View Full Version : First cage

10-18-11, 04:37 PM
Just finished my first cage and was wondering what type of vainer I should use for the inside or if I should any at all. My cousin said get something with low VOC% but i have no idea what that means lol, any suggestions?

10-19-11, 10:02 AM
I have know idea. Wish i could help. Could we see a picture of the cage?

10-19-11, 10:06 AM
Most people go with a water based varnish. As long as you let it air out for a week or so it will be safe. I don't know about where you live but here 98% of them are low VOC.

10-20-11, 05:48 PM
Right on I will have picks up soon after I stain it, I live in canada so hopefully it should be good will pick some up with weekend.

10-21-11, 02:27 PM
I used Varathane Diamond Wood Finish, Water Based, Interior, Semi-Gloss (http://www.homedepot.ca/product/diamond-wood-finish-int-water-semi-gloss-236ml/980305) on my enclosures. I picked it at Totem, though it looks like Home Depot carries it as I'm sure other hardware centers will or at least something similar.

10-23-11, 01:31 PM
Is it better to be water based finnish or dose it matter?

10-23-11, 01:53 PM
Is it better to be water based finnish or dose it matter?

I would always use a water base if given the option to do so. They make them so well now that they are almost better than other kinds.

10-23-11, 02:40 PM
oh ok awesome thanks