View Full Version : Switching from mice to rats

09-28-11, 09:15 PM
I've been trying to switch my adult BP from mice to rats for quite some time now. He is currently eating two large mice, but I really want to switch him over to eating one proper sized rat instead. He's quite a picky eater (something I know BPs are notorious for). For example, he'll only eat white mice... and will refuse any brown, black, or spotted mice (weirdo). I've tried most of the tricks I've heard of:

only offering a rat
skipping a scheduled feeding to get him hungrier and then offer the rat
only offering a rat at every feeding (he'll just refuse to eat; totally uninterested)
offering him one mouse and then a small rat
putting the mouse and the rat in together (he'll ignore the rat and go straight to the mouse)
scenting the rat with mouse bedding
scenting the rat with an actual mouse by rubbing them together
scenting the rat with a mouse by housing them together for a day

None of these have worked and it's starting to get frustrating. He's a great feeder otherwise. In fact, recently after the second mouse, he seems to be looking for more like he's still hungry, which is what makes me think it's time to move him up to bigger prey, because I don't want to be feeding him 3 mice in one sitting... right?

Short of smearing mouse guts all over the rat (which sounds really, really gross), are there any other tricks I can try? ...or should I stick to mice and feed him 3 mice? :hmm:

09-28-11, 09:25 PM
I don't think 3 mice is a good idea whatsoever, however I can't offer you any advice. Sorry, hope he eats for you soon.

09-28-11, 09:27 PM
have you been using white rats (if he'll only eat white mice...)

09-28-11, 09:32 PM
have you been using white rats (if he'll only eat white mice...)

Yup! ...I don't want to do the smearing of a mouse's guts thing, but if it's the only thing left to do...

09-28-11, 10:46 PM
let it skip several feedings, not just one. Then give it a scented rat if the smearing of guts makes you a little squeamish.

09-29-11, 04:04 AM
I would refuse to feed it mice whatsoever and only offer a rat every 14 days until it feeds, as long as it is keeping a healthy condition and drinking then there is nothing to worry about.

09-29-11, 06:38 AM
Id go with rob on this... keep offering rats till he takes one. Just keep an eye on his weight. Itll be so much harder the longer you wait to switch him... have you brained a rat? Just cut a slice of the skull... nom nom brains :D

09-29-11, 03:24 PM
Look at my thread, it works. Just cut the mouse open a little, it doesn't take much blood to scent the rat. I cut a mouse's abdomen, dipped the rat's face in it, and mine ate. I even saved the gutted mouse in a new baggie to scent this week's rat.

11-18-11, 03:34 PM
So I tried feeding Kaybe a rat this past feeding, but he was not interested. More so, I think he's intimidated by them. He would sniff it a bit, but the moment the rat moved, he'd get spooked and back up and try to find a way out. I'm going to wait him out until after Thaksgiving to try feeding him again. At the last try, I had rubbed a mouse on the rat. I did not open the mouse and smear its guts on the rat because the rat was alive (For right now, Kaybe only eats live). The goal is to switch him over to f/t rats. Right now he is eating 3 live mice in a sitting.

This is what I'm thinking to do next time: I'm going to take a f/t rat and dip it in f/t mouse guts. Maybe he'll be less intimidated if the rat doesn't move. Any other ideas out there?

11-18-11, 04:09 PM
When he has the mouse down to the tail use tongs to put the f/t rat's head in his mouth. It worked for Zaradozia

11-18-11, 04:12 PM
When he has the mouse down to the tail use tongs to put the f/t rat's head in his mouth. It worked for Zaradozia

Yup, that's actually what I did 2 feedings ago. I guess I'll stick to that and see if it works out long-term. Thanks :)

11-18-11, 04:19 PM
I did that for a few feedings in a row then spot (bp) was ok just taking rats.

11-18-11, 04:45 PM
my .02, if that doesn't work again, try switching to f/t first, THEN make the switch to rats so you don't have to smear mouse guts on a live rat.

11-18-11, 08:50 PM
How about using a smaller, less intimidating rat? I am assuming you're using a small rat. Try a a rat pup. It's closer to a mouses size and get it in mouse shavings.

The way I currently do prey switching with my baby balls is to feed them a mouse for 2 or 3 feedings. Then when I buy the live mice I ask the pet store to place them in a box with dirty rat shavings and just offer the babies these live mice. I haven't had much trouble with this. I do this usually twice then give the snakes a live rat pink or pup. Seems to work.

11-18-11, 09:32 PM
first off for as hard as it is,stop feeding mice altogether. if it won't take the rat don't give it mice,or it will know if it holds out then it gets the preffered mice

scent the rat with mouse BLOOD and GUTS

its not the most pleasent job,but burst a heated frozen thawed mouse open and heat it a little with a hair dryer

have the rat pre heated with a hair dryer, give the head an extra heat

then rub mouse blood and guts ALL over the rat

offer the rats in the normal way you offer the mice he takes

if this does not work then.....

repeat the above proccess then take a pair of scissors and puncture the scented rats skull 2 or 3 times,until a grey liquid comes out the puncture holes

give the puncture holes a quick heat with a hair dryer

this method worked when crossing my female diamond over from mice to rats

it took 4 or 5 months to get her eating unscented and unbrained rats,it was worth the effort,now i see her pound rats every feed without fail

once you get her eating HEAVILY SCENTED rats,you just put a little less scent on the rat each week,until she eats rats unscented

patients and perciverance is what is needed in this battle of wills.

you must not give in and offer mice if she refuses to feed for a few weeks.if she don't take rat then she don't eat.

if you give her a mouse it will just put you right back where you started

best of luck with the change over

cheers shaun

11-19-11, 12:41 AM
ok try rat fuzzies! Im not sure why it works but it does ! I know a rat fuzzie is like a smartie to a snake that size but there is something about a hot f/t rat fuzzie that just seems to work!

11-21-11, 01:42 AM
first off for as hard as it is,stop feeding mice altogether. if it won't take the rat don't give it mice,or it will know if it holds out then it gets the preffered mice

scent the rat with mouse BLOOD and GUTS

its not the most pleasent job,but burst a heated frozen thawed mouse open and heat it a little with a hair dryer

have the rat pre heated with a hair dryer, give the head an extra heat

then rub mouse blood and guts ALL over the rat

offer the rats in the normal way you offer the mice he takes

if this does not work then.....

repeat the above proccess then take a pair of scissors and puncture the scented rats skull 2 or 3 times,until a grey liquid comes out the puncture holes

give the puncture holes a quick heat with a hair dryer

this method worked when crossing my female diamond over from mice to rats

it took 4 or 5 months to get her eating unscented and unbrained rats,it was worth the effort,now i see her pound rats every feed without fail

once you get her eating HEAVILY SCENTED rats,you just put a little less scent on the rat each week,until she eats rats unscented

patients and perciverance is what is needed in this battle of wills.

you must not give in and offer mice if she refuses to feed for a few weeks.if she don't take rat then she don't eat.

if you give her a mouse it will just put you right back where you started

best of luck with the change over

cheers shaun

wow! this is something... i have the same problem since my recent Female (previously popped as male) has only been eating mice... i will try this later... gulp! :)