View Full Version : Hows This for a Tame Baby Mack?

11-26-11, 09:27 AM
Just thought Id share this pic of Guinevere with you.

11-26-11, 11:43 AM
Cool looking snake. Is a tame one unusual? I'm not familiar with them.

11-26-11, 12:45 PM
Yeah they are real tame :D


11-26-11, 02:58 PM
Cute! How big do macklots get?

11-26-11, 09:55 PM
Adult macklots are very tame but the babies are usually bitey. Thats why I posted that pic because mine are not.

Cute! How big do macklots get?

Macklots are long and slender like a carpet. They usually get to be about 8-10'

11-28-11, 11:02 AM
Adult macklots are very tame but the babies are usually bitey. Thats why I posted that pic because mine are not.

Macklots are long and slender like a carpet. They usually get to be about 8-10'

8 - 10ft ??

Adult Macklots are NOT 'very tame', some are, but a LOT aren't.

you are looking at an average size of 6ft for males and 7ft for females.

11-28-11, 11:40 AM
I know of one that is not tame due to the fact that she was not handled frequently. She strikes the tub repeatedly even if all youre doing is walking by. I have two of her clutchmates with me. They were and continue to be handled frequently and as a result are dog tame. They are '09s that I picked up last year. They were bitey then but are not now just as my current babies are dog tame. To each his own and if your experience is different than that, I understand where youre coming from but as for me this is the experience I have had with my macklot's. I have found that the key to having tame macks is to handle them frequently especially when they are babies.

As far as size is concerned, yes, the avg size is 6'-7' but it is possible to get over 8'. The '09s that I have are pushing 5' now and theyre only 2 1/2 yrs old. Btw, their clutchmate that strikes the cage is only 2/3 that size. Idk what hes doing different than me but its having an effect on not only her temperment but size as well.

Care for Macklots Python Snakes | eHow.com (http://www.ehow.com/way_5891034_care-macklots-python-snakes.html)

11-28-11, 12:18 PM
This is an example of a 9' Mack


And this is an example of one just under 10'


This is an example of Vanessa, my '09 female, sitting on my shoulder being chill as she always is.

11-28-11, 02:38 PM
these are extremes though.

11-28-11, 02:47 PM
Ive already said that the avg size is 6'-7' and I do admit to being wrong about the usual size being over 8', however it is possible to get to that size.

This is Merlin, my '09 male. I know baby macks are bitey and that makes my pair of babies exceptional but are both my '09s extreme exceptions as well and what caused them to be so tame?

12-04-11, 03:47 PM
I thought I would make this thread complete w/a couple of pics of Lancelot, my male baby mack.

Also, the 3rd pic I couldnt resist of Guinevere chillin' in my hand.

12-15-11, 05:29 PM
Ok I couldnt resist a couple of more pics of Guinevere. She was just chill and still, resting in the palm of my hand.

02-04-12, 02:22 PM
Ok one more of Vanessa chillin in my sleeve

CK SandBoas
02-04-12, 02:41 PM
Ok one more of Vanessa chillin in my sleeve

I love this pic!! My Kenyans love to chill in my sleeves as well, especially if i have a fuzzy sweatshirt on.:D

02-04-12, 03:13 PM
I love macklots. I miss having my brother's around. His was cage aggressive, but once you got him out he was fine. His was on the large size, too, although we never formally measured him.

02-04-12, 03:18 PM
Aproximately how large was he? I know of a personal friend of mine with one thats 10'.

02-04-12, 03:43 PM
I'd guess eight feet, last time I saw him. I can ask my brother to measure him.

02-04-12, 07:33 PM
Yeah thats a pretty good size Mack. Merlin is well over 5' now and Vanessa is pushing 5' as well and they're only '09s so they're well on their way to that themselves.

02-04-12, 08:46 PM
This is an example of a 9' Mack


And this is an example of one just under 10'


thats an extremely big macklots mate,chunky with it

all the macklots i've seen,have been evil,clever snakes

cheers shaun

02-04-12, 08:50 PM
All the macks I've seen have been nippy babies and yearlings. I would love to see a 10 ft one, I've always liked them for some reason.

02-04-12, 09:14 PM
All the macks I've seen have been nippy babies and yearlings. I would love to see a 10 ft one, I've always liked them for some reason.
Youre right. Babies and yearlings are usually nippy but as you can see from the pics earlier in the thread, Ive been able to tame mine down fairly quickly. They dont even flinch when I pull them out to handle them.

The attached image is what was originally posted as the example of a 10' Macklots.

02-04-12, 09:16 PM
thats an extremely big macklots mate,chunky with it

all the macklots i've seen,have been evil,clever snakes

cheers shaun
Yeah thats why Im so happy with mine as they are dog tame.

03-10-12, 06:28 AM
Another pic of Guinevere. Shes always so curious. :)

03-10-12, 06:30 AM
Man she is beautiful.

03-13-12, 11:14 PM
Ill second that!

03-16-12, 04:06 PM
Thank you. She is sweet like all my Macks.

03-16-12, 04:44 PM
Ok on the same note, I took a couple more pics of Lancelot while hes out. :)