View Full Version : Mice (Rats) Do I go bigger?
10-28-11, 09:25 PM
I am feeding my baby bp rat pups (but I was told she could eat bigger) do I just stay on the pups or move her up already?
10-28-11, 09:37 PM
i would keep her on rats and move her up to the next bigger size prey item
that would be what we call rat fluffs or rat fuzzies over here
re over here
rat pups have no fur and their eyes are closed/blind
rat fuzzies have fur on them and are the next sized prey item from pups
cheers shaun
10-28-11, 09:44 PM
The rats she is eating have fur already and about the size of an adult mouse
10-28-11, 09:46 PM
You're feeding a baby a feeder the size of an adult mouse? That's what I feed my adult corns. If they have fur they must not be pups
10-28-11, 09:50 PM
You're feeding a baby a feeder the size of an adult mouse? That's what I feed my adult corns. If they have fur they must not be pups
I will take a pic of the rat tomorrow! As I am in bed already lol
10-28-11, 09:52 PM
The rats she is eating have fur already and about the size of an adult mouse
if you buy your food from a reptile shop just ask the guy to show you the next size rat he has
i'm sure there was a post on here with a link to a picture of all the different sized rats,all pictured lying next to each gives you an idea of the size difference between each type of rat sold
cheers shaun
10-29-11, 07:46 AM
What are you feeding?
10-29-11, 01:16 PM
Does the prey leave a bump in the snake for 24 hours? IF so it is the right size, if it doesnt then try the next size up - my BP takes prey that is twice the snakes girth.
i'm sure there was a post on here with a link to a picture of all the different sized rats,all pictured lying next to each gives you an idea of the size difference between each type of rat sold
cheers shaun
I posted this in dead corn as well, but here it is again :D
Mouse/Rat size chart..... - Reptile Forums (
Right now i'm feeding my 4 moth old BP full adult mice, next switching to soft fur rats. (Breeding them)
10-31-11, 09:03 AM
Rats pups, at least in my area, are what shaun described as rat fuzzies, they were what I were feeding my bp when I first get him
10-31-11, 09:09 AM
this is where i get all my prey items 624649&ei=9rmuTtPaCoeo8QPvmembCw&usg=AFQjCNGYuWoYPeQ0bp53dHtf2BuX88LwzQ&cad=rja
cheers shaun
10-31-11, 09:14 AM
This is what i use
Buy Feeder Rats - Newborn, Pinkies, Adult Rats Sale Online (
i breed rats and what i call pups are when they are walking around a little and starting to open there eyes
Im not sure if it will make a big difference but keep in mind that all baby prey items (rat or mouse) have much lower concentrations of bone, and therefore less important minerals like calcium. I would say it would be better to feed an adult mouse than a rat pup of similar size. Especially if its a young snake, as those bones are growing quickly and need a lot of calcium.
10-31-11, 09:23 AM
Im not sure if it will make a big difference but keep in mind that all baby prey items (rat or mouse) have much lower concentrations of bone, and therefore less important minerals like calcium. I would say it would be better to feed an adult mouse than a rat pup of similar size. Especially if its a young snake, as those bones are growing quickly and need a lot of calcium.
Rats have more protein and less fat than mice. You don't want a snake that will need rats into adulthood to form a preference for mice which could be very tough to break.
Just feed the appropriate size rat for now and the snake will be fine.
10-31-11, 09:26 AM
yes rat do have more protein and less fat and with BP's they should never be on mice anyways if they are not really small, most BP's will take a rat pink as there first meal.
Hmmmmm...not sure I can agree with you there. The protein content of an adult mouse and a baby rat is not significantly different (about 2%) However, both baby rats and adult rats have a significantly higher fat content than similarly aged mice. Check out the breakdown. Nutrition Feeder Mice | Nutrient Composition of Feeder Animals ( And look at the mineral breakdown as well. An adult mouse has about twice the calcium of a baby rat.
Again Im not saying this is essential or that its not perfectly feasible to feed rats their entire life. Ive raised many ball pythons on both and had no problems with either diet. Ive just started giving the smaller ones mice now due to the increased mineral content. Ive never had any problems switching them over from mice to rats though, so I cant speak to that issue.
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