View Full Version : New pet

10-05-11, 03:24 PM
Hello ,
i just purchased a ball python. I have had my tank setup for 2 days, and i am just wanting to make sure he will be happy.

The tank is an exo terra terrarium 24"x18"x18"
The heating method is a 4m (i believe 25Watt) under the tank heating cable made by exo terra.
I also have a light fixture over the tank with a 75W basking bulb (this is just from my previous leapord gecko tank) and i would not like to use this if possible, as it seems too hot and messes with the humidity.
I have a 24" exo terra canopy compact light, and there is 1 26 watt light bulb inside.
my substrate is bark, i think its called fir bark.

Hot end:
I have given a hide on this end, and the thermometer is reading 95F inside this hide, i think this is too hot, what can i do to cool it down some?

Cool end:
I have given a hide and a climbing log on this end. The thermometer is about one inch off the floor on this end and says 75F, but at night it goes down to like 73 or 72F. So i need to warm this side up somehow but i dont know how.

When i placed my snake into the tank, he went inside the cool sides hide. Although now after about 20 minutes, he has started to climb the log, and he was trying to poke his face out the ceiling of my container (it is a secure mesh type top for the exo terra terrarium). Anyways, he is like moving around his container right now, and i am just wondering is he like uncomfortable and like too hot/cold? or is he just exploring? i dont want to wait too long to find out so thats why i am posting here.

Does a new snake (like just put in the tank) normally go look around or does it hide?
Is 95F way to hot? is 75F way to cold? (hot side and cool side respectively)
what can i do to maintain good humidity, and proper temps? The store guy told me packaging tape over the unused parts of the mesh on the top is good to seal in heat, is that accurate?

thank you.

10-05-11, 05:29 PM
Temps dont sound too bad, how old is the snake? An adult bp will need a 4ft viv........

10-05-11, 05:31 PM
If you don't have a thermostat you should get one ASAP. It'll let you control the temps in your viv easily.

10-05-11, 09:24 PM
my snake is a baby it is about 20 inches long maybe.

I have 2 thermometers, and i dont have a thermostat and frankly dont know how to use one of those.

Anyways i spoke to Stephan Bakir and he told me to try wrapping half the lid in seran wrap on the cool side, so ill see if that works overnight, since i have the digital thermometer with a max and min.

What exactly will a thermostat do, and how do i set it up?

10-05-11, 09:37 PM
Hey man, a thermostat is a great idea.. these guys can help you out with the BPs :)
Tell your sis I said hi, if you ever go visit her give me a call and I can show you guys my collection and Mark's collection, stunning animals.

10-05-11, 09:38 PM
Hey man, a thermostat is a great idea.. these guys can help you out with the BPs :)
Tell your sis I said hi, if you ever go visit her give me a call and I can show you guys my collection and Mark's collection, stunning animals.

sweet that would be cool

10-05-11, 10:41 PM
If an adukt bp caj live in a 41 qt tub, why would they need a 4ft viv? The tubs are onky around 3 foot?? Im confused.

10-06-11, 06:47 AM
I have my baby ball in a 10gal and my adult ball in a 40gal (36x18x18), not a 4 ft viv, and he's totally happy. He spends the day in his hides and at night he usually hangs out on top of his hides and waits for me to come around to take him out. The temps you have are ok, and so long as you have a hide on the warm and the cool side, you're fine. When I got my baby ball that I got about 2 weeks ago, he went straight for his hide and after 30mins he was exploring everywhere. I don't think you're ball is uncomfortable- I think he's just curious about his new home. Good luck with your new pet and I can't wait to see pictures! Ask more questions if you have 'em! :)

10-06-11, 06:51 AM
In the UK the accepted size viv for an adult BP is a 4ftx2ftx2ft viv, that is what i have always found through research.

Without a thermostat on your heating elements what is to stop them overheating and burning your snake? The thermostat once set up will set the maximum temperature that the heater can get too and protect the animal from risk.

10-06-11, 08:52 AM
Yeah like Rob said, a thermostat will enable you to worry less about the temps. You set it to a temperature you want and it puts it there. The great part is that if the air temp changes the thermostat changes to correct it. So you don't cook your snake

10-06-11, 09:45 AM
cool ill have to get a thermostat then,

here is my snake


10-06-11, 09:46 AM
Everything looks good, usually a snake likes a big water bowl to bathe in but that's not a huge problem. Just get that thermostat and you'll be good.

10-06-11, 01:17 PM
cool, would it be safe to wrap the entire lid with seran wrap to hold in the heat , or will this cause there to be too little oxygen?

10-06-11, 01:27 PM
In the UK the accepted size viv for an adult BP is a 4ftx2ftx2ft viv, that is what i have always found through research.

Without a thermostat on your heating elements what is to stop them overheating and burning your snake? The thermostat once set up will set the maximum temperature that the heater can get too and protect the animal from risk.

I see... so would a 3 foot be okay, im gojng by the half rule...

10-06-11, 03:17 PM
cool, would it be safe to wrap the entire lid with seran wrap to hold in the heat , or will this cause there to be too little oxygen?
Wrap enough of the lid to maintain the humidity level you need, even if you seal it (I wouldn't) there is more then enough air in there to last a few days, and as long as you open it daily he will be 100% fine.

10-06-11, 04:09 PM
I see... so would a 3 foot be okay, im gojng by the half rule...

I have no idea, wheres Mykee when we need him!!! :)

I think the reason the bigger viv is recommended is cos they are heavy bodied but that is just my thoughts with no acts to back it up.

Although we dont see our BP often, even at about 2ft long he uses the whole area available to him to explore.