03-11, 11:07 PM
Male Anza Borrego
Female Borrego
12-03-11, 11:13 PM
I see a little boa poo...
12-03-11, 11:26 PM
Yup, tomorrow is spot cleaning and feeding day!!
12-04-11, 12:01 AM
I know reptilia in vaughan had a rosy boa that came in... Not sure if it's still there though
12-04-11, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the photos! Great snakes there! Don't see enough Rosys around.
Cool, congratulations!
I've not really looked at pics of rosies before. They're very cute. :)
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