View Full Version : Moving day

11-17-11, 12:22 PM
Well today is loving day I got the big 4' x2' set up for my lacerta pair and cleaned their old 3' x 1.5' in preparation For my bullsnake

They are loving the extra room so will hydra who is in a 1x18"

But my goodness so much work!

11-17-11, 12:32 PM
Pics or it didn't happen :)

11-17-11, 12:41 PM
Nice, pics please. How do you like your bull?
I'm thinking off picking one up, I love there attitude.

11-17-11, 12:50 PM
Pics, pics, pics!

11-17-11, 02:29 PM
moving dsy? loving day? WHICH ONE IS IT?! ARRRRRRRRRRGH.
I too, demand pics.

snake man12
11-17-11, 02:49 PM
Yes pics requested :]

11-17-11, 06:43 PM
Lol Kyle every days Libby day! Today is moving day obviously

Bullsnakes are incredible I haven't seen much of the bull-tude she's been super sweet since we've had her home but in all fairness we haven't handled her much she ate her second meal for us today no constricting or coiling she just lined up struck and them swallowed calm as you please

Her enclosure is ghetto-chic right now I haven't gotten all I need for it her fav hide right now are a couple PVC pipes screwed together so when I finish her tank I will post pictures

I will have to post pictures tomorrow

11-17-11, 06:57 PM
Her enclosure is ghetto-chic right now
My animals actually tend to like my homemade cardboard hides more than the pet store ones :p It's weird. In my baby corn's cage I have 2 cardboard hides and 2 pet stores ones and I've NEVER seen him go in either of the "rock" ones :)

11-17-11, 06:58 PM
Yea she loves her PVC pipes I have them screwed together in like a twisty shape and she sits in it with her nose poking out of the top

11-17-11, 11:16 PM
i know im new but i to am protesting for pics lol. i love how u call it bull-tude. both of my bulls think their cobras lol

11-18-11, 09:06 AM
you are never too new to demand pictures...

since I have been so mean in denying pictures I have even included feeding pictures from my gtp annd my boa my bullsnake is a shy eater and the BP is still at moms

11-18-11, 09:13 AM
so here is my GTP Jade my Boa Leela, my Lacertas Sonic and Isis and my furry helper Diesel

11-18-11, 09:26 AM
Your lacertas are really cool. I've never heard of them until you showed us when you joined. Where'd you get them?

11-18-11, 09:32 AM
Your lacertas are really cool. I've never heard of them until you showed us when you joined. Where'd you get them?

I bought them at Reptilia which is a reptile supplier in Toronto, I like it there I know the managing staff and they really are awesome I bought my male almost 2 years ago and my female I got this past March.

There are very few in North America because it is now illegal to import them from their native Spain and Portugal there are a couple breeders in the US but not many

11-18-11, 05:42 PM
i love the one with the dog in it hes trien to figure out what ur doin to one of his friends lol. nice pics =)