View Full Version : Tank size

11-30-11, 12:53 AM
Hi i would like to ask, will my tank:
24" X 18" X 18"
Be large enough for my male ball python, when he is an adult?
Currently he is 24" long and it seems just fine for him..

Additionally, I would like to know, what size hide will be required for an adult male ball python?

Please keep in mind for the hides, i have this terrarium in my bedroom and i would like it to look attractive. Therefore, i am not open to the idea of using plastic containers as hides. If there is an exo-terra product (like one of those caves they sell) that would be suitable for an adult male python, please just let me know.. and possibly show me a link to where i can buy one.
I would like to get all the extra stuff ready for when i will inevitably need it, when my snake grows bigger.


11-30-11, 02:23 AM
depends on how long he gets, but that won't be anywhere close to big enough.
well... close, but not big enough. 24x24 at minimum, but a 24x30 or 36x18 would probably be best
edit: I wouldn't get an exo terra, they're not exactly the greatest for snakes, they look great, but not the best. What do you have in mind for budget? I'm assuming you want something that you can display him in right?

11-30-11, 06:53 AM
My adult male ball python lives in a 36x18x18 at the moment, and he won't need anything bigger than that. Depending on your budget, you can get a really nice cage for him.

11-30-11, 08:37 AM
I have my BP in a 48x24x18 vivarium which should do him for life. I personally would get either a plastic or wooden vivarium as they are better/easier to maintain humidity than exo terras that i believe (please correct me if wrong) have a screen top?

11-30-11, 08:47 AM
Hi i would like to ask, will my tank:
24" X 18" X 18"
Be large enough for my male ball python, when he is an adult?
Currently he is 24" long and it seems just fine for him..

Additionally, I would like to know, what size hide will be required for an adult male ball python?

Please keep in mind for the hides, i have this terrarium in my bedroom and i would like it to look attractive. Therefore, i am not open to the idea of using plastic containers as hides. If there is an exo-terra product (like one of those caves they sell) that would be suitable for an adult male python, please just let me know.. and possibly show me a link to where i can buy one.
I would like to get all the extra stuff ready for when i will inevitably need it, when my snake grows bigger.


It seems like you have already purchased that tank. For now, that tank should work fine, but eventually you will want to upgrade. As for hides, the only two requirements are: 1) you need to buy two identical hides, 2) they need to fit snugly around your snake so he feels secure. Dont buy half logs even though they look nice, most petco's and petsmart's have decent hides available. Just make sure it only has one opening. Let us know if you have more questions

11-30-11, 10:51 AM
It seems like you have already purchased that tank. For now, that tank should work fine, but eventually you will want to upgrade. As for hides, the only two requirements are: 1) you need to buy two identical hides, 2) they need to fit snugly around your snake so he feels secure. Dont buy half logs even though they look nice, most petco's and petsmart's have decent hides available. Just make sure it only has one opening. Let us know if you have more questions

Both my ball pythons have half logs as hides and they don't have a problem with it. I just put one of the half log's entrances against the wall of the enclosure. Both of mine are calm and confident, so I don't see a problem with half logs. But I can understand that a hide that only has one entrance might make some more nervous snakes feel more secure.

11-30-11, 11:07 AM
Both my ball pythons have half logs as hides and they don't have a problem with it. I just put one of the half log's entrances against the wall of the enclosure. Both of mine are calm and confident, so I don't see a problem with half logs. But I can understand that a hide that only has one entrance might make some more nervous snakes feel more secure.

Youre right alessia. In the wild, ball pythons dont necessarily have "hides with only one entrance" so it could definitely do just fine with a half log as a hide. I'm just saying from what I've heard from a lot of breeders and experienced herpers is that half logs are not the BEST hides, although of course they will work. Since we are keeping our snakes in a captive environment, why not give them the best possible setups? :p Not trying to disprove you at all but just bringing up some discussion :D

11-30-11, 12:11 PM
The 4' BP I had used the largest cave my local pet store sold. Now she would lift it up when she was in it but she preferred it to the larger plastic Guinea pig hides I switched her too.

11-30-11, 12:59 PM
I have heard about the identical hides thing too and recommend it if your bringing home a baby snake not used to the world yet. It makes the snake choose a hide to thermoregulate instead of choosing what it likes best.

However I never had identical hides with mine and he is super friendly. In his old tank his half log was his favorite, in his new one his tree is. The thing is both were on the cool side. My hot side temps are just fine he just likes being on the cold side more often.

Honestly people will say too big is just as bad as too small when it comes to tank size but I'd rather get a big tank and fill it with a lot of ground cover so the snake can get some exercise and stretch out if he'd like. You just have to make them feel secure.

Look on craigslist, a friend got a free 30gallon tank to put his baby in and it's fine for him. I just founf a nice 55gal with a stand and a bunch of extra lighting/heat mats for $100 and was able to haggle it for $80. If you start looking now and make a Looking For post you could possibly find his next home for free. People give away leaky fish tanks all the time. Just make a restrictive lid for it so heat/humidity don't get out and your all set.

11-30-11, 01:01 PM
well, hopefully my tank can be OK for my snake for maybe 2 year. After that i will be able to build a wooden vivarium with my dad or buy a large sized tank.. Thanks for the points

11-30-11, 01:06 PM
I've read it's good to go by 1.5x your snakes length for the width of your cage. Once they've grown that much you should be searching for a new cage. They really are not that expensive, in 2 years he will definitely out grow it.

Mine has grown like a weed going from 18-20" in july when I got him to almost 3 feet now at the end of November.

11-30-11, 01:12 PM
i could get a new tank at christmas probably.. the problem is that my stand is 24 inches wide.. so if i get a 36" tank, i will not be able to place my UTH on the end of the tank.. how can i resolve this?

11-30-11, 01:18 PM
Is it 24" wide or long??

My bp outgrew his 20gal in a year.

11-30-11, 01:19 PM
You could use risers on the bottom of the tank and just put it on a table/dresser top. Or if you find a tank with a stand included that'd be nice. A little sandpaper and paint and anything can look nice again as long as it's not too busted up.

I think he is saying 24" long, 18" deep, 18" high

11-30-11, 01:22 PM
well then I guess i'll look into this when i have some money for it. hopefully around chirstmas

11-30-11, 02:27 PM
Ok so I spoke to my dad and i might build a new stand with him this weekend that will be a good size for a tank that is 36L x 18W X ??height.

So i have a few questions..

Firstly, what type of aquarium/terrarium should i look at?
I want this for display purposes in my bedroom, so i wont use plastic containers.

I already have all the stuff for my snake in his current tank (an exo terra 24x18x18) but with this next size up, i may need a new UTH cable or mat.. not a big deal.

Anyways if anyone with a similar size configuration could tell me a proper height and What size heating things will be needed. Also brand names or types of stores to buy a terrarium would also be helpful for me. Ideally, i'd like to spend as little as possible, but I do want to make sure i can get a secure lid that is also easy to open and get into.


11-30-11, 03:40 PM
Why not just build your own cage? It's the cheapest way and it'll be custom made the way you like it. As far as height, my BPs enclosure is 18" tall but he only uses the bottom 12" of it. If you want some ideas, check out Animal Plastics and Boaphile Plastics and the sizes they use. As for heat, ppl use different options. I use a heat mat on a thermostat and it provides the temp ranges just fine, so long as the heat mat is the right size.

11-30-11, 03:48 PM
here is a picture of my current enclosure taken today, please let me know if i urgently need a new tank or if my python will be OK in this one for at least a few months..

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/393426_10150398091989930_514904929_8379028_1557447 782_n.jpg

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/393426_10150398091989930_514904929_8379028_1557447 782_n.jpg

11-30-11, 03:50 PM
What are the details... heat gradient, ambient air temp, humidity?

This will determine more if it is ok for a few months rather than the looks of it...

11-30-11, 04:23 PM
cold side 73-75F
warm side 84-88F surface temp
inside warm hide 93F directly on glass (also this is not allowed to go higher by my thermostat) and like 88-90F on the surface inside that hide.
Humidity usually 51-55%

im just mostly concerned about the size being possibly too small for him because i thought it was ok but some people disagree

11-30-11, 04:27 PM
As long as you can keep his temps and humidity good he should be fine in there for a little while. The main issue with a small enclosure is getting a good heat gradient.

11-30-11, 04:28 PM
Size is OK for now. I'd bring your warm side up a bit on the surface he's on. I keep my humidity around 60%. For a few months he should be OK in there but you'll be surprised how quickly they grow!! :)

11-30-11, 04:34 PM
im already surprised at his growth only had him for like 6-7 weeks, its awesome.