View Full Version : Is this for real?

12-01-11, 07:52 PM
Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150490942726119.439631.545041118&type=1)

Hope you call can see this, I don't know what to make of it. That's a big rattler if its true.

12-01-11, 08:01 PM
Camera trick I bet.
Get a long pole and point it somewhat towards the camera and it'll look bigger than it is :)
Notice how the person holding the pole is in neither of the pictures for comparison.

12-01-11, 08:04 PM
Once again, the simplest camera illusion of all time, The snake is substantially closer to the camera than the man behind it.

Imagine this, a rooftop with a jumbo jet in the air behind it, We all know the Jet is far bigger than the rooftop, but since it's further away, it looks small in comparison.

I will find my buddies "monster garter snake" picture, he is holding it out on a snake hook, it looks like it's seven feet long.

12-01-11, 08:05 PM
Vaguely true.

This tale is fiction.

A public information officer with the St. Johns County Sheriff's department told TruthOrFiction.com that there was an incident involving a large Eastern diamondback rattlesnake in July 2009 but the snake was 7'3" in length.
The photos, taken by an unidentified civilian, were an unintentional trick of camera perspective.

The captured snake was closer to the photographer than the law enforcement officer shown in the background. This made the venomous reptile appear larger than life.
15 Foot Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Caught in Florida-Fiction! (http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/StJohn-Rattlesnake.htm)

12-01-11, 08:12 PM
trick of the camera, not even a good attempt either.
that's not a 6 inch blade either, 3 inches would be stretching it, probably 2.

12-01-11, 08:25 PM
Bingo Kyle! I like blades and that on looks hokey to me. If that blades was 6 inches than that handle is massive.

12-01-11, 08:53 PM
I was going to guess 8 feet...and totally a camera trick.
Someone is exaggerating. I almost stepped on an 8 foot rattler when i was a kid. Walked around the truck and there it was...if the dog hadn't been barking at it, I would have kept walking right onto it! Parent's flipped out. I think my grandpa came and killed it with a shovel, and my dad had the skin on the wall in the garage for years.

I wouldn't kill a rattler if i saw it these days, though. But, i might encourage it off somewhere and away from my dog. *lol* Can't blame the family for freaking out. I think that's one of the only times i've actually seen a while snake!

12-02-11, 07:35 AM
Vaguely true.

15 Foot Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Caught in Florida-Fiction! (http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/StJohn-Rattlesnake.htm)

:O Look that snake is bigger than that house ...

12-02-11, 08:08 AM
:O Look that snake is bigger than that house ...

.....hahahahahaha :D :p

12-02-11, 09:57 AM
That's an old one- it was proven to be camera trickery years ago. I believe the snake was, in actuality, around 7 feet long.

12-02-11, 01:06 PM
That's an old one- it was proven to be camera trickery years ago. I believe the snake was, in actuality, around 7 feet long.

I think you're thinking of the other one that appears to have its head almost completely ripped off.