View Full Version : Weezing retic burm and corn snake

Lumin the retic
10-13-11, 04:04 AM
i brought a retic about 4 weeks ago and she had a slight weez i took her to the vet and he said she looks fine no RI about a week later and now my burm and even my corn snake have started weezing wen they breath out i dont now wat to do because the vet will probably say "there fine" but i dont think they are can anyone help me with this please ?

10-13-11, 04:15 AM
how big it the retic, my girl is about 8ft and makes alot of noise when she breathes with the other snakes try to up there cage temp for a little bit that might help dry our any little RI before it gets really bad.

Lumin the retic
10-13-11, 04:34 AM
shes about 6ft im not too worried about her now she seems fine its just the other 2 ive upped the temps in the burm and corns vivs and even the room temp. Were coming into winter now mayby they caught it from being to cold out the vivs?

10-13-11, 04:54 AM
dont know, keep the temp up for a while and keep a close eye on them if you start seeing stuff come out there nose they have RI and need to go to the vet.

Lumin the retic
10-13-11, 05:07 AM
thanks for ur help .

how olds ur retic and do u have a light it the viv ? ive been using a light and shes very shy mostly hiding away i was wondering if i shud just leave it off the ceramic heater ive got can get the temp up on its own would u suggest to try this ?

10-13-11, 05:28 AM
Isis is 2 and cleo is 1 i dont have any lights in there cages just the light that comes from the window.

i would try keeping the lights off its now like they need it and it might keep her for being so jumpy.

10-13-11, 10:22 AM
Did you quarantine the retic when you got it? It sounds like it could have brought something into the house?

Lumin the retic
10-13-11, 01:55 PM
i quarantined her but gonna be extra careful with all the stuff i used for all the snakes. the burm and corn are sounding and behaving alot better already from the temps goin up so fingers crossed everything will be ok . thanks for ur help

Lumin the retic
10-19-11, 02:35 AM
just a quick update all my snakes are back to good health ..

10-19-11, 06:01 AM
Good news then mate... goodluck with them. Just out of interest how long is your quarentine period?

Lumin the retic
10-19-11, 12:14 PM
its at least a 3 month period but ive been decorating my whole house so snakes have been moving from room to room i got my self worried over nothing coz i started reading all about inclusion body disease and it freaked me out thinking i could of lost all my snakes !!!