View Full Version : Fed TITAN 2 Saturday's ago, but still no droppings?

01-07-03, 11:18 PM
How often do Baby Red tail boas poop and drink water after feeding. My Corn snake that I owned before would poop after 4-5 days.

Please let me know.

Thanks Paolo

01-08-03, 12:44 AM
Corns go ALOT more frequent then your boa will go.. Dont worry he will go.. I would feed him a maximum of 3 times then wait for a poop, then proceed to feed him again! :D

01-08-03, 12:47 AM
Snakes usually deficate (poop) afer they have completely digested their food which is usually 5-7 days depending on the size of food.

I know your worried cause you haven't seen your snake drink...Don't worry they usually come out at night when you're sleeping and drink.


01-08-03, 12:52 AM
No worries. Colubrids spew out alot mroe waste than boids do, which is how they earn the reputation as being messy. BCI seem to defecate usually every 1-2 weeks, but I woudn't worry if it goes a little longer than that. Constipation in these animals is relatively uncommon and usually more of a concern with tree snakes.

01-08-03, 03:32 AM
If it makes u fee better - My blood python has only gone to the washroom maybey 3 times in the past 7 or 8 month ..

I think you have nothing to worry about..

01-08-03, 07:33 AM
I have to disagree with the time span on boa defecation. It's more like every 2 to 4 weeks. They defecate after they have 2 or 3 meals in them, not after each meal. As for not seeing your boa drink, Nuno is correct. As long as your boa is shedding properly, he's getting all the moisture, both externally and internally that he needs.

01-08-03, 08:09 AM
Oops!! I meant 5-7 weeks...sorry!!

01-08-03, 10:53 AM

TITAN had a blast this morning. I filled up a square tupperware with warm water and he must 've drank for like 5 minutes off and on. At first he was hesitant with getting wet, but at the end he was just chillin like a frog in a pond.

Thanks Everyone.


01-08-03, 10:56 AM
I think really it all boils down to the individual snake itself AND the conditions in which they are kept etc. There is no set timespan for your snake to defecate. They will go when they want to go, humidity, prey size, and everything else comes into effect. Glad to hear that you and your boa are having a blast! :D

01-08-03, 11:24 AM
I agree with Jeff. My old wild caught BCI I had would poop like clockwork every week about every 6 days after I fed him. I always used this as an indicator to feed him since he was so regular and it worked well for him.

The CB BCI I have now poops when he gets around to it. I never know when it's going to be. He seems to build up a good amount of it and then let it all go at once =) I'd say he goes maybe once a month...sometimes more often..sometimes a little less. A warm bath (a little over room temperature but not warm to the human hand) usually helps do the trick to help things along. He doesn't like water and usually takes him 20 minutes to get comfortable in the water and he usually poops in another 10 minutes or so. Try to keep humidity up and you shouldn't have much of a problem though.


01-08-03, 11:27 AM
LOL Dom... yeah those guys hardly ever go to the bathroom! My male borneo has only gone once since I got him in the summer, and when he did it was like he crapped out his twin! :p My BCI seem to go the most frequent out of all my snakies, short-tails the least......

Them and Us
01-10-03, 04:45 PM
Linds i have to say that is disguting and hilarious ha.

boa maniac
01-10-03, 11:36 PM
I just wanted to share a bad experience i had not so long ago, I had this beautiful male peruvian who never deficated in quite sometime, and me not paying to mind to it, kept feeding him on his weekly schedule, since i like to feed my boas on a weekly schedule for a couple of months then let them go every two to three weeks for a couple of months then back to weekly schedule again. Anyways this poor little boa ended up have a really bad prolapse and eventually died because of the prolapse, :( :(
So i think it is extremely important to pay attention to such things as our boas bowel movements. I know that now, and even though I may house over 500 Snakes, I pay close attention to such things. Its sad losing an animal.
As for defication, I find when I have a boa that hasnt deficated in a while, a nice warm bath usually does the trick. All my big snakes take baths 3 to 4 days after a meal, and they always deficate in the tub, I may go through a heck of alot of cleaning supplies keeping my tub clean but having a healthy happy snakes is well worth it. mike

01-12-03, 10:44 PM
Thanks for the info boa maniac. Sorry about your snake.


02-05-03, 12:07 AM
Dom your snakes accualy use the washroom ....lol how did you train them to do that ?lol