View Full Version : Freshly Shed BRB (PIC's)

Darren Hamill
04-24-02, 10:54 PM
<center>I was cleaning a few cages tonight and found this female had recently shed. This is one of my favorite females. She displays beautiful color.

<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/Forum_Classifieds_Pics/DSCN0675.jpg">

<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/Forum_Classifieds_Pics/DSCN0674.jpg">

<img src="http://hamillreptiles.com/picbig/Forum_Classifieds_Pics/DSCN0673.jpg">

Darren Hamill


Grant vg
04-24-02, 11:18 PM
Very nice Darren!
I really like that bright orangy/red colouring...
Is she gravid???

04-24-02, 11:19 PM
Wow! She's gorgeous! Great pics :thumbsup:

04-24-02, 11:41 PM
She's GORGEOUS!!! :D

No wonder why she's your favorite.

:cool: Brian

Darren Hamill
04-24-02, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Grant vg
Very nice Darren!
I really like that bright orangy/red colouring...
Is she gravid???

I believe this female ovulated for me just a little while ago. I must admit, I've yet to see any BRB's ovulated before. I even missed my female last year but this female was quite swollen!

Thanks for the kind words.
Darren Hamill

Grant vg
04-25-02, 08:31 AM
Goodluck with her...

04-25-02, 03:31 PM
Darren, that girls cream of the crop!! Awesome colour and irridescence!!

Darren Hamill
05-03-02, 12:00 AM
Thanks Yve! She's a sweety!!!!

05-03-02, 04:22 AM
DAMN!!! that has to be the most irredescent brb i have seen yet!!! sweet pics Darren! Keep em coming!!! :jawdrop:

Darren Hamill
05-03-02, 08:10 AM
As always I try to take some time out for new pic's. Most of the time the "crew" isn't willing to cooperate! :)

Darren Hamill