View Full Version : Sick Rosy Boa

10-31-11, 03:16 PM
I went to an expo a few weeks ago and got a 1yr old female rosy boa for my cousin. Ever since, the boa started exhibiting strange signs, such as striking & missing, refusing meals, turning her head upside down, coiling backwards upside down, no "righting" herself if she was turned over, and stargazing. I'd been e-mailing back and forth with the breeder, who didn't seem to be too concerned about it. I decided to google the breeder and look on Fauna Classifieds, and I find out that I'm far from being the only one with bad experiences with this breeder. Turns out he has sold a whole bunch of people sick snakes with similar problems or diseases. It hadn't occurred to me that a breeder with such a bad rep would be at a big expo like the one I was at. His snakes looked fine when I was there. So out of concern for the snake, I decided I'd take her to the vet this afternoon to have her checked out. When I told the breeder that I was going to take her to the vet, he told me it probably wasn't necessary. When I told the breeder the symptoms the snake was experiencing, he said that I was stressing her out and that she just needed more time to settle. I haven't handled her since I got her, she's in a quiet room, her set up is perfect (right temps, low humidity, etc), and the only time I opened the cage was to attempt to feed. By the way she was acting, it seemed like something more than just "stress" was going on.

So I took her to the vet, because I care about the animal and it seemed like she was in need of medical attention. I made the long drive out and took her to the see a reptile vet. The vet determined that she had about 8 layers of eye caps retained. EIGHT! He managed to get some off, but not all of them. Her nostrils were equally as covered and stuck. He thinks this might have been the reason she was striking and missing her prey (because she couldn't see or smell it right). He also determined that she has a lot of parasites in her system (he did a fecal test etc). He performed a series of tests to see how she would respond if flipped upside down, on the side, and in other positions, to check for neurological symptoms. She passed some of those "tests", but failed some as well. He concluded that she does have some sort of neurological problem, but that he's not able to say what is causing them as of right now. He gave her a dose of antibiotics, and gave me a few instructions of what to do this week to make sure she's well. I'm taking her back on Friday to do a check up and try feeding her. She's also lost weight (15g) since I got her 2 weeks ago.

For obvious reasons, I will not be giving this snake to my cousin. She is not equipped to handle a snake that is not 100% healthy (and she's quite disheartened as you can imagine). I'm going to give the snake the care I can while she is with me, but I'm hoping the breeder will take her back and give me a refund. I'm certainly hoping I don't get "stuck" with this sick rosy boa and her vet bills. As of right now I have her quarantined in order to protect my other snakes. It goes without saying that I'm quite disappointed. Such bad luck :no:

10-31-11, 03:33 PM
Sucks, some people just want money and don't care about the animal :(

10-31-11, 07:31 PM
wow, that's just pathetic.

10-31-11, 07:34 PM
Oh I am so sorry to hear this!

10-31-11, 09:56 PM
I am sorry! Hope she gets better;)

10-31-11, 10:04 PM
Yeah- the whole situation completely SUCKS, to say the least :( I've e-mailed the breeder to see if he'll take her back, but since he's not consistent with returning e-mails or calls, who knows :no:

10-31-11, 10:31 PM
your snake is showing a lot of neurological issues

there are a few reasons i can think of at the minute

1.it was born with neurological damage

2.a tank that is too hot can cause neurological issues and if the temperatures are not corrected in time,it can lead to premature death

3.i don't want to alarm you,but it could also be inclusion body disease,its also reffered to as I.B.D. unfortunatly there is no cure or treatment for this condition and the snake has to be euthinised.

is your snake having runny poo's ?

or vommiting ?

a breeder should NEVER have sold snakes in such poor condition.the eye caps alone,should have been enough to hold the snake back,back until it was in 100% perfect health and condition.if you can track down a few of his customers and you come to the conclusion and its backed up by your vet findings,that this guy knowingly sold snakes showing bad health symptoms,then imo he should be reported to the shows organisers.i do not think the show would want such people on their premises.far less the risk of spreading disease,because he does not think the symptoms your describing are anything to worry about.imo your snakes symptoms require quarantine and vetenary treatments for the snake.

the breeder is a disgrace to the hobbie...!!

you do have the snake in quaratine and wash your hands thouroughly after going into its tank or touching the snake itself ( im not trying to be cheeky )

i wish you all the best with the treatment,please keep us updated on how things are going

all the best shaun

10-31-11, 10:41 PM
to further Shaun's comment about talking to the show's organizer, if you can find others that have had sick snakes from this breeder you can possibly file class action suit against him, or go to small claims court (easiest if you can find someone in the same state as him if you're not)
you can also report him to the BBB, they can't really do anything, but it'll go on record.

10-31-11, 10:59 PM
to further Shaun's comment about talking to the show's organizer, if you can find others that have had sick snakes from this breeder you can possibly file class action suit against him, or go to small claims court (easiest if you can find someone in the same state as him if you're not)
you can also report him to the BBB, they can't really do anything, but it'll go on record.

shows would be my greatest fear when it comes guys like this breeder.he seems to have no regards for his snakes,customers and all the other reptiles at the show.how can he say " theres nothing to worry about " when the customer is telling him of serious neurological symptoms...!!

people like him should have a life time ban from shows and i know it would be impossible to enforce,but a lifetime ban from keeping reptiles of any kind

cheers shaun

10-31-11, 11:15 PM
May I ask who the breeder is? if you don't want to post it would you mind telling me privately? I often look on fauna classifieds and kingsnake.com classifieds and would hate to give this person my money.

11-01-11, 07:10 AM
May I ask who the breeder is? if you don't want to post it would you mind telling me privately? I often look on fauna classifieds and kingsnake.com classifieds and would hate to give this person my money.

He already has a several bad reviews on Fauna Classifields. After I settle whether or not he'll take the snake back and give me a refund I'll post about him there too.

I'm not sure if I'm "allowed" to give out the name on here.... maybe Wayne can tell me if I can?

11-01-11, 07:56 AM
You probably shouldn't post it here for the world to see but I would assume PMing Shmoges is okay since he's worried he'll get "scammed" like you.

11-01-11, 08:09 AM
This is the exact reason I don't buy from breeders I am not completely familiar with.
Sorry to hear about your situation.

11-01-11, 08:29 AM
Wow, that is one sick boa. I think the heavy parasite load, along with the inability to see or smell properly, could be causing a lot of the symptoms, and it's most likely that rather than IBD. However, parasites are usually hard to eradicate once they've gotten into the neurological system- it's usually permanent damage to some extent. Alessia, I'm so sorry you got into this mess. I wish you'd told me who you were buying from before making the purchase- I could have steered you away from them. That boa is definitely NOT captive bred with a parasite load, and who knows how old it actually is. It's disgusting and despicable that the seller sold an animal in that shape, but they aren't exactly known for their care of the animals. :-/

11-01-11, 08:52 AM
In the past, this seller has had thousands of reptiles confiscated by the SPCA for animal cruelty. Still haven't heard back from him... Sigh.... Not gonna get my hopes up anout that either :no:

11-01-11, 09:01 AM
Wow that's horrid I agree you should talk to the show organizers and tell them about the quality of the snake and al the problems t make sure that the breeder can come back and sell more unhealthy snakes,.... Definitely scary good luck and keep us posted

11-01-11, 10:10 AM
In the past, this seller has had thousands of reptiles confiscated by the SPCA for animal cruelty. Still haven't heard back from him... Sigh.... Not gonna get my hopes up anout that either :no:

wow, that sounds like a certain someone that has been discussed on another forum I'm on...

11-01-11, 11:21 AM
I know that there are some very ....colorful...threads about this seller on Fauna. Alessia, definitely provide proof to the organizers of the Hamburg show, and start a Fauna BOI Bad Guy thread.

11-07-11, 06:09 PM
Update! As of November 7th, 2011:

I took the rosy boa to yet another vet appointment this past Friday November 4th for a follow up check up.

Eye Caps
She still has more retained eye caps. The vet managed to pull FOUR retained eye caps off of EACH EYE during the visit. He taped them to the receipt for proof. Despite the removal of those eye caps, she still had more on her that he didn't want to forcefully pull off.

Neurological Symptoms
She is still displaying neurological symptoms. Over the week she gave me a few scares where I found her upside down and barely moving. She is still turning her head upside down and stargazing. She is not very reactive or alert, and the times she does strike she misses completely, often striking in the opposite direction of the provocation. As of right now, the vet has not been able to establish whether or not she has Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) or if it is the parasites that have reached her brain and are causing her to have neurological symptoms.

She has lost more weight since the last visit. Despite having gotten all of the shed off of her nostrils, she was completely disinterested in food. The vet wants to force-feed her at the next visit because he is worried about her continued weight loss. The vet is not sure whether or not she will ever return to feeding on her own as of right now. I am still debating whether or not it is worthwhile to keep this snake alive forcefully if she does not improve.

The Breeder's Response
I have maintained in contact with the breeder, e-mailing him every detail about all the vet visits and the condition of the snake. In his latest e-mail (which I received this morning), he demanded I e-mail him copies of the vet records since he wasn't taking my word about the condition of his snake. He continues to insist that she was a captive-bred snake and it is "not possible" that she have the parasites the vet found in her.
I kindly brought up the idea of a refund. His first response was that he'd be willing to give me "credit" "depending on the condition of the snake" (not sure what that means). I told him I wouldn't want "credit" since I wouldn't be interested in getting another snake for at least 6 months to protect the snakes already in my collection. I asked him again if he would be willing to give me a refund instead. I have not heard back from him about the refund yet.

What's next
I will be taking her back to the vet, probably this Friday, for yet another check-up. The vet will probably check her again for parasites, weigh her, check her responses for neurological symptoms (whether they are improving or worsening), he might force-feed her depending on the prognosis, and we'll go from there.

Financial Costs
The actual snake- $100
1st vet visit- $65
2nd vet visit- $50
Food that has been refused- $15
Gas- $20 so far
Time spent worrying- priceless
Total as of Nov 7, 2011: $250

11-07-11, 07:15 PM
small claims court, which state is the breeder located in? Hopefully same state as you as that makes it easier.

11-07-11, 08:43 PM
Man you got off easy on those vet visits.

11-07-11, 08:43 PM
small claims court, which state is the breeder located in? Hopefully same state as you as that makes it easier.

I'm not sure it would be worth it. Getting a lawyer, court fees, etc. would amount to more than the refund I want. Also, the breeder and I live in different states. I'm hoping he'll choose to settle this nicely with me one-on-one. Oh, and there was no contract or guarantee that came with the snake... so IDK what I could do about it on a legal basis anyway.

11-07-11, 08:45 PM
Man you got off easy on those vet visits.

Yes- I explained to the vet the circumstances of what I'm going through, and that fact that I'm an unemployed college student, and he's been very understanding to say the least.

11-07-11, 10:51 PM
lawyers aren't allowed in small claims court, you can have one advising you, but that can't be there.
you're at the university, they should have an office of student legal services, go talk with them, your student fees should pay for it. I've used mine numerous times, I might go back tomorrow.

11-07-11, 10:51 PM
court fees are paid by him if they settle in your favor, only thing you have to pay for IIRC is to file and serve him, something like 35 bucks here.

11-07-11, 11:03 PM
Update! As of November 7th, 2011:

I took the rosy boa to yet another vet appointment this past Friday November 4th for a follow up check up.

Eye Caps
She still has more retained eye caps. The vet managed to pull FOUR retained eye caps off of EACH EYE during the visit. He taped them to the receipt for proof. Despite the removal of those eye caps, she still had more on her that he didn't want to forcefully pull off.

Neurological Symptoms
She is still displaying neurological symptoms. Over the week she gave me a few scares where I found her upside down and barely moving. She is still turning her head upside down and stargazing. She is not very reactive or alert, and the times she does strike she misses completely, often striking in the opposite direction of the provocation. As of right now, the vet has not been able to establish whether or not she has Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) or if it is the parasites that have reached her brain and are causing her to have neurological symptoms.

She has lost more weight since the last visit. Despite having gotten all of the shed off of her nostrils, she was completely disinterested in food. The vet wants to force-feed her at the next visit because he is worried about her continued weight loss. The vet is not sure whether or not she will ever return to feeding on her own as of right now. I am still debating whether or not it is worthwhile to keep this snake alive forcefully if she does not improve.

The Breeder's Response
I have maintained in contact with the breeder, e-mailing him every detail about all the vet visits and the condition of the snake. In his latest e-mail (which I received this morning), he demanded I e-mail him copies of the vet records since he wasn't taking my word about the condition of his snake. He continues to insist that she was a captive-bred snake and it is "not possible" that she have the parasites the vet found in her.
I kindly brought up the idea of a refund. His first response was that he'd be willing to give me "credit" "depending on the condition of the snake" (not sure what that means). I told him I wouldn't want "credit" since I wouldn't be interested in getting another snake for at least 6 months to protect the snakes already in my collection. I asked him again if he would be willing to give me a refund instead. I have not heard back from him about the refund yet.

What's next
I will be taking her back to the vet, probably this Friday, for yet another check-up. The vet will probably check her again for parasites, weigh her, check her responses for neurological symptoms (whether they are improving or worsening), he might force-feed her depending on the prognosis, and we'll go from there.

Financial Costs
The actual snake- $100
1st vet visit- $65
2nd vet visit- $50
Food that has been refused- $15
Gas- $20 so far
Time spent worrying- priceless
Total as of Nov 7, 2011: $250

Thanks for the update, hopefully the vet can get her eating on her own and the neurological symptoms can be managed. Its always sad when the possibility of euthanizing a pet becomes the better more humane option

Please hang in there

11-08-11, 04:40 AM
I'm sorry you are going through this Alessia. But to file in small claims court is relatively easy and no lawyer is needed.

I don't know who has District (where you would have to file), but to give you an idea of what to expect I brought up small claims for Maryland and Miami so you can get a good idea of what to expect should you seek to sue:

Miami Small Claims - Step by Step (http://www.miamidade.gov/csd/library/small_claims_court_09.pdf)
Where do I file a Small Claims Court action?
Small Claims are filed with the Miami-Dade County Clerks Office. The telephone number is 305-275-1155 and/or to visit their website click on the following link: Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts.

District Court of Maryland - How to File a Small Claim (http://www.courts.state.md.us/district/forms/civil/dccv001br.html)

Where is the city of residence for the business? That is most likely who has district.

11-08-11, 06:32 AM
The breeder is in New York and I'm currently in Pennsylvania for college (though Miami is my home). Thanks Zara... I'll see if I can figure something out if he doesn't collaborate.

Millertime thanks for the info about small court... I'll look into it about the whole student fees.

Ladybug thanks for your support :) Like you, I hope I don't have to euthanize, but we'll see what the best choice turns out to be.

11-08-11, 07:32 AM
Neuro disorders can be a direct result of exposure to certain chemicals often used by both commercial and private keepers during mite treatment or prevention routines. I know that these symptoms can be induced in Jaguar Pythons by exposure to chemicals, but have never heard of it happening to a Rosy Boa. It wouldn't surprise me if the thing was so inbred that it's immune system was severely weakened and it was then exposed to mite treatment, causing the disorder.

Unfortunately, it's not curable once it's present, although most animals inflicted with symptoms can lead relatively normal lives depending on the degree of the symptoms. It's watching them struggle that can be gut-wrenching.

As for the immoral idiot that sold such an animal, he deserves whatever is coming his way as a result, but I've seen this so many times and they tend to just close shop, so to speak, and then pop-up under a different name, each time making it more and more difficult to contact them with lack of location and contact information on their websites and such because they know they've ticked-off too many people, but the chances of them actually stopping or changing their ways are very slim. I've seen it more times than I care to think about.

I'm sure you'll give it a loving home for the rest of it's life and make it as comfortable as possible. Kudos to you, Alessia ;)

11-08-11, 07:44 AM
Unfortunately, even if the snake does get better, I will be finding her a new home. As much as I am giving her the best help I can get her, I'm not suited to be her forever home. To begin with, this rosy boa was supposed to be for my cousin, not for me. Since my cousin is a first-time snake owner, she is not equipped to handle a snake that's anything short of healthy. Personally, I don't "want" a rosy boa; and I have not gotten attached to her during this process. I'm more of a python person to begin with; but I also don't want to keep a snake that has the possibility of ever infecting my other 2 snakes. If her symptoms improve and when she is well enough, I will find her a new, loving home, preferably with someone who wants to take care of what might be a special-needs snake. I'm not the right person to keep this snake, but I'll make sure I find someone who is. Here's hoping she improves at all though...

11-14-11, 11:55 AM
Curious to know how this little guy is doing


11-14-11, 12:47 PM
Hey Lady-bug,
Things have not gotten any better. The rosy boa is still displaying all the same neurological symptoms, and is still refusing to eat. I will be taking her to the vet (again!) for another check up, and to determine if it might be better to euthanise. I e-mailed the breeder 2 weeks ago with scanned copies of the vet records and he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I e-mailed him again today kindly reminding him to stay in touch, updating him on the status of the snake, asking for a refund (again, since he's avoiding the topic), and letting him know that if he doesn't want to settle this one-on-one I will be filing a small claims court case. We'll see what happens. I told him I'd give him a week to get back to me and that I'd let him know what comes out of the vet visit this week. I'll update here when I know anything else. Thanks for asking though!

11-14-11, 12:51 PM
Good luck on this Alessia. I hope the breeder pulls his head out of his butt and makes things right. I also hope the snake starts doing better soon :(

11-14-11, 12:59 PM
to be honest i think it would be best euthinised pal

cheers shaun

11-14-11, 01:56 PM
to be honest i think it would be best euthinised pal

cheers shaun

this is what I'm thinking, hate to say it Alessia.

11-14-11, 02:00 PM
I know... It's a hard choice, but I will do what is best for the snake. I'll be talking it over with the vet later today or tomorrow.

11-14-11, 03:20 PM
I am inclined to agree unfortunately it may be what best for the animal

11-17-11, 06:45 PM
Update November 17, 2011

I spoke to the vet and tomorrow at 11:45am I have an appointment for the rosy boa to be euthanized. Despite all of our attempts to rehabilitate her or make her quality of life better, she has only gotten worse. It has been horrible to watch this snake deteriorate. She continues to star-gaze, coil upside down, and two days ago she had what I think was a seizure. I have occasionally found her completely upside down (which as you ca imagine, has totally scared me). She has refused to eat anything, and the few defensive strikes she has given me over the course of time have been total off (ie: my had would be in front of her but she would strike in the opposite direction).

Tomorrow's going to be a hard day. I've never had to put any of my animals down before... Even though I'm not attached to her emotionally or anything, I'm still angry that this "breeder" gave her to me in such poor conditions, and that he refuses to take any responsibility. I will be filing a case in small claims court after all is done. Tomorrow the vet and I will discuss whether or not it is necessary to do post-mortem tests.

Thanks for all the support ya'll have given me through all this

11-17-11, 06:51 PM
Aw that is too bad but I believe it is for the best she's a sick little lady. And whether you have emotions invested or not watching an animal suffer is gut wrenching. You did your best it was an amazing effort and I hope you grill the son of a bitch who sold her in that condition

11-17-11, 06:59 PM
What she said ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :(

11-17-11, 07:28 PM
What they said ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :(

CK SandBoas
11-17-11, 10:36 PM
I am so sorry! But you are doing what's best for the snake,and even though it is a truly heartbreaking decision, just remember, you did everything you could for that animal, and you gave it a loving home for it, for the remaining time it has had left on this earth.

I hope you nail the breeder to the wall for selling such a beautiful snake, in such a deplorable condition:(

11-17-11, 10:43 PM
Kick him in the stones while your at it!!!!

11-17-11, 11:38 PM
I'm really sorry, you did do your best, and you can't blame yourself. I would do the post-mortem, it will give you more ammo for small claims court, and you'll be able to spread the word that this "breeder" has snakes in that condition if it turns out to be a disease.

11-18-11, 12:27 PM
Update November 18, 2011

I took the rosy boa to the vet this morning and she was euthanized. Since Wednesday she had been having seizures, and when I took her to the vet this morning her eyes were going in different directions. The vet and I both agreed that euthanasia would be the best course of action for the snake.

I continue to be in touch with the breeder, who has refused to refund me, claims I'm "lying", claims he hasn't gotten all my e-mails, and who continues to deny responsibility. I have already let him know that I will be filing a claim at small claims court. He continues to insist I "give her back".

You can follow my story from here on at my BOI thread on Fauna Classifieds (http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1383254#post1383254).

Thanks again everyone for all your support. Watching this poor snake deteriorate in front of me, and having to finally euthanize her has been horrible and heart-breaking.

11-18-11, 12:44 PM
you did your best and the breeder is a coward

11-18-11, 12:46 PM
Sorry you had to go through all of this. You did everything right. I hope the courts can help make the breeder own up and I also hope that he doesn't get away with this with other people.

11-18-11, 01:40 PM
do not tell him you're filling in small claims court, if the summons is delivered and he isn't there, a note will be left for him that he needs to go to the post office (if I remember correctly) that he has a package to pick up. If he just ignores it there's nothing you can do.

11-18-11, 01:44 PM
do not tell him you're filling in small claims court, if the summons is delivered and he isn't there, a note will be left for him that he needs to go to the post office (if I remember correctly) that he has a package to pick up. If he just ignores it there's nothing you can do.

Actually, if he ignores it and doesn't show, the judge will rule in my favor. I've been reading up about it and you actually have to let them know that you're filing against him in the first place. He has been advised, and he will do as he wishes with that. I'm sure that with the information I have, the vet records and all, things will work out in my favor. Hopefully.

11-18-11, 01:48 PM
don't dwell on the act of euthinisation

you stopped the suffering and thats what counts,as the quality of life was way bellow what counts as comfortable

i would get in touch with the expo orginisers and do your best to get this callous breeder banned from future events

the guy who sold you that snake is a disgrace to the human race

where as you did the humane thing and ended the suffering

all the best shaun

11-18-11, 01:51 PM
Actually, if he ignores it and doesn't show, the judge will rule in my favor. I've been reading up about it and you actually have to let them know that you're filing against him in the first place. He has been advised, and he will do as he wishes with that. I'm sure that with the information I have, the vet records and all, things will work out in my favor. Hopefully.

good deal, I'm assuming he's in the same state as you then? The person I filed against was in a different state and it was a mess, luckily we settled before it went to court.

11-18-11, 01:53 PM
good deal, I'm assuming he's in the same state as you then? The person I filed against was in a different state and it was a mess, luckily we settled before it went to court.

No... Unfortunately, we're both in different states. I'll figure it out though... I refuse to become yet another person he successfully scammed. Oh boy, he just doesn't know who he's messing with... He won't know what hit him.

11-18-11, 01:56 PM
yea I would totally make sure he's not allowed at that show again

11-18-11, 01:58 PM
yea I would totally make sure he's not allowed at that show again

I have called and left a voice mail with the event organizer so that she'll call me back. I'll let you know if I successfully get him out of that expo!

11-18-11, 02:01 PM
If for some insane reason you don't get him banned, stand at the entrance of the expo and hand out fliers about him...

11-18-11, 02:19 PM
If for some insane reason you don't get him banned, stand at the entrance of the expo and hand out fliers about him...

Hmmm... Didn't think about this. Good idea. Thanks

11-18-11, 04:51 PM
actually, bad idea, that would be considered detrimental to a business (slander) and could get YOU sued, no matter what evidence you've got against him.

11-18-11, 04:52 PM
actually, bad idea, that would be considered detrimental to a business (slander) and could get YOU sued, no matter what evidence you've got against him.

Hmm... I'll have to look into this then. But I'm pretty sure it won't come to that. I'm pretty sure the organizer of the expo will call me back, hear me out, and do what's right for the expo as a whole. :)

11-18-11, 04:54 PM
yes, just be careful with what you do.

11-18-11, 09:34 PM
Yeah. Be careful that no one sees you leave those flyers at the front door.

11-18-11, 09:56 PM
I have called and left a voice mail with the event organizer so that she'll call me back. I'll let you know if I successfully get him out of that expo!

if you could find others who bought sick snakes from this guy,it would go a long way as to getting him banned from expo's

i really hope you get him banned from expo's for life

all the best shaun

01-23-12, 03:43 PM
The long-awaited update...I finally got the results back from the necropsy!
- hemorrhage into the coelom with white foci in the skeletal muscle and tissue firmness cranial to the heart
- kidneys were enlarged and pale
- the liver was diffusely congested.
- mild infiltration of lymphoid cells and some degenerate granulocytic leukocytes int he portal triads (these are associated with cell debris and fibrin)
- the lungs were congested
- the spleen was mildly autolyzed (disintegration of the cells)
- the pancreas was severely autolyzed. In areas where of the pancreas is less autolyzed, there was extensive inflammation and necrosis. There is cell debris, fibrin, edema, and viable and degenerate heterophilis as feel as clusters of lymphoid cells.
- intestines were mildly autolyzed
- the kidney is supporting multiple irate to phi, which are characterized by pale material surrounded by cell debris.
- extensive interstitial fibrosis and mucinous degeneration in the kidney
- gallbladdar was severely autolyzed
1. Kidney: severe diffuse actue to subacute tubulointerstitial nephritis with urate tophi.
2. Pancreas: focally extensive acute necrotizing pancreatitis.
Additional comments:
The snake had severe renal disease. Both kidneys were severely affected. Possible additional cause: paramyxovirus; but needs more testing to be determined.

In conclusion...
The snake was in fact sold to me VERY sick. Yes, I am taking this to court ASAP to be resolved with the "breeder." Yes, he will be banned from most (if not all) Pennsylvania reptile expos and shows. Yes, I will keep you posted if I win the case. Thanks for keeping up, guys! It's a sad story, but hopefully everyone learns something out of it.

01-23-12, 03:45 PM
Glad to see you are taking this to its conclusion - good luck with the courts!! :)

01-23-12, 03:48 PM
Good luck Alessia. Get a good lawyer and kick his a$$ in court. Keep us posted

01-23-12, 03:51 PM
Good luck Alessia. Get a good lawyer and kick his a$$ in court. Keep us posted

I'm going to small claims court. No lawyers allowed ;)

01-23-12, 03:56 PM
You don't need a lawyer your a smart cookie!

01-23-12, 04:48 PM
wow. that poor snake. :(
Do you have any photos or videos of the behavior it exhibited after you purchased it?

01-23-12, 05:03 PM
wow. that poor snake. :(
Do you have any photos or videos of the behavior it exhibited after you purchased it?

Unfortunately, no... That's the one thing I regret the most. But I have all the e-mails from between the breeder and I, the vet records, and the necropsy results in print.

CK SandBoas
01-23-12, 07:06 PM
Good luck Alessia!!

01-24-12, 03:51 AM
That should do, then. Ugh i'l never understand someone letting animals in their care get sick like that..let along *selling* it to someone else...and selling it as a healthy pet! Just...arrrrrgh!
Go get'em alessia! LOL

01-24-12, 08:45 AM
Good luck, do you have a court date?

01-24-12, 08:51 AM
Good luck, do you have a court date?
Not yet. I had to wait for the necropsy results before I could go down there and make an appointment.

01-24-12, 08:56 AM
Good luck- I'll be rooting for you. Too many "big sellers" in the reptile world think they can just slip a few sick animals or misrepresented ones through. They get too big for their britches, and figure they do enough volume of business that one bad issue can't affect them....now they'll end up paying far more than the initial cost refund they could have paid to avoid all of this. Hopefully word will get out, and send a message that these people can't get away with neglecting their animals and selling them.

Alessia, have you started a BOI Bad Guy thread? If not, you definitely need to do so to get word of this out.

01-24-12, 08:59 AM
I just read this, I'm sorry you had to go through it Alessia. But I'm equally glad that you're standing up for yourself.

01-24-12, 10:49 PM
Good for you but even if he is banned from expos/shows there he will change the name of his company and no one will notice him it is said but true