10-02-11, 05:18 PM
I'm been lurking on this forum for a bit now and decided to make an intro :D
I may be new to the forum but not real new to snakes. I bought my first snake back in the mid 90's in an attempt to over my fear of snakes. It worked so well I did some rescues when I lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I've owned a Cali King banded coastal kingsnake, a ball python (sweetest...most awesome pet I've ever had!), a red tail boa and a normal burm...not counting the several...and usually wc...ball pythons I rescued with a few others thrown in for good measure lol. When my ball python of 10 years passed on I was so heartbroken I found my other pets good homes and pretty much gave up on keeping snakes for a while. I knew I'd eventually go back to them as IMHO they are the best pets ever. Five years later I've gotten 2 baby f balls (my kids' pets), a juvi male (I think he's male...not sure as he's never been sexed) ball, and two baby f albino burms. I must say, alot of info has changed since I last kept snakes! :eek:
It's really great to see so many people take an honest interest in these wonderful creatures, proving...for the most part....they have the ability to make excellent pets. And the new morphs are just unbelievable! :Wow:
In some ways I feel like a total noob again, soaking up all the new info.
Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi" to everyone and look forward to learning even more about my favorite pets!
I may be new to the forum but not real new to snakes. I bought my first snake back in the mid 90's in an attempt to over my fear of snakes. It worked so well I did some rescues when I lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I've owned a Cali King banded coastal kingsnake, a ball python (sweetest...most awesome pet I've ever had!), a red tail boa and a normal burm...not counting the several...and usually wc...ball pythons I rescued with a few others thrown in for good measure lol. When my ball python of 10 years passed on I was so heartbroken I found my other pets good homes and pretty much gave up on keeping snakes for a while. I knew I'd eventually go back to them as IMHO they are the best pets ever. Five years later I've gotten 2 baby f balls (my kids' pets), a juvi male (I think he's male...not sure as he's never been sexed) ball, and two baby f albino burms. I must say, alot of info has changed since I last kept snakes! :eek:
It's really great to see so many people take an honest interest in these wonderful creatures, proving...for the most part....they have the ability to make excellent pets. And the new morphs are just unbelievable! :Wow:
In some ways I feel like a total noob again, soaking up all the new info.
Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi" to everyone and look forward to learning even more about my favorite pets!