View Full Version : Soon to be mine: Cinny Male !

10-25-11, 04:06 PM

Here's the image provided to me by the breeder. Currently feeding on live rats and is a 2011 hatchling. Picking him up for $100 in about a month or so ! I couldn't say no haha!

Just wondering how hard it is switching them over to f/t rats ? Should I feed him a few live ones to make the transition easier ? Let me know if you guys have any suggestions :) Im so excited.

Also, Im trying to think of a name for him. Any suggestions ?? My current female normal's name is Morticia, given to her by her previous owner.

10-25-11, 04:10 PM
It took my Bp about 4 months to switch from live to f/t. Never offer live, wait them out as long as they are not loosing much weight. Offer 1 time a week and soon he will be hungry enough to eat. If you offer live at any point in time you basically start all over seeing as he won and you gave in. I found the trick for my BP was getting the F/T really hot and cutting the head open. He went after it with such force it was great. Good luck on the switch!

10-25-11, 04:11 PM
Aww yay! congrats! My adult bp is a cinnamon pastel. Yours is beautiful! You must be super excited. As per switching to f/t, I switched my baby bp over to f/t without a problem. Never fed him live when he moved to my place; he took it no questions asked. It depends on the snake. Let him settle in and offer him f/t and see if he takes it (I did the "dead rat dance"). Good luck!! :)

snake man12
10-25-11, 04:17 PM
He looks a little small to be eating rats, how big is he. He's pretty cool lookin

10-25-11, 04:19 PM
He looks a little small to be eating rats, how big is he. He's pretty cool lookin

My baby bp is probably around the same age as this little cinny. He probably means that he's eating rat fuzzies, not adult rats.

10-25-11, 04:21 PM
Aww yay! congrats! My adult bp is a cinnamon pastel. Yours is beautiful! You must be super excited. As per switching to f/t, I switched my baby bp over to f/t without a problem. Never fed him live when he moved to my place; he took it no questions asked. It depends on the snake. Let him settle in and offer him f/t and see if he takes it (I did the "dead rat dance"). Good luck!! :)

Isnt a cinnamon pastel = a pewter? I also wanted to know, why are some pewters so much more silver than others? When I breed, I want to try and get them as black/silver/white as possible.. Are black pastel x pastel more silvery than cinnamon x pastels ?

I hope he has a smooth transition, I got it really easy with my current female normal, she is a pig and eats anything anytime. I probably wont get so lucky this time around :P

Edit: Yup eatin rat fuzzies i believe. Im quite pleased actually because I've heard making the switch from mice to rats is hard as well.

10-25-11, 04:35 PM
Isnt a cinnamon pastel = a pewter? I also wanted to know, why are some pewters so much more silver than others? When I breed, I want to try and get them as black/silver/white as possible.. Are black pastel x pastel more silvery than cinnamon x pastels ?

As far as I know cinnamon pastel is just the "original" name for a cinnamon. They're the same thing. Cinnamon x pastel = pewter. The nice thing about cinnys is that if you breed them to another cinny .... they make a super cinnamon... one of my absolute dream snakes:

Photo from fororeptiles.org

10-25-11, 05:29 PM

Super Cinny's look fantastic. Im really excited about Pewters though. I also really like Spinners and Piebalds. I have a feeling Im going to be spending way too much money on my first few years of breeding and probably wont make a dime back until two or three years from now. Worth it tho !