View Full Version : How worried should I be???

11-05-11, 06:15 PM
So I’m a bit concerned about Ven, my baby BCI. Since coming home with me 3 months ago, he’s always gone 2-3 weeks between BM’s, and all but 1, have taken place in his water bowl. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks since he’s had one. I’ve seen him take 2 quick baths a few days ago (his setup in my living room so I’m pretty familiar with his activities), but nothing happened. Since his last BM, he’s had a perfect shed and has never missed a meal. I also handle him daily(except for 2 days after eating), so that we build a good relationship, and I always hold him upside down and make sure he can make it back up and also to help him build some strength, so I’m pretty certain that he’s a healthy fella, and nothing about him has changed. So how concerned should I be? This can’t be normal right? I was thinking of soaking him for an hour tomorrow to maybe help get things in motion. Would this help??

11-05-11, 06:18 PM
As they grow, they of course require more food, as their stomachs get bigger and bigger with the rest of them. Perhaps the first couple of meals were sufficient then, but you simply need to feed it more now before it'll pass anything.

11-05-11, 06:20 PM
I actually thought of that, but 3 weeks ago I switched him to hoppers every 10 days and still nothin.

snake man12
11-05-11, 06:58 PM
You can try the warm bath then give him a tummy rub:)

11-05-11, 07:34 PM
Is this situation unusaul? I've never had a snake go so little.

11-05-11, 07:53 PM
what kind of substrate is Ven on? its possible its buried somewhere and you can't find it. Nero does this all the time, I can smell it, but I can't find it without some digging.
The other possibility is impaction, for one reason or another, and he's just constipated, in which case a warm bath and a few belly rubs might help.

snake man12
11-05-11, 08:43 PM
Yes this situation happens often with snakes. Impaction is unlikely unless your on big substrate or you feed in the tank:)

11-05-11, 09:07 PM
hello mate when i first got my bci she wasn`t to well taken care of
she didn`t have a bm for a month when i had her so what i did was take her to a nice warm bath in my bathtub she swam around a bit then bam!
the most horrible smell haha

a nice warm bath would probly work to help ur bci pass a bm!
goodluck keep us informed!

11-05-11, 09:55 PM
what kind of substrate is Ven on? its possible its buried somewhere and you can't find it. Nero does this all the time, I can smell it, but I can't find it without some digging.
The other possibility is impaction, for one reason or another, and he's just constipated, in which case a warm bath and a few belly rubs might help.
I'm using Exo Terra "plantation soil', but I now feed him on one side of his enclosure with newspaper down. There were a few times that he eat a mouthful of substrate with his meal(fuzzies at the time), so I was concerned about it so I changed how I feed him; safety first always ! But he's a BM's since then so I'm sure this lack of, has anything to do with that, it was 2 months ago. I check for bm's everyday when I'm taking him out or putting him back in, and like I said, his prefers to have them in water for some reason. But a bath is scheduled for tomorrow. Thx

11-06-11, 07:02 AM
How big his he, how often do you feed and what size do you feed him? Also what are his temps at?

11-06-11, 11:39 AM
How big his he, how often do you feed and what size do you feed him? Also what are his temps at?
He's 6 months-ish, and just shy of 2 ft, and his temps are currently 87 hot side and 80 cool side and I keep the humidity between 60-70 and 80+ during shed.

snake man12
11-06-11, 12:25 PM
Its a little hot on the cool side but that wouldn't cause constipation.

11-08-11, 05:24 PM
So just an update : I woke up this morning to find that Ven has FINALLY had a BM. I don't think I've ever been so relieved to see s**t before. Lol. Guess the soak and belly rubs helped. Thx guys.:yes:

11-08-11, 09:04 PM
rofl, the way you said that is hilarious.