View Full Version : PVC Enclosure - Work In Progress

10-29-11, 01:47 PM
Just wanted to share some pictures of my pvc enclosure. I was just finished setting up the thermostat and RHP so I decided to take some pics while it was heating up. It started at 70 F, which is the room temp, and its already at 81 after 45 minutes. Keep in mind, this enclosure is not finished yet, my thermometer/hygro isnt installed yet, I intend to put the two hides from my 20 gal inside, one on the warm side, one on the cool side, and the waterdish somewhere in there. Thanks for looking :) Let me know what you guys think

New PVC one:

And Inside...

My 20 Gal that shes using right now:

Substrate is 50/50 cypress/cocohusk. Those weird markings on the back of the inside, I was told are just glue marks. I've let it air out for 2 weeks, and I can no longer smell anything inside. When I first bought it, there was a slight chemical smell but its totally gone now. Cleaned it with bleach/water and let it dry out. Only thing Im missing now is a temp gun. Cheers!

10-29-11, 03:10 PM
Beautiful. The new enclosure looks great! Is it a boaphile?

10-29-11, 03:56 PM
Beautiful. The new enclosure looks great! Is it a boaphile?

Its made by All Reptiles, theyre based in Toronto. Its not as high quality as Boaphiles, but with a few touchups, still does the job nicely.

Im having some issues with my herpstat probe placement. Right now, I have it glued 3-4 inches above the ground, right under the right vent. The temperature has been reading 81.0 on my herpstat for the past two hours. Hmmm. So I put my thermoMETER probe in different spots to measure the temps. At ground level, right under the center of the RHP, its getting to about 84.5~. On top of a branch, much closer to the RHP, I am getting a reading of 88.5. I have set the herpstat to 90, but it will only go up to 81 for some reason :crazy2:

The RHP is really hot to the touch though, Im kind of not believing that they are guaranteed not to be able to burn your snake. I think the problem is my Herpstat probe placement. I need to put it at the hottest possible spot, so that I can adjust the temps better. Is it a bad idea to hot glue your probe on the actual RHP?

10-30-11, 05:34 AM
Very nice looking set up.

10-30-11, 05:47 PM
Very nice looking set up.

Thanks Marvel! Just gotta get that husbandry spot on before I put my girl in :)

Still looking for some advice on how to setup the Herpstat probe to get a more accurate reading, any input would be helpful :)

10-30-11, 05:52 PM
Thanks Marvel! Just gotta get that husbandry spot on before I put my girl in :)

Still looking for some advice on how to setup the Herpstat probe to get a more accurate reading, any input would be helpful :)
Wish i could be of more help, but i never used a RHP. Hopefully some who has will come a long and can help.