View Full Version : Identify the frog!

11-20-11, 09:44 PM
My dad took this photo just a few minutes ago of a little frog that he found on his car. Of course, he immediately sends it to me, as any of my family members do when they find a reptile/amphibian, lol. Obviously, I want to know what it is. Since I'm sure it matters, my dad and the frog are located in Miami, Florida USA. I'm hoping some of you froggie experts out there might be able to help me out and identify it. My dad is expecting me to report back ;)


11-20-11, 09:50 PM
Looks kinda like a Florida Bog Frog (http://www.wec.ufl.edu/extension/wildlife_info/frogstoads/rana_okaloosae.php) to me.
I dunno though.

11-20-11, 09:54 PM
Looks kinda like a Florida Bog Frog (http://www.wec.ufl.edu/extension/wildlife_info/frogstoads/rana_okaloosae.php) to me.
I dunno though.

Hmm... but it doesn't have those big dark spots on the side as all the pics show.

BTW, this frog is about 2 in in size, maybe a big less.

11-20-11, 09:55 PM
It was the closest one I saw.
Look on that site you'll probably find it.
I scanned it pretty quickly but take some time and it'll be easy to find :)

11-20-11, 10:35 PM
possibly a young cuban treefrog?

11-20-11, 10:35 PM
Its a hoppy frog.:freakedout: