View Full Version : Having a bad shed

snake man12
11-25-11, 11:52 AM
My dumerils Manson is having a bad shed:(. The humidity is 65 percent witch I know is high because dumerils live in relativity dry climates. But whats weird is i was gently stroking done his back and the shed started to loosen and come off. It's like he doesn't feel like shedding

11-26-11, 01:15 AM
I don't think its necessarily a bad shed, just he's really close to shedding and when you stroked his back it started coming off. Leave him be and see he gets it off on his own. Next few days wouldn't surprise me.

11-27-11, 12:56 AM
I don't think its necessarily a bad shed, just he's really close to shedding and when you stroked his back it started coming off. Leave him be and see he gets it off on his own. Next few days wouldn't surprise me.


i'd leave him to do it on his own

cheers shaun

11-27-11, 02:13 AM
That's not too high a humidity for a -shed-. I always up the humidity for my dums when they're shedding, to about 75-80 and they have both shed nice and clean. Normally i keep them drier. In fact my female will actually just got chill in her water dish. So more humdity can't hurt!

11-27-11, 08:58 AM
Yeah, I mist to bump the humidity up during shed times. You just don't want it constantly too high because you don't want old, fungus, mildew, etc.

snake man12
11-27-11, 09:48 AM
He finally shed it was mostly one piece. I made sure the eye caps came off. The only thing that didn't shed was a few belly scales witch I got off

11-27-11, 05:53 PM
Good! Poor lil guy. Don't be afraid to up the humidity during a shed. Low hum is good the rest of the time :)