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Any Fish keepers out there?
I have a 75g and a 10g
My 75g is planted with Onion Bulb and java fern, its been in for months.
The Cichlids do nip it, but it was expected.
There are Yellow Labs, Lethrinops and Kenyan's in my 75g. In a few weeks im splitting them in 2 75g Its currently way over stocked.
In my 10g is a heavily planted /sand tank, I just wanted to try it out for a couple months to see how manageable it is before I move up. In my 10g there are 3 Ghost shrimp, 3 Super Emperor Tetras, 5 cardinal Tetras and a gar
I'll upload a video of my Cichlid tank later..
11-20-11, 05:24 PM
I've only kept cichlids and Discus :(
Nice looking tank, Jay.
I am a long term fish keeper, mostly fresh water. Right now I only have two tanks. One is a community tank planted with java fern, some other plants I can't remember the names of, and two angelfish and an assortment of tetras, zebra danios, black neons and cherry barbs. There is also a 10 year old Rafael catfish.
I have another 20 gallon long tank with a long term (7 years) colony of brichardi cichlids and a couple of African catfish. I don't know how long these fish live, but the old adults are at least 8 years old and have produced many broods so there are always young ones.
Nice tanks! I have 3, a 20 a 29 and a 125. All Tanganyikan cichlids, here my favorites by far. I'll post soe pics or videos later.
11-20-11, 06:03 PM
My boyfriend and I share one fish. He's a betta fish named Soprano. He lives in a fishbowl. And despite the fact that we sometimes forget to feed him or change his water, he never dies. He's about 2yrs old.
Sorry about the quality.
11-20-11, 07:45 PM
Our catfish eating (
Oh my, I have dozens of fish videos and pics *lol* We have an 85 gallon saltwater tank, hooked together with a 28 gallon nano cube, sharing a 39 gallon sump. So plenty of water for our hoard of fish.
Also a 55 gallon fresh water tank. Over the past 11 years I started with a betta...then 5.5 gallon, went through cory cats, figure 8 puffers, guppies, etc. The shovel nose cat we just got a few months ago...the pet store begged us to take him because he had been caught trying to eat one of the ciclids he was held with *lol*
The black fin sharks, upside down catfish, and algea eaters in this tank we've had now for at least 6 years. We kind of left it alone for a long time, and the goldfish finally died off. It was just the catfish for a while...but now the shovel nose (oh yeah, and the remaining crawdad!) provide us with a good show. He ate the other crawdad =P
11-20-11, 07:49 PM
I have tons more! (I am trying to put them up *lmao* you read it faster than I could edit!)
[/url] dZ7eBk4AP50
Put them up!! It's a new hobby for me and I love seeing other tanks, besides aquarium stores lol
11-20-11, 08:39 PM
I used to keep fish but I stopped once I got into reptiles a little more serious. I had just about every type of freshwater setup then got into a saltwater setups. I will have a Harlequin tusk wrasse one day. Thats my dream fish. Maybe the setup will have a tusk wrasse, regal angel, and an Achilles tang. That would be the one for me :)
11-21-11, 06:27 PM
We had a gold fish that lived to be 12 when I was younger, thing was a monster, about the size of a smaller football. Too big to flush when it finally died.
Once I move I'll have a spare 29 gallon that I'll clean out, trying to figure out if I want red eyed tree frogs or a piranha or two. Only reason I want piranha is for the name, I know they're boring, frightful fish, but I'm ok with that.
11-21-11, 07:27 PM
I have a 29 gallon freshwater planted, with 2 angelfish, neon tetras, 1 bolivian ram, cory cats, kuhli loaches, a bristlenose catfish, malaysian trumpet snails, a couple of apple snails and a few oto's. Planted with wisteria, dwarf sagittaria, crypts, anubias, and one aponogeton.
I have a 5 gallon planted with a male betta (the solid red one)
and another 5 gallon planted in my daughters room with a female betta, but I don't have a good pic of that one, although it is aquascaped almost identical to the male betta tank.
The betta tanks are planted with crypts, dwarf sag, and water wisteria.
I used to have a 55 in that I did various community tanks and at one point had some juvenile mbuna, but then we broke it down to use for our ball python. Now I want to put a glass separator in between and make a dual vivarium out of it. These tanks I have up now I have only had up and running since september.
11-21-11, 07:35 PM
a few more pics of the 29, khuli loach (my daughter calls them our "Snake fish"), oto, angel, bristlenose pleco, and apple snail
3 super emerald tetras
4 cardinal tetras
4 glow light tetras
2 white neon tetras
8 zebra danios
3 penguin tetras
Planted w/sand
11-28-11, 09:21 AM
Love seeing all the pictures. I can not wait to get our 55gallon tank back up and running.
11-28-11, 09:30 AM
Another fishkeeper here for about 10 years! Love da fishies :)
33gal planted fw tropical tank.
Beautiful tank!! What's in the back? Giant Val, or onion?
11-28-11, 10:10 AM
I used to keep fish but that was a long time ago. My favorites were the african cichlids of a variety of colors. At one point in time I had 7 tanks going at one and one of them was a saltwater tank. My favorilte out of that tank was an australian lunar wrasse. One of these days, maybe when Im not so busy, I might get back into it again. It was pretty fun.
11-28-11, 01:46 PM
Just picked up a 55 gallon this past weekend with 2 plexi tops and an under gravel filter for 20 bucks. Trying to figure out what I want in there. I keep coming back to piranhas because even though they're boring fish, there's just something about saying "I keep piranhas and a reticulated python..."
11-28-11, 03:57 PM
All of ya'lls fancy fish tanks put my lonely fish to shame :o
11-29-11, 08:29 AM
Beautiful tank!! What's in the back? Giant Val, or onion?
Just picked up a 55 gallon this past weekend with 2 plexi tops and an under gravel filter for 20 bucks. Trying to figure out what I want in there. I keep coming back to piranhas because even though they're boring fish, there's just something about saying "I keep piranhas and a reticulated python..."
jay: thanks, and it is giant val in the back. I also have cryptocoryne wendtii, cryptocoryne wilissii, dwarf VAL, red tiger lotus (nymphaea sp.) and Java fern.
miller: that's hilarious...yeah it would be cool to be able to say that, lol! you could also get something like arowanna which is a really cool and mean looking fish. Not sure if 55gal would be big enough for one of them tho. also oscars are cook.
Nice val, how old are they?
11-29-11, 09:32 AM
I think I got the original vallisneria maybe seven or eight years ago and they just spawned from that one.
Here are some older pics of my 3 tanks. All have Tanganyikan African cichlids as I find them the most interesting fish for some reason. I love how each species has its niche (rock, sand, shell, open water etc.).
The 20 gallon has exlamprologus brichardi or as I like to call them, the Death Squad. They tend to kill everything else in the tank when they start to spawn so I keep them in a species tank. They've given me 6 of 7 spawns and seem to have pretty well stopped now probably due to overcrowding. I'm fine with that since I've only been able to get rid of 10 babies.
The 29 gallon has exlamp. ocelottus (gold occies), Yellow altolamprologus calvus, julidochromis transcriptus and some guppies for the top. The tank is actually set up differently now but I dont' have a recent picture online yet.
Part 2:
This is the 125. It's got altolamprologus compressiceps, exlamp. caudopunctatus, exlamp. multifasciatus, cyprochromis leptosoma, eretmodus cynostictus and xenotilapia ochragenys. All were purchased as juveniles this past summer and so far only the cyps have started spawning for me.
These are all taken with my iPhone. I was saving for a digital SLR when the reptile bug bit me. Oh well. ;^)
Nice tanks, and yet when that reptile bug bites its a hard bite lol, way better than a camera any day.
11-29-11, 01:36 PM
miller: that's hilarious...yeah it would be cool to be able to say that, lol! you could also get something like arowanna which is a really cool and mean looking fish. Not sure if 55gal would be big enough for one of them tho. also oscars are cook.
I can, the fish store in town with Piranhas also has a tiny arowanna for sale, but you're right, a 55 would not be able to hold an adult.
Nice tanks, and yet when that reptile bug bites its a hard bite lol, way better than a camera any day.
Yes. Though reptiles and a fancy camera would be great too. :yes:
11-29-11, 08:18 PM
I love the rainbowfish and the cichlids! Especially the blurry boesemani!
11-30-11, 08:12 AM
Everyone has such beautiful tanks and fish !!! :eek: Congrats everyone!
11-30-11, 09:34 AM
not the best pics but this is my 90 gallon
just lost 60% of my tank to putting in 3 fish that looked good but had a nasty fungus and it whipped out most of my tank now to start all over again this time i setting up a 20 gallon as a quarantine tank first live there 30 days then into the main tank
just lost 60% of my tank to putting in 3 fish that looked good but had a nasty fungus and it whipped out most of my tank now to start all over again this time i setting up a 20 gallon as a quarantine tank first live there 30 days then into the main tank
Ah what a bummer. It's happened to everybody at some point though so don't feel too bad. Qurrantine is definitely important when adding to established tanks. I was so nervous when I stocked my 125 because I bought half the fish at the Convention and then got the rest 2 weeks later from Dave's Rare Aquarium fish. I just didn't have anywhere to quarrantine that many fish so into the 125 they went. Luckily Dave doesn't sell sick fish.
Nice looking tank BTW.
12-01-11, 03:25 PM
Some of my fish photography:
Boesmanii Rainbowfish:
I miss this fish. He was an African Butterfly Fish
Black Neon Tetra:
Yoyo Loach
Trifasciata Rainbowfish
Switched to an ehiem on my 30g Beautiful results.
12-01-11, 05:38 PM
not the best pics but this is my 90 gallon
just lost 60% of my tank to putting in 3 fish that looked good but had a nasty fungus and it whipped out most of my tank now to start all over again this time i setting up a 20 gallon as a quarantine tank first live there 30 days then into the main tank
Some of the fish look like African Cichlids, especially the orange ones and the striped ones in the first pic. Are they? Africans are my favorite by far.
Pareeee, great pics. I really want a good camera.
Jay, I really like your planted tanks. It's something I've always wanted to do but just never have.
Some of the fish look like African Cichlids, especially the orange ones and the striped ones in the first pic. Are they? Africans are my favorite by far.
Blue stripes are Demasoni's orange might be zebras?
Here's one of my dems.
Great looking tanks Jay! Your plants look really healthy too; sign of a great aquatic environment
Thanks, I like my plants more then my fish lol
12-02-11, 03:16 PM
I used to have wall to wall fish tanks years ago, but when I was disabled by my chronic migraines I had to get rid of most of them because they take way to much time and brain power. Snakes and rats are pretty mindless in comparison to trying to keep up all the chemistry in reef tanks, cichlid tanks, and all that. Snakes and rats are still a lot of work, don't get me wrong, but I don't have to do all those calculations of supplements, chemicals, blah blah blah.
Right now I just have a little Fluval "Edge" tank with live plants, cherry shrimp, and guppies. _n.jpg _n.jpg
12-02-11, 05:35 PM
Blue stripes are Demasoni's orange might be zebras?
Here's one of my dems.
Man, looking at these really make me want to get back into fish again!
Pareeee, I love the pics! I find that the old camera that I did have just couldn't snap a photo fast enough so they would always come out blurry :( But I had 2 Yoyo Loaches and LOVED them. They did such a wonderful job and were super hardy. I had mine for at least 5 years until I had to move and gave them away.
I have a 10, 20, and 32 gallon tanks. None of which are set up anymore :( But I used to have a huge assortment of fish. I had a Tiretrack eel, Gourami's, Kribensis, Yoyo Loaches, and of course neon tetras. Athough I learned the hard way to NOT put small tetras in with an eel...Luckily I moved the rest over to a different tank. Otherwise I absolutely love fish and hope to pick up the hobby again in the future...maybe get into saltwater.
12-02-11, 08:03 PM
Sorry about the quality.
Very healthy cichlids. I see one or two fish which may need to be removed one day due to aggression. The yellow on your yellow labs is a very good tone. You have yourself a nice setup here. What are you feeding?
Blue stripes are Demasoni's orange might be zebras?
Here's one of my dems.
This guy needs fattening up eh? Just so you know
What's it eating? Water change schedule? Water readings?
Some of the fish look like African Cichlids, especially the orange ones and the striped ones in the first pic. Are they? Africans are my favorite by far.
EXCELLENT quality of fish. Just excellent. Your Metriaclima are 10s
Excellent sand planted tank and great use of that log
12-02-11, 08:06 PM Excellent example of a Boesmani!!!
Setup and Boesman Rainbows all just look great. Lovely setup. Truly.
12-02-11, 08:09 PM
I used to keep fish too
My Sexy angelfish video by 111olbap - Photobucket (¤t=100_4608.mp4)
12-02-11, 09:44 PM
Thanks everyone for the compliments on my pics! I love rainbows...
The coolest fish I ever owned was a Freshwater Moray Eel. He was trained to take the f/t fish right from my hand! You really had to watch those strong little jaws though...
This was him. RIP...
Speaking of you didn't know this...they have two sets of them! Like Aliens!
The Cichlid tank is being split into 2 55g's
They are fed a mixture of flakes, small pellets and blood worms
Thank you for your kind words.
12-02-11, 10:18 PM
that freshwater moray is awesome, might have to look into getting one of those once I get my tank set up. How big do they get?
grr... need brackish, maybe in a few years.
12-02-11, 11:57 PM
The Cichlid tank is being split into 2 55g's
They are fed a mixture of flakes, small pellets and blood worms
Thank you for your kind words.
Splitting into 2 55s sounds like a very sensible idea Jay.
May I make a suggestion from experience? Will you please trust me and try it? If you don't mind spending the money, and you want more gorgeous fish, buy Dainichi Splash Page ( dainichi Color FX for your fish. Veggie FX if you have any vegetarian fish and mix them. The quality of the food is unmatched and you see color improvements in 3 days man. Also I suggest swapping the bloodworms, which africans don't digest as well, to Mysis shrimp, which are healthier for them and help clean their bowel. Still lovely fish. If you trust me on the food they will be even lovelier. I was SHOCKED by this food. It blows everything else away. Makes NLS look like Junk food. It's absolutely brilliant. Automatically removes parasites too and prevents them because it contains clay, which in turn contains fantastic natural minerals for the fish. The whole thing is spectacular. Best fish food on the market ATM bar none. Get a big bag, freeze it, take out small portions in a pill jar at a time, last you 2 years.
Just the Dainichi and Mysis. That's it. Try it :).
Adds a brilliant sheen and coloring (this fish is only 1.5")
Superior body shape and muscle tone and color at young age (goby is only 1")
Also a superior growth rate (the mysis will help with that trust me and the fish love it.)
This is the same fish on New Life Spectrum
Then after TEN DAYS of Dainichi Veggie FX
It's the only food guaranteed to enhance white AND black. I mean jet black. Notice how the black on the lab went like outer space black in the 10 days and the acei began to get a white tail. It even put yellow and white into the labs tail. All in 10 days. It is spectacular.
It also guarantees perfect body shape unlike some foods. Produces brilliant green, blue, purple, and yellows.
Look at the body shape and color improvement it made to this Yellowtail Acei cichlid in only ten days. It's great stuff for your fish. They will thank you. And they love it. They take it like crack.
You'll never buy anything else again. It's like seeing Jurassic Park for the first time dude. Buy the food. your cichlids are beautiful, this will be like putting turtle wax on them to make them more beautiful, and healthy. Love your fish bro. Hope you take my advice to heart I worked at a fish section of a pet shop and serviced aquariums privately formerly. PLEASE dude. Those are quality labs. The yellow and blacks will be beyond belief. That's Veggie FX or Color FX depending on if you have a lot of omnivores/vegetarians. If you have omnivores and carnivores get color FX. It's all natural. No artificial color enhancement its done with a special kind of algae extract and natural pigment extracts. It's all good.
12-03-11, 12:26 AM
that freshwater moray is awesome, might have to look into getting one of those once I get my tank set up. How big do they get?
grr... need brackish, maybe in a few years.
You want a SPINY EEL or FIRE or TIRETRACK EEL can be kept completely FW gets a decent size and is friendly. Look them up.
30" FIRE EEL (MR EEL) - YouTube (
Hand feeding an eel :)
You can get one as a baby for about ten dollars and raise up a sweet monster like this. Best if you keep it alone in my opinion. Get it a big tank.
You could also get a ropefish
rope fish feeding video:) - YouTube (
I say get a 55G and the standard Spiny eel that gets about 12-15". It will be ok in there for life.
If you put any fish with it, make sure they are surface dwelling and very peaceful and large and will not attack the eel. The eel may attack them as it ages, it is wise to keep the eel alone.
As a baby, it could live with platies, for instance, and the babies would be good for it (sorry if that offends anyone).
Another option is a Bichir, which is similar looking to an eel.
12-03-11, 02:39 AM
My brother has a Bichir in his 55 gallon, cool fish for sure, I just want something different.
Thanks for the info, I've got a 55 gallon and some of the basics that I got for a steal from a buddy who is moving to Florida and didn't want to take it with him. Once I'm in my new place and can convince my roommates fish won't be an issue (managed to convince them a few snakes won't hurt anyone either) I'll get that and maybe my 29 set up with some fishies. I really need to just graduate and buy my own house so I can set it up however I want.
12-03-11, 12:42 PM
My brother has a Bichir in his 55 gallon, cool fish for sure, I just want something different.
Thanks for the info, I've got a 55 gallon and some of the basics that I got for a steal from a buddy who is moving to Florida and didn't want to take it with him. Once I'm in my new place and can convince my roommates fish won't be an issue (managed to convince them a few snakes won't hurt anyone either) I'll get that and maybe my 29 set up with some fishies. I really need to just graduate and buy my own house so I can set it up however I want.
I most suggest the smaller spiny eel species that stay at a foot or so kept alone in a 55. As you can see they are friendly to humans.
12-03-11, 04:46 PM
I would say, that fire eel video was cool, I'll have to see what the 2 exotic fish shops here in town can find for me.
12-04-11, 07:24 PM
Just get them to order the regular spiny eel. It's easy to get. Get one small. Like four to six inches. They start out fearful. Tankmates (later lunchmates) like platys will make the eel more comfortable. If you get the fire eel, they get big, and 55G is no good. You can keep the regular spiny eel in 55G though.
Mr.Sprinkles, great looking Africans! I love your eretmodus. Gobies are some of the coolest fish I've ever owned.
I attended the annual ACA (American Cichlid Association) convention in Silver Spring, MD this year and there was a Dainichi rep there giving samples & talking about the product. I was impressed with what they told me. Unfortunately I had just bought a rather large supply of NLS right before so I haven't made the switch yet. My fish were all juvies when they ate the samples so I didn't really notice a color difference (plus I keep Tangs and most of them aren't super-colorful anyway) but they sure did like it.
And I can plug the mysis shrimp too. Most of my fish are still enough that they have parts of the shrimp hanging out of their mouth but they never let them go. hehehe
On a different tangent, I'm super excited because my cyps (Tanganyikan sardine fish) are coloring up, the males anyway, and starting to spawn. I've only seen one baby so far but there are multiple females holding and the males are really starting to look brilliant with their bright blues and one w/ a yellow tail. They're starting to do the mating shiver and chase each other around a good bit too. It's like a little soap opera in there.
I like raising juvies because it's so exciting when they start to grow up. Still waiting on my altos, multies and xenos to get to that point.
12-05-11, 04:57 PM
I alternate feeding New life spectrum and omega one, basically I go on the ingredients, Omega one seems to have a better ingredient composition than NLS. I am looking into dainichi now though, but is it only for cichlids?
Edit: my computer is telling me some of the links on that dainichi site are not trustable. Also I couldn't find an ingredients composition list anywhere on the parts of the site that I could access. I will stick with omega one and NLS.
WOW thanks to some sound advice from a member of ssnakess "mistersprinkles" I switched over to dainichi color FX and its only been about a week and the results are unbelievable. It's also only about $30 for a 1 pound bag.
12-09-11, 02:32 PM
That's a crazy color change.. I love the after!
Thanks, it's so hard to get a decent shot of a fish lol.
12-09-11, 04:41 PM
Wow! The contrast is stunning!
edit: what kind do you use? I kind of would like to get some for my brother, but he doesn't have cichlids, just some rainbows, 2 placostamus, a bachir, and a gourami.
What do you mean "what kind do you use?"
12-09-11, 05:09 PM
Wow! The contrast is stunning!
edit: what kind do you use? I kind of would like to get some for my brother, but he doesn't have cichlids, just some rainbows, 2 placostamus, a bachir, and a gourami.
If you look on page 4 of this thread they talk about using dainichi Color FX.. There is a link you can click also.
12-09-11, 05:14 PM
What do you mean "what kind do you use?"
I was looking around and there's stuff for cichlids, koi, and goldfish.
If you look on page 4 of this thread they talk about using dainichi Color FX.. There is a link you can click also.
see above^ and all the pictures on that site are down as well.
Man, I sure miss having fish..
I used to have a 33 gallon set up with a variety of plants and some nice fish. As well as a 20 Gallon. I had an under-gravel filter system as well as a side filter (which I love!). I had a Tiretrack Eel, some Dwarf Rainbow fish, Gouramis, a pair of Yoyo Loaches, and a pair of Kribensis.
The Kribs were kept in the 20 gallon along with the Rainbows as they were breeding pair. Luckily I got a few babies out of them :) The 33 Gallon had the Yoyo's, Eel, and some Gouramis. They all worked well together and were soo happy.
One day I'd really like to get a 100 gallon or a built-in aquarium in the wall or something. I love fish and always imagined having them in my house in the future :D
Ah, I'm so jealous of everybody's huge tanks...I want to have a 50 gallon one day and deck it out with clown loaches, or a Polypterus delhezi
I miss my Polypterus senegalus, Toph. She was a great little prehistoric fishy. They're pretty much aquatic snakes, although a little less intelligent.
02-19-12, 08:19 AM
Man, I sure miss having fish..
One day I'd really like to get a 100 gallon or a built-in aquarium in the wall or something. I love fish and always imagined having them in my house in the future :D
Im with you on this one. I used to keep 7 tanks myself inc a saltwater, a freshwater agressive, a freshwater semi-agressive, and a feeder tank or two. It is a lot of fun and I do miss it myself but I just dont have any more time between the 12-15 hr a day job, 15 snakes, 200+ rats and 100+ mice. My plate is full aready. Maybe one of these days Ill get back into it and when I do, itll be nothing but African Cichlids.
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