View Full Version : Looking To Purchase A Hoggie
11-20-11, 01:09 AM
I'd like to add a hognose to my collection. Can you guys point me to some good breeders?
11-20-11, 01:14 AM
I got my Wifes Western Hognose from Don Soderberg over at and south mountain reptiles.
11-20-11, 01:53 AM
I talk to the wife of the owner of all the time on facebook. They are both really, really nice. I haven't bought a hog from them yet though. I need to save up!
I have never ordered a snake online before. I'm kind of afraid to *lol*
All ours were picked at expos, in store, or adopted.
With my girl hog i actually paid a little extra to get her from the store (at an expo) we got our ball python from because she was/has been such a great, healthy, active and sweet snake, and we trusted them. My girl hog Copper was about a year old when we bought her from them, and was already trained to eat pinkies and had been handled. It was worth the price to have her already friendly, and trained to eat.
I got a little boy, Perry (peridot) from LLL reptile over by L.A. and he's still a little shy, and hasn't eaten yet. He is kind of a green color though, and I liked it so I got him...kind of forgetting my rule about buying well adjusted snakes *lol*
Hogs can be a little skiddish if they haven't been handled much, and they can be tough feeders if they're not really used to eating mice.
It's no fun to have a fussy hog...they are cute when they hiss and flare, but flopping over, barffing, and musking is not pleasant lol (though that's only happened once, the first day, so that was understandable!)
Okay, so my rambling point is...i've heard good things about that site. Be careful buying online, though, even though it's cheaper. It's worth it if you can find an in-person hog so you can see it's personality :) That's pretty true for most snakes though, I think.
Good luck! I LOVE my hogs. I hope you find a good one...and don't forget to post pics!!
11-20-11, 02:30 AM
Thanks! I've looked at pet stores here and noone has any. Actually I had not heard of hognoses until I ran across them online. I've been researching and have a good care sheet or two saved. I've had problem feeder bps before that worry me to death until they finally eat (I think I stress more than they do!)
I'm more than likely going to have to purchase online, hence why I asked for breeders. Most of my animals (so far) have came from Bob Clark but he's a python (and some boas) guy. lol So I have no problem buying online from a breeder I can trust to have good healthy animals. I just need to know who those breeders are lol
I have never bought from them, but Justin Guyer over on Herp Family (it's OK to mention another forum rite?) recomends Guardian Reptiles.
Guardian Reptiles (
11-20-11, 04:35 PM
Rogue628 i do the same thing! I worry about my snakes eating more than they do. I guess it comes from my mom telling me to finish everything on my plate! haha!
Perry is driving me nuts, i want him to eat so bad! He's so little. He's been getting more comfortable in his home now though, so i'm trying to be calm and just wait him out. He'll eat when he's hungry.
I really want an axanthic hog. I want tons of hogs. I love theeeem! They are the cutest little muppets! Post a lot of pics when you get one!
edited *I took a look at guardian reptiles...reminded me that one of the things you want to look for is that they're feeding the hogs on unscented food. And he states that he is! That makes life a whole lot easier!
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