View Full Version : My fussy OBT...what is she?

10-18-11, 04:16 PM
Well hope these pics showed up...Here is my little throw away I saved! She's really doing wonderfully. Still a bit fussy, but actually hasn't bitten anymore since that first day *lol*
SO, she's a voracious eater, and I couldn't feel any hemipenes , but I also couldn't get anything to pop at all either. She felt smooth though. So far out of 9 snakes, varied species, only the males have been fussy eaters (or currently not eating at all) whereas the females would eat until they popped if i let them.

Anyway, So i don't know anything but the basics about corn snakes...so i was wondering what you guys think she is! I'm sure there's a fancy name for her color ;) Thanks!

10-18-11, 04:30 PM
He might be an amenalistic corn snake? My first snake was an amel corn snake... this is what she looked like:


That's just my guess. I may be wrong!!

Glasgow Corns
10-18-11, 06:36 PM
with the reduced black borders looks like a hypo to me, looks like there are some black on the borders so would rule out amel

10-18-11, 06:41 PM
I'm going with hypomelanistic (hypo for short). Definitely doesn't look like an amel.

10-18-11, 06:44 PM
with the reduced black borders looks like a hypo to me, looks like there are some black on the borders so would rule out amel

Good catch about the black vs white borders. You're right, I think it might be a hypo, but def not an amel.

10-18-11, 07:10 PM
You're right, i noticed the black before, but forgot to mention it. It is very slight.

10-18-11, 07:15 PM
Looks Hypo!! And a pretty one too :)

10-18-11, 07:25 PM
here's some more pics..what i manged to get of little miss fast slinky. You can really see the black on the tip of her tail in the one pic...i couldn't get her to let me take a picture of her belly *lol* there is one kinda lame pic where you can sorta see the belly pattern though. Thanks guys!

10-18-11, 08:10 PM
Nice looking corn :D

10-27-11, 04:19 PM
I would say Hypo or Ultramel. She's a little brighter than my Hypo's, not quite as bright as my Ultramel's, but age could be a factor. Depending how big your hands are compared to mine I would guess she is an Ultramel a tiny bit older than mine.

Here is a Hypo of mine:

and an Ultramel of mine (but she's motley and young in this pic):

What does everyone else think?

10-27-11, 04:54 PM
I can almost say for certain that she's a hypo.

10-29-11, 03:03 AM
I agree about they hypo! She had a nice good shed today...i saved it actually because the head part looked so silly with the big eye covers and her nose was a little wrinkled so it made it look stubby. AND she ate last night. I forgot I'd seen her eyes bluish, and she was going to shed...she took a whole fuzzy anyway and then shed today! Little brat. She acts like she's starving all the time! Is it just mine or is that how corns are? lol

Oh and I wouldn't have let her eat when she was going to shed, but I took her out of her cage, put her in front of the mouse... REMEMBERED that she was going to shed, and it was already TOO LATE! SHe'd struck and gobbled as fast as she could as if she knew i wanted to take it away from her *lmao*

10-29-11, 01:28 PM
Two of my corns eat whilst in shed but the other is just not interested.

10-30-11, 09:11 AM
Corns usually will eat when in shed. I have 11 and only 2 of them refuse and even then they don't always refuse.

10-30-11, 10:10 PM
She looks hypo to me as well. My little "normal corn" is starting to brighten up really fast, he has a lot more orange than his other clutch mates and is a lot brighter. Would love for him to be as bright as yours!!!

10-31-11, 06:53 AM
I agree that she's hypomelanistic. The pupils look black and the borders or her dark patches are not the typical bright white of an amelanistic.