View Full Version : Sav biting tongs

09-25-11, 08:13 AM
So I have been working with my Sav and feeding him some shellfish with tongs. He is dong really good chasing the food around the tank and even climbing up my arm and sitting on my hand while eating. The problem is he has realized that the steel tongs hold food and he goes crazy every time he sees them come out. He has begun jumping at and sometimes biting the the tongs. I am worried he is going to hurt his teeth on them. I was thinking about trying to feed him with wooden chop sticks so he doesn't bite metal. had anyone else had this problem? What was your solution?
Thanks :)

09-25-11, 10:39 AM
Chomper tries to grab the hemostats constantly.

They are curved and smooth, so I hold them in a way that he can't get hurt.