View Full Version : My first cage

10-12-11, 05:39 PM
this is the first cage that i have ever built so im not claiming that it is perfect but for my construction skills it turned out pretty good. Please let me know if there is anything that i could have done better please point it out because hopefully someday i will have more tics and burms and will need to build homes for them as well.

10-12-11, 05:49 PM
A few things. I do not like the heat prob being where the snake can move it around. Also the little thermometer you have in the pic IMO is very unreliable. The last thing I see is the brackets you used to hold the until together with would bother me. I don't like giving my snakes anything that they can rub against and get hurt. I try to make everything concealed as to stop any nose rub and what not.

Other wise.. looks good

10-12-11, 05:58 PM
A few things. I do not like the heat prob being where the snake can move it around. Also the little thermometer you have in the pic IMO is very unreliable. The last thing I see is the brackets you used to hold the until together with would bother me. I don't like giving my snakes anything that they can rub against and get hurt. I try to make everything concealed as to stop any nose rub and what not.

Other wise.. looks good

the cage is in the test run so when i put my snake in there the probe will be taped to the heat panel itself and the L brackets are for extra support not holding it together. there are screws on the sides. and that isnt the best thermometer but its been reliable so far. but the probe is definitely more accurate

10-12-11, 06:12 PM
You're putting the probe on the RHP? That won't work very well since your 'tic won't be directly on the panel. I would use a suction cup or something to stabilize it.

10-12-11, 06:16 PM
The brackets are going to be risky, especially since its a retic and they are prone to rubbing. My only other worry that hasn't been mentioned is that the TV is on the enclosure so the vibrations from the speakers will constantly be on shaking his viv adding stress.

10-12-11, 06:25 PM
I would run the prob wire under the tile and use that to hold it in place.. almost cut out a rut for it to sit in. I agree with Stephan the TV shouldn't be on the viv, build a shelf above the viv if you want it on that wall. Also rely on a temp gun for accurate temps not a thermometer.

10-12-11, 06:33 PM
The brackets are going to be risky, especially since its a retic and they are prone to rubbing. My only other worry that hasn't been mentioned is that the TV is on the enclosure so the vibrations from the speakers will constantly be on shaking his viv adding stress.

yea i dont really use the speakers i have headphones that i use for playing my xbox but imma get in the cage and see just how much vibration there is cuz i know the xbox running and then i climbed in and there wasnt any vibration at all just noise and i dont think snakes have ears do they? i cant believe i dont know that lol. but i will turn the speakers on and then climb in the cage and see wat its like

10-12-11, 06:40 PM
They have internal ears. No external opening so they can't really hear like humans and other mammals do. But they are very sensitive to vibration.

10-12-11, 06:41 PM

10-12-11, 06:42 PM

ok so i move the stereo system then lol or just get speaker stands.

10-12-11, 06:44 PM
Speaker stands, anything that vibrates

10-12-11, 06:47 PM
will it effect her in the cage she is in now even though she is across the room? ive never really dug into the anatomy of a snake only how to care for them.. but if the speakers were completely off the cage would it be less intense or the same? good thing they r mainly for show i hardly even use them

10-13-11, 06:12 AM
Speakers are no biggie as long as you keep the bass down.

Snakes are only sensitive to low frequencies.

I have 2 snakes that have been living on top of my TV stand for YEARS and have never displayed any stress or pacing and the TV is always on 24/7

My sub woofer has been in storage since I started keeping reptiles.

10-13-11, 09:07 PM
well i guess i just wont plug the sub in then. i never knew that about snakes though. i guess you learn something new every day huh?