View Full Version : Enlarged heart?

10-13-11, 04:50 PM
Ok... so my husband and I have been looking around for a red-tail. He wants one really bad. We found a young woman who breeds them and has a few for sale. They are priced at $70 each. I'm waiting on pictures from her now. While talking to her she offered us a free one. It's 1yr old eats and sheds fine. Doesn't seem to have any issue other than it has an enlarged heart. She informed us that you can see where the heart is due to it leaving a small lump on the snake.
My question is do you think this snake is going to need a lot of vet care or could it live happily with this defect? I know with out seeing it or having any hands on its hard to say but what are your thoughts?

10-13-11, 04:55 PM
If its anything like a human being with an enlarged heart then I would assume the snake would be subject to a reduced life expectancy but in all should be healthy. Like you said without seeing it its hard, but if shes giving it away for free that may sound a little like it does need care and the woman as lovely as she may be doesn't have the resources to offer it.

10-13-11, 06:05 PM
I'd call a herp vet and ask them. when I was a kid, we got a dog with an enlarged heart, the breeder was going to cull her, but I pitched a fit and brought her home. She lived a good life for 4.5 years.

10-15-11, 08:27 AM
Ok thanks guys.. I am going to pass on this one for now. I think im going to let my hubby pick the one he wants instead.

snake man12
10-15-11, 09:40 AM
If your into rescuing animals it might be a good choice. But it might require a lot more care and time.