View Full Version : What should we get?

11-17-11, 06:42 PM
So my husband and I are going out to the herp farm again tomorrow to get our BP and corn sexed. They have a huge assortment of snakes and we may add something to our collection. Their snakes are considered good breeding quality and we were considering getting something that we could try to breed. Maybe a couple of corn morphs. We saw some ultra okeetee's that were really beautiful. Any suggestions on what type we should get? We really like colubrids and just bought a mexican milksnake from them. We were thinking of some sort of kingsnake as well, but I heard they can be a bit more aggressive so I am not sure about that.

11-17-11, 06:49 PM
So my husband and I are going out to the herp farm again tomorrow to get our BP and corn sexed. They have a huge assortment of snakes and we may add something to our collection. Their snakes are considered good breeding quality and we were considering getting something that we could try to breed. Maybe a couple of corn morphs. We saw some ultra okeetee's that were really beautiful. Any suggestions on what type we should get? We really like colubrids and just bought a mexican milksnake from them. We were thinking of some sort of kingsnake as well, but I heard they can be a bit more aggressive so I am not sure about that.

My cousin just got a beautiful California Kingsnake (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/lampropeltis/89036-my-new-cali-king-snake.html) at the last expo we went to and he is totally wonderful and easy-going and not a hint of aggression. In fact, I've never had any issues with any California kingsnakes ever. They make great pets and come in so many patterns that it can be so hard to choose from! They would be a great addition to your collection :)

11-18-11, 09:49 AM
Cool, we are on our way now.

CK SandBoas
11-18-11, 10:00 AM
You can't go wrong with a Cali King, though i do not own one currently. I do own a Grey Banded King, and he is such a sweetie. If you do go with a Grey Banded, make sure it is already well started on f/t pinkies, if you are getting a baby, as they can be a little difficult to get started on rodents.:)

11-18-11, 01:56 PM
Cali Kings are great eaters too. 5 days after my cousin got hers, he ate wonderfully. Let us know what you come back with! Good luck! :)

11-18-11, 05:36 PM
my mexican black kings a great feeder, but he's really flighty and musks a lot

11-18-11, 05:37 PM
Well, did ya pick anything up?! :yes:

11-18-11, 09:25 PM
Well, did ya pick anything up?! :yes:

yes! and I see you already responded :)
