View Full Version : Green Snake (CB) Options

10-05-11, 12:12 PM
Thinking about future purchases, and I was thinking that I find green/ green-blue snakes quite striking. I'm still not a big fan of really large snakes (So Andaconda's are out!) But large enough that the rodents I breed will be good sized prey for them. (not keen on crickets and such)

OK everyone, SHOOT, what are my options??????

10-05-11, 12:30 PM
Green Tree Python - not as difficult to look after as people make out as long as you are slightly OCD about humidity levels.

10-05-11, 12:32 PM
Emerald Tree Boa or Green Tree Python.

So freaking awesome. They're not huge but they're big... Like 8 feet max I think.

10-05-11, 12:35 PM
What kind of humidity?? Here in coastal BC we have a VERY high humidity as it is. I do like the GTP, I also like that they come in a few shades, one that looks kind of bluish!

I was wondering though, what kind of viv I would use for a GTP, how many climbing branches, floor space? belly heat or basking light?

Red sided, how big does an Emerald Tree Boa get, is that the 8ft max?

10-05-11, 12:39 PM
Ok my bad, ETB gets 6 feet, GTB (my favorite) gets 7

Never kept one but I love them! My favorite is GTB. The babies are awesome.

10-05-11, 12:41 PM
You need some height for a GTP tho breeders keep then in 2ft boxes. I have 3ft height 2foot width and 2ft depth. Enough branches for it to perch and thermoregulate, no need for hides as they perch constantly.

Humidity needs to cycle, for this i spray twice a day, when i spray it hits about 80-85% and then dries to around 55-60% before the next spray cycle. They need a fair bit of humidity but not constant wetness and they also dont drink from waterbowls so you need to spray THEM and they lick the water off their own coils.

The shop i bought mine from had three clutch mates, i was only a couple of months into my herping life and EVERYONE said i shouldnt get it cos i was too inexperienced, the other two went to "experienced" keepers - they both died before the hit the colour change and mine is still going strong. As long as you are on top of the husbandry and prepared for a snake that takes a little more effort than some then you will be fine.

10-05-11, 12:49 PM
The time the husbandry takes won't be an issue as my son is entering pre-school this month! and that gives me oodles of time for my snakeys!! So spraying twice daily won't be a problem.

The relative humidity here doesn't ever go down to the 50's, even in the middle of the dryest summer!! But I guess the basking light would dry it up some too!! I know the humidity in my corns vivs naturally hang around 60-70 (sometimes higher).

How do you keep the temps at night when the basking lights are off?? Temps is our biggest trial, as it gets pretty cold/hot here depending on the season. The UTH's work great for my corns, but arboreal snakes wouldn't really use belly heat, would they?

10-05-11, 12:54 PM
You could get an infrared heat lamp or something that produces heat but no light.

I don't know, all i know is I like the babies.:D


10-05-11, 12:54 PM
I use Ceramic Heat Emitters for all me snakes, they work a charm and you never need to turn them off, just use a Proportional Pulse Thermostat to control the temps.

10-05-11, 12:58 PM
Awesome rob, thanks for the info on that!!

Redsided- what snake is that yellow one?? It's pretty too!

10-05-11, 12:59 PM
Rob, what do you use as substrate for these guys?

10-05-11, 01:01 PM
I use repti-bark - you can soak it and it dries out slowly but never molds.

I think that pic could be a baby GTP - take a look at http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/morelia-viridis/85909-profile-hogan.html

10-05-11, 01:14 PM
ok, so they are born yellow and then turn green?

That's a nice viv you have there for him!!

How big are they as babies? people there are talking about mice pinkies, I know BP's can be started right out of the egg on rat pinks, is a GTP smaller and needful of being started on mouse pinks?

10-05-11, 01:43 PM
I have my GTP in a 3' x 2' x 18" wooden viv with a glass front. I have flex watt on the bottom and a Radiant heat panel on one side at the top. This allows for a great heat gradiant seeing as my house can and does often get in the low 60f in the winter. I have to say my GTP has drank from his bowl a few times. I keep the bowl on the flexwatt to help me spray less often if at all. I think they are great snakes and not to difficult. Although I will say mine is a complete A$$ I try and clean the cage and have to be ready to get bitten.. lol

10-05-11, 01:53 PM
really!? Is that a common thing with GTP's? Not that I mind the occasional bite (depending what thier bite is like, mind you!) but if it's a regular thing, I really don't think I'd like that at all!

Now if it's something that you just "get him out of" with handling, we can do that. Hubby is a welder/fabricator with quite literally the thickest skin on earth!! So he can handle the temperment out of them so that I can handle them when they're nice (or at least tolerant!)

10-05-11, 01:54 PM
They are born red or yellow (looooove the red ones) then go through a color change to green.

Although I will say mine is a complete A$$ I try and clean the cage and have to be ready to get bitten.. lol

How much does it hurt to get bitten?

10-05-11, 02:16 PM
GTP's are not a snake you should handle often at all. Most people that I have talked to that have them handle them 3-4 times a year. They do tend to be a bit faster to bite than some snakes and their bite doesn't hurt but it will draw a good amount of blood most times. Their teeth are like little razors. If you want a snake you can handle a GTP is not for you. It is a display animal more than anything else. A lot of GTP's will calm down once they are fully done with their color change and some don't.

10-05-11, 02:18 PM
How much does it hurt to get bitten?

I have not yet gotten bitten. I can read my GTP very well and I know when I need to let him be. Mine is still in its yellow phase about 1/2 way to green. I have yet to take him out or handle him at all. I have seen 2 others get bitten and it really seemed like nothing but some blood.. I was told it doesn't hurt as long as you don't pull back!

10-05-11, 02:27 PM
ok, I'll definately have to brew on that. no plans for my "green snake" yet. There are a couple corn morhs I would like and a piebald BP first, so I have lots of time to think this through!

So what are the care requirements and temperment for the Emerald Tree Boa??

10-05-11, 03:34 PM
Yup. That's a baby green tree python. They aren't green as babies. They are yellow or red. Cool eh?

10-05-11, 03:35 PM
Yeah they got FANGS BABY!! big badas fangs. You don't wanna get bit.

10-05-11, 03:37 PM
ok, so which one is it??? little razors or FANGS!!

10-05-11, 04:43 PM

10-05-11, 04:46 PM

Thats an EBT not a GTP right?

10-05-11, 04:49 PM
Thats an EBT not a GTP right?

Yeah looks like it, no vertical pupils.

10-05-11, 05:25 PM
Yes it is. Sorry, thought we were talking about that.

Nope. This is a GTP


10-05-11, 05:42 PM

Aww thanks for the reminder of what mine wants to sink into my face...lol

10-05-11, 06:41 PM

10-05-11, 07:18 PM

Don't let that stop you though.

10-05-11, 07:20 PM
I guess it would depend how often they are inclined to use those!!!! If they keep them nicely tucked away until feeding time, we'll get along just fine!!

10-05-11, 07:23 PM
Exactly. They need them to snag parrots out of the air, get a nice snake and you'll be fine.


10-05-11, 07:56 PM
Exactly. They need them to snag parrots out of the air, get a nice snake and you'll be fine.

Haha I lol'd.

10-06-11, 07:02 AM
My GTP has NEVER EVER made any attempt to bite/strike or do anything slightly aggressive/defensive.

10-06-11, 07:21 AM
To me snakes are much like people... some are just very defensive while others are very relaxed. I am hopeful that my snake will calm down with time. I do however understand why he is a cranky guy. His old owner never touched him and never fed him enough:no:( 1 mouse hopper a month). I have had him for about 2 months and he seems to be calming down a bit. He was also kept in a closet and never even really saw people. I keep him in my bedroom to make sure he isn't bothered much at all but at least he still can see me on a daily basis

If you get a snake from a good breeder chances are that it won't be as much of a jerk as my snake is.

10-06-11, 08:48 AM
His old owner never touched him and never fed him enough

Same with my beardie. I don't think they held him once! Now I have to pick up the slack and start the loooong process of building trust -_-

10-06-11, 11:01 AM
I love ETBs and GTPs for the exact same reason you do. The green is such a striking color.