View Full Version : snappers n more snappers

11-04-11, 05:06 PM
this is for those who like common snapping turtles. here in pa is a hot spot








11-04-11, 05:30 PM
Great pics, I catch em all the time for the Folk Festival! Great animals to work with.

11-04-11, 05:33 PM
Thanks, ya i find them often here along the river.
the are pretty amazing reptiles

11-04-11, 05:37 PM
I had to swim down and catch a few big ones, interesting experience!
Quick question, are these in a closed water source, or a river?

11-04-11, 05:37 PM
There's a river with a path that runs alongside it here in Philly and we see turtles like those all the time there :yes:

11-04-11, 05:44 PM
the turtles are all on the bank right next to the river. this spot is muddy and very calm back water. do you have any pics of your turtles finds ?
i would love to see them

ya same here runs right down the center of the city
i did not no that philly had a river like that.
are the snappers there in philly too?

11-04-11, 05:45 PM
the turtles are all on the bank right next to the river. this spot is muddy and very calm back water. do you have any pics of your turtles finds ?
i would love to see them

ya same here runs right down the center of the city
i did not no that philly had a river like that.
are the snappers there in philly too?

Yup! We have snappers here too :)

11-04-11, 05:51 PM
I go snorkeling in my local pond for these all the time. Real nice pics!

11-04-11, 05:51 PM

amazing how well they adapt to a river that is flowing through a city

we also have a nice number of spiny soft shells here too.
can see bunches of them up on rocks basking in the sun during the day

11-04-11, 05:53 PM
there was a shallow pond up the road i would fish and end up catching snappers instead. it was full of them before it was drained.

11-04-11, 06:47 PM
you can't find a small lake/large pond around here that doesn't have a resident common snapper. I tend to catch the same one whenever I go fishing. its a good spot, he's just always there, when I can manage to haul him in without breaking my 5lb test, I usually can find a hook or two embedded in his foot.

11-04-11, 07:00 PM
you can't find a small lake/large pond around here that doesn't have a resident common snapper. I tend to catch the same one whenever I go fishing. its a good spot, he's just always there, when I can manage to haul him in without breaking my 5lb test, I usually can find a hook or two embedded in his foot.

5lbs would be a heck of a fight with a snapping turtle.
i get them in the river when cat fishing but i normally use 30lbs for cats.
they don't put up much fight with that unless it has some good size to it.

11-04-11, 07:32 PM
We have a few monsters here that get to about 45lbs, you go fishing and they follow like a bunch of (censor)
Last year I had a massive pickrel (I believe you guys call them walleyes?) on my fish chain as well as a 3lb rainbow trout, I was heading for home and noticed the shell, the trout was gone, minus the head and the pickrel was ripped in half

11-04-11, 07:37 PM
chain pickerel ?
i would be really mad if a snapper took my fish.
i like turtles but they can find there own fish lol

11-04-11, 07:39 PM
They were on a fish chain http://cf.mp-cdn.net/5f/e8/e56fec4ac86c06a9f140a2560f67.jpg

11-04-11, 07:49 PM
ohh lol sorry about that :)
we have a fish here called a chain pickerel

11-04-11, 08:12 PM
ohh lol sorry about that :)
we have a fish here called a chain pickerel

Awesome fighters.. almost reptilian looking too.


11-04-11, 08:15 PM
i love when they are chasing a lure through the water they look just lake a snake swimming in the water. they are good fighters and fun to catch.

11-04-11, 08:17 PM
Speaking of Snappers.. My good friend Steve has a captive snapper named "Tank"


11-04-11, 08:18 PM
i love when they are chasing a lure through the water they look just lake a snake swimming in the water. they are good fighters and fun to catch.

I live on the finger lakes, so we are in pike country here.

The muskies get huge in the lakes around me.

11-04-11, 08:18 PM
cleanest snapper ever!

11-04-11, 08:21 PM
cleanest snapper ever!

Uh huh... I got that

11-04-11, 08:25 PM
Speaking of Snappers.. My good friend Steve has a captive snapper named "Tank"

is tank in vids on youtube ? i believe i have seen that snapper on there before with that name

I live on the finger lakes, so we are in pike country here.

The muskies get huge in the lakes around me.

i love to pike and musky fish here in pa

11-04-11, 08:31 PM
Wayne is that turtle "tame"? Does he try to bite?

11-04-11, 08:39 PM
Wayne is that turtle "tame"? Does he try to bite?

Tank is a puppy dog.. He eats from their hands and plays in the back yard.

is tank in vids on youtube ? i believe i have seen that snapper on there before with that name


11-04-11, 08:46 PM
Oh this is a member from the thamnophis forum right?

11-04-11, 08:46 PM
Damn hes a cutie.

11-04-11, 08:47 PM
now that is pretty awesome.
it truly is like a puppy dog

11-04-11, 08:57 PM
Oh this is a member from the thamnophis forum right?

and here.. I dropped him a PM over there and told him about this discussion. He may show up and comment.

11-04-11, 09:37 PM
Thanks Wayne for posting that photo of my boy.
Tank(Chelydra serpentina) is an amazing turtle. Breaks all the snapping turtle rules.
Free-ranges my home but doesn't venture too far from the living room.
Tank is the most social and docile turtle I have ever had.
Sleeps with the kids and really seems to enjoy the company of us all.
I must say he is partial to spending time with me and will search the living room if I'm down in the snake room.
Once I come up he comes over and sits by me or goes to sleep along me.
He was silver dollar size when he was given to me and now he's 10.25 lbs. He's been part of the family for 3 years.
He is also the hit at any of the Herp. meeting I speak at.
I save Tank for last as he steals the show.
He'll be 20 lbs by Christmas 1012.
Love this turtle.

11-04-11, 09:40 PM
That is so awesome! It's kinda funny how he enjoys being scratched on the neck :)

11-04-11, 09:42 PM
thanks for the post

i find tank very interesting by the way he interacts with people
i don't recall ever seeing another snapper act like that

11-04-11, 10:00 PM
I've been bitten 3 times by Tank. All three times it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention while hand feeding him. All three times he released me as fast as he grabbed my.
He is a thinking turtle rather than a bite first ask questions later turtle.
He looks and smells food before he grabs it. He goes to sleep during leg rubs. He sits and watches the kids play board games.
He once had a small piece of chicken in the corner of his mouth. I was picking at it, he opened him mouth and let me take it out.
He is one cool turtle.

11-04-11, 10:03 PM
How much does it hurt? I've never had the pleasure of being bit by a snapper. :p Also, did you raise him a special way or do you think that's just his personality?

11-04-11, 10:12 PM
No pain and no blood. To be honest he could have clipped a finger off without any trouble.
His beak is as sharp as a pair of good scissors and he has the jaw strenght to get the job done.
He realized it wasn't his food and released me. He's unlike any other snapping turtle.
My Son has volunteered to care for Tank after I'm gone. I hope to get another 25 years with him and my family.
I think snapping turtles are a very misunderstood and mistreated animal.
I think Tank is special and don't recommend anyone thinking this is normal behavior for a snaping turtle.
As a rule they are solitary animals and will stay away from people most of the time.

11-04-11, 10:15 PM
Very interesting... I highly agree about the misunderstood part, as with almost all reptiles.

11-05-11, 06:04 AM
I caught an alligator snapper when I lived in IL. He was only the size of a looney or 50 cent piece. I kept him a little over a year and was never bit. He was 5 or 6 inches when I let my turtles go ( I had 23). I could handle him with no worries.

On the flip side snappers are really good eating!

11-05-11, 07:39 AM
Out here where I live snapping turtles in the road are common, since a lot of our roadways are along water.

Goes without saying that I always stop and get them to the other side, but one day I saw another, this woman stopped and moved the turtle in front of her kids.

My faith in people went up and she set a wonderful example for her kids at the same time. When I approached her she indicated that she has done it before, and people don't give them (snappers) a fair break.

Most poeple just keep on driving or even go out of the way to hit one.

11-05-11, 07:52 AM
I hate seeing dead snakes on the side of the road because it means either the person swerved to hit it or the person is a bad driver -_-
And one time I saw a trucker stop his rig and move the biggest snapper I've ever seen off the road away from danger :) Musta been 100 years old.

11-05-11, 03:44 PM
Awwww Tanks is so sweet! :D

11-05-11, 03:46 PM
I once pulled my car across both lanes (going in 2 directions) to stop all traffic and escort a crab across the road. I've done the same for an iguana and a turtle in the past. Can't stand to see an animal get run over. I also have the phone number of the road kill pick-up company and they know me by name. I'm the first to call to get an animal taken off the road because I hate to see them get run over enough times to flatten them. Ugh

Edit: Some people get annoyed and honk their car horns at me but the ones who can see what I'm doing usually clap and applaud when I'm done :)

11-05-11, 04:16 PM
5lbs would be a heck of a fight with a snapping turtle.
i get them in the river when cat fishing but i normally use 30lbs for cats.
they don't put up much fight with that unless it has some good size to it.

yeah, they usually whip their head to the side of the line and snap it, very rarely do I get the chance to remove the hook. We don't have much in that lake that needs more than 5 lbs, its mostly downed trees with some blue gill, sunfish, the occasional large mouth or catfish, but those are few and far between.

Thanks for sharing Tank with us guidofather, he looks awesome. I'm jealous.

11-05-11, 05:22 PM
He's a once in a lifetime turtle. I'm blessed to have him as part of my family.

11-15-11, 06:40 PM
Here's my boy Tank. This is him at 3 years old.

11-15-11, 06:43 PM
Love it! :D

11-15-11, 06:43 PM
Haha That's great!

11-15-11, 07:05 PM
He is a common snapper correct?

11-15-11, 08:09 PM
He is a common snapper correct?

yeah, he is

11-15-11, 09:04 PM
Tank is a very uncommon common snapper.

11-15-11, 10:27 PM
In Arizona, we would go and move rattle snakes off the road. My friend had a license to catch and keep them, but she didn't wand to do the actual catching.

I caught this guy for her, as well as a few other sidewinders.

Here's one of the sidewinders she wound up keeping

http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/3796/sidewinder.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/sidewinder.jpg/)

We came across and moved diamond backs and mojave's as well

Adult Diamondback
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/5416/diamondbacku.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/diamondbacku.jpg/)

Adult Diamondback... actually took a lot of "provoking" to get him to coil like this, wasn't interested in us at all!
http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/866/diamondback.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/diamondback.jpg/)

Baby Diamondback
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/5255/babydiamondback.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/babydiamondback.jpg/)

Baby Mojave
http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9437/babymojave.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/babymojave.jpg/)

Unfortunately my boyfriend wouldn't let me keep any, even though sidewinders are one of my favorites! The closest to a venomous he'll let me have is a hognose, and he panics about those too, because he thinks he'll be allergic to the bite and die. *sigh*

11-15-11, 10:29 PM
^^^ that's bad A.S.S

11-15-11, 11:09 PM

snapping turttle pictures 3,4 and 6 are amazing

i'm so envious of all the wildlife you got going on over there

thanks for sharing mate

cheers shaun

11-16-11, 07:02 AM
He is a common snapper correct?

Wayne said it very well.

A not so common, common snapping turtle(Chelydra serpentina)

11-16-11, 09:07 AM
wow rodentgirl those rattlers look awesome! :eek:

11-21-11, 02:06 AM
here's a couple I got to hang out with today


HEY! Don't touch me!

staring contest, I lost

can anybody ID the morph? I was told, but my memory sucks.

11-22-11, 06:45 AM
Just a guess but that first turtle looks hypomelanistic to me.

11-22-11, 07:08 AM
My thoughts too, certainly lacking some melanin.

11-22-11, 07:37 AM
@ Kyle. I can't get over how much you look like my best friend from the side.

11-22-11, 10:11 AM
Just a guess but that first turtle looks hypomelanistic to me.

My thoughts too, certainly lacking some melanin.

Thanks guys, that sounds like what I was told. Be looking to see these two at prehistoric pets in a few months.

@ Kyle. I can't get over how much you look like my best friend from the side.


03-03-12, 10:15 AM
thread bump........

03-03-12, 11:23 AM
A few pictures of my gator snapping turtle.I take him out every three months for a weigh in and length.Plus a general once over.
He REALLY doesn't like it.As you can tell.:D

03-03-12, 04:32 PM
Here's my boy Tank. This is him at 3 years old.

I think Ive seen you and him in person. Did you do a presentation at the Iowa Herp Society last year?

03-03-12, 04:36 PM
Nice looking turtles you got

03-03-12, 05:18 PM
Just got off the phone with Steve, He will be along shortly with Tank updates.

03-03-12, 05:22 PM
That is him! I recognize his name! Thats awesome! What a small world! Just want to make sure, is this the same Steve from Radix Ranch with over 300 Garters? :)

03-03-12, 05:39 PM
is this the same Steve from Radix Ranch with over 300 Garters? :)

That's the guy!

03-03-12, 05:41 PM
That is awesome! I met him in person and have seen Tank in person. This is the only dog tame snapping turtle I have ever seen. :)

03-03-12, 11:39 PM
i love snapping turtles. i want one some day...when i have room and a house, and a yard! lol

03-17-12, 08:53 PM
*Tank Update*

Today while Tank was sleeping I enlarged the opening to his enclosure as he was almost too wide to get in or out.
I added about 4 inches to the width which hopefully will last for another 6 to 12 months.
After this I went and purchased 5-4 oz boneless pork chops for him. I figured this should last a week or more(hah)
Now it was time to wake the sleeping monster. I uncovered him and after about 30 minutes of stretching and looking around he headed into his water.
I've learned many of the looks he gives me and I could tell this was the "I'm hungry" look.
I trimmed the fat off a 4 oz chop and cut it into pieces. When I walked into the living room he was ready to eat so I tested out my theory that he knows the difference between food and my hand. I stuck my hand in front of his face. His eyes constricted and he moved in closer to my hand. Then I saw him relax his posture and he gave me a stare. He knew it wasn't food and probably wondered what was going on.
I then offered him the pork chop which he eat in almost one gulp. I quickly cut him up another and offered it. He gladly ate another 4 ounces.
He wanted more but I knew if I left him alone for a few minutes his brain would catch up to his stomach, which it did.
Now he wanted to come out and sleep. Once he was out I tried to cover him up with his blanket. He was having none of that. He had another idea.
He circled back behind me and since I was laying on the floor it could mean only one thing. He wanted to sleep behind my knees. I bent my legs and he cuddled in. After about 15 minutes I had to get up and do some chores. Tank wasn't in agreement with that decision. He was up in a shot and roaming the living room. Once I was done my chores I returned to the floor. Tank came back over and is now sleeping again. I need to move as one of my legs have gone numb but I don't dare disturb the King while he sleeps.
This is the best/smartest turtle I have ever had.
Tank is now 13 lbs. Hoping for 20 lbs by Christmas.

03-17-12, 08:58 PM
He's huge! :D

03-17-12, 09:01 PM
I think Ive seen you and him in person. Did you do a presentation at the Iowa Herp Society last year?

Sorry for the delay responding to your question.
Yes, that was me. Saved Tank for the end of my presentation as I didn't want him to steal the show until I finish my T.s.parietalis (Res Sided Garter Snake) presentation.
Tank continues to grow and is becoming more interactive and I must say more attached to me. He doesn't like me sitting on the couch. If I do he comes half out of his enclosure and stares at me until I get down on the floor with him.
He's a very smart turtle.

*Don't Mind Me*
03-17-12, 09:02 PM
cool story guidofatherof5! (that's an understatement)

03-17-12, 09:03 PM
Mmm tasty snapping turtle :D

03-17-12, 09:06 PM
He's huge! :D

Not as big as he will be someday.
I hope to see him around 50 lbs by the time I pass on.
My son has promised to give his brother(Tank) a home after I'm gone.
Tank trust people and could never be released to the wild. He's a long term commitment and must be cared for and protected.

03-17-12, 09:07 PM
Mmm tasty snapping turtle :D

Over my dead body:)

03-17-12, 09:16 PM
cool story guidofatherof5! (that's an understatement)

I wish more people had the opportunity to meet and interact with Tank. He's really a once-of-a-kind turtle.
It's not very often you have a chance to be hands-on with one of these awesome turtles.
Tank was silver dollar size when we got him almost 4 years ago. After cleaning out the parasites his growth exploded. He was infested with pin worms, hookworms and tapeworms. 2 treatments of Drontal+ and he was clean.
He get bi-yearly check ups at the Vets. Seems everyone at the office stops what they are doing when Tank comes in.

*Don't Mind Me*
03-17-12, 09:19 PM
Yeah, I always imagined these turtles being bitey, but thanks for showing me a more postive light on them, they are wonderful animals.

03-17-12, 09:24 PM
I wish more people had the opportunity to meet and interact with Tank.

Some day Steve, some day....:)

03-17-12, 09:37 PM
Yeah, I always imagined these turtles being bitey, but thanks for showing me a more postive light on them, they are wonderful animals.

Please keep in mind the most snapping turtles are not cuddly like Tank. Extreme care must be taken when handling them. They are a shy and defensive animal that only has one defense when cornered.
As a rule they will try to flee if confronted but will fight to defend themselves.

Tank is an exception to all the rules.

*Don't Mind Me*
03-17-12, 09:44 PM
Don't worry about me, I've seen many documentaries about snappers so I'll make sure keep my appendages away from their buisness side.
But that doesn't mean I know everything.

03-17-12, 10:40 PM
Tank is famous.......

Snappers and More Snappers | The Reptile Report (http://thereptilereport.com/snappers-and-more-snappers/)


03-18-12, 02:42 AM
sorry i kinda got lost but now that herps will be coming soon i have returned :)
i love the rattlesnake pics :P

03-18-12, 06:42 AM
Your presentation that day was very engaging. Not only Tank, but the Red Sided Garters as well. Maybe someday you could come to another Herp Society meeting and do another presentation. That was great.

03-18-12, 07:29 AM
Your presentation that day was very engaging. Not only Tank, but the Red Sided Garters as well. Maybe someday you could come to another Herp Society meeting and do another presentation. That was great.

I'd love to give a presentation on T.radix (Plains Garter Snake) They are my favorite.

03-18-12, 01:06 PM
If you do you should say something ahead of time, I would like to come and attend and get a chance to meet Tank.

03-18-12, 01:10 PM
If you do you should say something ahead of time, I would like to come and attend and get a chance to meet Tank.

Kyle, I am a member of the Iowa Herp Society. As soon as I see that he is on the roster, I will be the first to let you know. :)

03-18-12, 01:20 PM
Thanks Gary

03-20-12, 07:24 PM
Here Tank is doing his balancing act. For some reason he likes to climb out from time to time.
If you look below him you'll see his front door.
He's a funny turtle.
This photo was taken a few months ago.

03-20-12, 08:53 PM
That picture is so cool..

04-08-12, 09:23 PM
Our boy Tank took in some sun on Sat. Thought you might like to see him.


05-15-12, 11:39 PM
man tank is a big boy , i laugh every time i see or hear about tank you just dont see snapping turtles that you can pet on the head. :)

05-19-12, 06:52 PM
Check out this long lost baby photo of Tank. It was taken 5/5/09 which as a few days after he arrived on the Ranch. This would mean Tank was born late Summer or early Fall of 2008. Tank continues to grow and mature. He interacts with the family daily.

05-19-12, 06:59 PM
Lol tank was just a boy in that pic , pretty awesome :) thanks for the post

08-03-12, 04:05 PM
Here is a photo of my youngest daughter Hailee(age11) and Tank watching TV.
Tank gets along well with everyone in the house.
He's a special turtle. He'll be 4 years old in Oct. and is ready to tip the scale at 16 lbs.

08-03-12, 04:25 PM
Really cool thread guys love snappers.

Tank is awesome and certainly has the most intelligent look ive ever seen of a turtle.

08-04-12, 02:22 AM

snapping turttle pictures 3,4 and 6 are amazing

i'm so envious of all the wildlife you got going on over there

thanks for sharing mate

cheers shaun

:D thanks for the nice comments , it means alot to me :), i'm very sorry i missed your post somehow. Glad you liked the pics i always enjoy sharing my finds with friends who enjoy reptiles like me .

Tank is a very special turtle it is very awesome how he has not only become this way with just you but your family that lives with you. shows that indeed snapping turtles can be pretty smart.

there is one turtle i here i seem to repeatedly catch. i hope he sticks around for a long time and watch it grow in the wild first 2 pics are from last year
and the next 3 are from this year. still kinda looks like he is the same size to me lol

08-04-12, 07:26 AM
Wonder what happened to his snout...

08-04-12, 07:51 AM
Looks like a fighting injury. Probably during mating or from a rival turtle. They are very territorial and fight all the time. It's a hard life out their for snapping turtles.

08-04-12, 12:08 PM
i don't know. you know what else it could have been was a boat maybe?
do you think that is possible for a turtle to live after being it by a boat?
the water i always find him in is pretty shallow 2-5 foot.

08-04-12, 01:50 PM
A boat would have done much more damage.

I think Steve is right, another snapper bit him in a fight.

08-04-12, 02:53 PM
man that is a scary bite! since we are on this subject of injuries what about this turtle?
a nother one from the same area last year.
and ..

08-18-12, 08:48 PM
Tank(Chelydra sepentina-Common Snapping Turtle) is heading into a difficult month or so. I've seen this for the past 2 years (since he matured sexually) Spring and Fall he goes through a very restless stage. I've named this time for him "The call of the wild" He goes to the front sliding door and wants out. I feel bad that he won't be able to breed but it's best for him. We all tolerate his wandering and lost looks.
He is the most amazing turtle I've ever worked with. The last 4 mornings he's gotten out of bed when I came into the living room. We spent sometime outside the other day and Tank never left the property choosing to stay close to me. Tank just tipped the scale at 16 lbs.
I wish all of you could meet and spend sometime with Tank.


08-19-12, 05:40 AM
He is great!! Thank you for sharing him with us.

09-06-12, 09:27 PM
Tank is over 16 lbs now and will celebrate his 4th birthday next month.
Tank is so interactive and curious about everything. He had a bout of stomach trouble a few days back but has since recovered. I wouldn't change a thing about him.
He is a great turtle.



