View Full Version : Internal parasite that causes weblike substance on snake poop?

10-19-11, 05:53 PM
Okay......Leto has some kind of internal parasite....his poo has weblike substance on it. Literally looks like a web on the feces. I am going to worm him bit wanted to know if anyone has seen this before? Looks like the white fuzzy stuff that grows on food going bad but he just passed the stool.

10-23-11, 09:52 PM
I have never seen this..

10-24-11, 09:32 AM
I'll have to post a pic if he does it again......really bizarre. Took a sample to the breeder and he had never seen it either. The one vet in this area is awful and since taking him to him would be certain death, we wormed Leto ourself with Panacur. He survived the worming and is doing well. Panacur covers a pretty broad spectrum of parasites, so we will re-worm in 2 weeks.