View Full Version : "I don't want crickets, what do you have?"

11-29-11, 11:46 AM
All out of large crickets this week so I am feeding tons of small guys to my Sav. I wen't in to feed him round 2 for the day and thought I would try to get a video of him so I could show my boss how cool he is. (the guys I work with think I am nuts for keeping reptiles...i think they are just jealous :) ). I guess he wasn't overly hungry because he seemed more interested in the camera than with the crickets. Towards the end you can see how he lets me "pet" him. This is as far as we have gotten but I think it is great considering I didn't even see him for at least a week when I first got him. Unfortunatley my memory card ran out of space so it cuts off, but he is okay with touching him as long as it is when he is eating or has food around him. just after it cut out he looked up at me with my finger on his back kinda like "do you mind???) No hissing or puffing just a death stare :)


p.s. I know his cage is small, his new one is being primed, sealed and water proofed. I took pictures of the process so when it is all done i will make a thread. Going to be 10ft long, 5ft high, 4ft deep.

11-29-11, 11:55 AM
I for one am very impressed with the cage....

Now, go buy a tub of night crawlers, Bait shops have them, and sporting goods stores have them.

Savs do love worms. :)

11-29-11, 12:03 PM
Oh I have a Rubbermaid tub with at least 100-150 night crawlers in it. The thing is my boyfriend had originally got the Sav for himself but due to work schedule's I have been the one to do most of the work with him, not that I mind. With that being said he has really taken to me and not Al. I save the worms for him to tong feed him to help with the trusting issue. He does also have free roaming worms throughout his tank that he digs up at eats at his leisure.

11-29-11, 01:13 PM
aww I love Savs so cool looking

great vid.

11-29-11, 01:58 PM
Haha I love it when they go up on 2 legs :)
Awesome varanid.

11-29-11, 02:56 PM
Awwe He is so cute! I love how he is so curious about the camera. He is photogenic! <3

11-29-11, 03:27 PM
aww he's so cute! I love it when he stands up on his back legs! :D

11-29-11, 07:04 PM
Awesome healthy sav :)

11-29-11, 07:45 PM
Thanks everyone, I love him sooo much I just want to eat him :) He loves standing up on his hind legs. His cage opens from the top so every time I start to open it up he stands right up waiting for his treats :)

11-29-11, 08:29 PM
grr... wish I could watch the video at work.