View Full Version : Re; Breeding Novice questions

01-08-03, 09:08 PM
Ok, I will attempt to make this understandable out side of my head.

I have a 3-4 year old normal BP, (Monty) I am considering breeding, so can somebody be so kind as to explain the different options I have to choose for a mate.

Then what the different outcomes would be

Then what is recomended, not recomended
and their opinion as to what the "Industry Standard" is

for example: Normal + Normal = Normal (out of say 10 eggs 10 would be normal...(no $h!+)

Now, I'll guess at what my next question will be, what is a morf, Het and so forth

I hope this is clear,


01-09-03, 12:11 AM
A morph is a genetic colour and/or pattern mutation. They can be either simple recessive or co-dominant/dominant traits.

Some simple recessive traits in BP's include (but are not limited to) piebald, albino, ghost, and axanthic. Animals that carry this trait can either be homozygous (showing the trait) or heterozygous (look one way - usually normal - but carry the trait).

examples of the outcome of simple recessive genetics:

homozygous x homozygous = all babies will be homozygous (show the trait)
homozygous x normal = all babies will be heterozygous (also known as 100% het)
heterozygous x heterozygous = 50% will be hets, 25% will be normal, 25% will be homozygous (since you cant tell the difference between the normals, all babies will be labelled as 66% possible hets)
homozygous x heterozygous = 50% will be homozygous and 50% will be definite hets
heterozygous x normal = 75% will be normal, 25% will be hets, (since you cant tell the difference all babies will be labelled as 50% possible hets)

Some Co-Dominant traits include (but are not limited to) Mojave, Pastels, and Spider. With this form of genetics there are no "invisible hets" like with simple recessive, animals are either homozygous or normal. When two homozygous animals are bred together, the trait also gets sterngthened, also known as "super", hence the animals can be considered as "visible hets". A few examples include (using pastel as an example):

pastel x pastel = pastels and super pastels
pastel x normal = pastels and normals (50/50)

I hope that was able to answer some of your questions. I am still quite unclear as to what you were asking in the first part of your question :confused:

Corey Woods
01-09-03, 06:32 AM
Linds answer was quite informative. However, just to clearify a couple things:

The only Co-Dominant mutation known to date is the Pastel since they have produced a Super Pastel. To the best of my knowledge no other "supers" have been produced using the other mutations so you can only say they are Dominant at this time.

Also, when you breed Pastel x Pastel you will get on average 25% Super Pastels, 50% Pastels and 25% normal just like you would when you bred het x het.


01-09-03, 08:34 AM
man I alwasy loved genetics lol and this is all basic stuff!

Theres one thing that struck me though .. Whats a spider morph??? I have never sen one or even heard of one?

As for the Mojave .. I have heard about it but never seen it .. any one care to post some pics?

Tx in advance

01-09-03, 09:55 AM
Great stuff above, very informative and interesting.

Now, in order to make a decision can someone tell me, or post some pictures and price ranges of some of the forementioned bP.

During some of my research i saw a few bp in the $13,000 range...there will ne no neew to show me this type. LOL


01-10-03, 01:25 AM
Dom: this is a spider ball ... ahhhhhhhhhh .. spider ball. :D

Corey Woods
01-10-03, 06:32 AM
I just thought I'd add that if my Red Axanthics are Co-Dominant than those would be the only other proven Co-Dominant mutation (to the best of my knowledge). But, at this time the jury is still out on whether they are Co-Dominant or Dominant (black back) with a recessive gene (red axanthic). We should hopefully figure this out this year.

P.S. Most Proven Ball python mutations are over the $1000 US price tag.

01-10-03, 07:09 AM
Corey...is Ralph Davis or anyone else working with your red-axanthics to help prove it a co-dominant trait or are you exclusively working with them?

Corey Woods
01-10-03, 05:00 PM
The only other person with blood from my Red Axanthics is Ralph Davis (he's got a Red Axanthic male).


01-19-03, 10:37 AM
What about spontaneous mutations like ringers and so on...