View Full Version : Dekay snakes

11-03-11, 11:24 AM
only 2 i found this summer




hopefully for next year will be better finding for the dekays :]

11-03-11, 11:37 AM
Nice Storeria....

11-03-11, 11:38 AM
Thanks, they are one of my favorite snakes here in pa

11-03-11, 11:39 AM
That first one is tiny. What does it eat in the wild & what would you feed it in captivity?

11-03-11, 11:43 AM
Aww they're so tiny! :) Never seen one in my lifetime. Maybe one day!

11-03-11, 11:56 AM
i have seen them eat slugs before i would also think they would eat very small worms in the wild too. i would try feeding them little worms if possible in captivity .they are pretty secretive snakes and hard to come across. i find them under wood and bark in semi open fields. =]

11-03-11, 12:39 PM
I have threads all over on here... I have bred Dekayi and had one that took pinkies.


11-03-11, 01:28 PM
that is amazing i would have never thought about a dekay taking pinkies

thanks for the post

11-03-11, 06:55 PM
that is amazing i would have never thought about a dekay taking pinkies

thanks for the post

I trained her by smearing slug goo over the extra small pinkies until she associated pinks as food.

I live where I can get unlimited slugs/snails & worms.

11-03-11, 07:02 PM
How long did it take to get the snake to associated pinkies as a food source ?

snake man12
11-03-11, 07:06 PM
Wait Is that tiny one adult size, I'm confused:confused:

11-03-11, 07:07 PM
Wait Is that tiny one adult size, I'm confused:confused:

The one in his hand is a baby. the other one(s) are adults.

11-03-11, 07:11 PM
How long did it take to get the snake to associated pinkies as a food source ?

Xena was a special girl, and I kept her with two male garter snakes, so she started behaving like a garter snake after a while.

Life expectancy is around 5 years, she lived to be almost 7.

To answer your question, I only scented twice, then she just went for the pinkies.

snake man12
11-03-11, 07:12 PM
Oh next summer I should try and find some of these. I usually only find northern water snakes racers and garters

11-03-11, 07:16 PM
If you get them to eat for you, they make fine captives.

However any spring captures will most likely be gravid, and the babies are really challenging to get started in captivity...

They demand you catch tiny little slugs to feed them. Been there done that too many times.

snake man12
11-03-11, 07:18 PM
I don't want another like that garter I found that was pregnant

11-03-11, 07:19 PM
only twice that is much faster then i had thought would take.
sounds like Xena was a over achiever living longer then whats expected :)
congrats on the 7 great years

Snake man12 ,there are hundreds of northern water snakes where i live too i have lots of pics of them. As far as dekays try in open fields under flat bark or sheet metal or even drum lids if possible

snake man12
11-03-11, 07:21 PM
It sucks I don't have much land like that. My house is literally in the woods with a stream. Its so thick almost like a jungle

11-03-11, 07:22 PM
Water snakes are great captives also. I have one 5 years and counting now.

Here is the one Chomper thought he was going to catch... The creek behind my house has bunches of them in it.


snake man12
11-03-11, 07:25 PM
My friend has a baby one of these. He's kinda cute a little nasty though I've been bitten three times

11-03-11, 07:26 PM
awesome vid, i have had many give me the slip before in the water lol

11-13-11, 03:29 AM
Those are sooo cute! how tiny!!

and i love the name, xena!! We used to have a packman frog that croaked everytime xena did her yell...we were going through all the seasons of xena on dvd and were watching it alot...every time she yelled he croaked! lol

Video is cute!

You know out of all my days hiking with my dad, and living the country, and trips we've taken i have only seen a snake 4 times. The first 3 were rattlesnakes when i was a kid, and once hiking with my dad i stepped on Something...and it wasn't hurt, just pinned beneath some branches and leaves i stepped on. No clue what it had been. Only got a glimpse and it was ages ago.
We went to Australia and i was hunting EVERYwhere for animals. Mexico, Canada (though not much walking around there) different states in the US..Maybe I should make it a specific trip to go snake hunting to find something! Gosh even all our years camping I've not seen any.

11-13-11, 03:42 AM
i think they are adorable. I'd love to have a pair.