View Full Version : Daughter caught a house gecko....

09-21-11, 07:56 AM
Down here in the south, we now have tons of common house gecko's, not sure of scientific name......they came on ships from Asia I read. Cute little guys and lightening fast. Well, it is almost impossible to catch one, I've tried many times with no luck. So we were up at the police department with my husband (police officer) and my 12 yr. old daughter saw one of the many geckos that frequent the hallways. She said Mom can I keep him? I laughted and said sure, you catch him, you can keep him! Well the joke was on me, cause she caught him and was very gentle, I still can't believe she caught him, lol!!! So now we have a pet house gecko named Five-O gecko!!! Hopefully most of you know when bad guys yell Five-O it's code for Cop, anyway....he's a cute little guy and seems to like his diet of itty bitty crickets.

09-21-11, 08:19 AM
Nice way to start the day, grats on the new gecko :P

09-21-11, 08:27 AM
Hahaha of course she would catch him. Thats great!

09-21-11, 08:45 AM
Hahaha good luck with Five-O!! If he shows up on pictures, we'd love to see him!! :)

09-21-11, 01:14 PM
love the name. Congrats on the new pet, post up pictures when you get a chance.

09-21-11, 01:21 PM
I'll try to get a pic, he is great at hiding and very small. Cute little guy though!