View Full Version : Red Tegu (New pics)

Little Wise Owl
09-20-11, 10:02 AM
She's finally showing some activity (waking up from hibernation) and she's finally shed that nasty stuck skin on her tail.
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/306780_10150797700990134_549785133_20632408_780780 522_n.jpg
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Little Wise Owl
09-20-11, 10:03 AM
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/306978_10150797702280134_549785133_20632422_899392 587_n.jpg
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/310945_10150797702575134_549785133_20632424_136426 6597_n.jpg
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/297087_10150797702820134_549785133_20632426_481504 651_n.jpg

And this is a large (female?) Argentine from the Canadian Breeder's Expo this weekend.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/297610_10150797700755134_549785133_20632406_182846 4017_n.jpg

I apologize for looking like garbage. lol
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/307334_10150797700425134_549785133_20632402_144344 100_n.jpg

09-20-11, 10:04 AM
Awesome looking tegu :)

09-20-11, 10:47 AM
Great patterns on that one.

09-20-11, 10:49 AM
:D Looking good!

09-20-11, 11:16 AM
Nice Tegus and that sweat shirt (hoodie) is awesome too.

09-20-11, 11:18 AM
BEautiful lizard!

09-20-11, 11:19 AM
I was wondering how large these guys get once full grown? Is that last picture you holding an adult?

09-20-11, 11:29 AM
I was wondering how large these guys get once full grown? Is that last picture you holding an adult?

I think that's an adult. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they get mmuch bigger than the one in the last pic.

09-20-11, 11:32 AM
I think that's an adult. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they get mmuch bigger than the one in the last pic.

Thats my thought.. just wanted to double check. I have a lack of coffee so I fail at moments. lol

Little Wise Owl
09-20-11, 12:55 PM
Nice Tegus and that sweat shirt (hoodie) is awesome too.

Thanks!! <3 Rush

I was wondering how large these guys get once full grown? Is that last picture you holding an adult?
I think that's an adult. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they get mmuch bigger than the one in the last pic.
Yes, that was an adult. They can get larger than that though. I believe she was female therefore smaller than what a male would be.

This is a massive adult male (red) courtesy of Google Images:

My tegu will probably be a bit smaller than the one I was holding when she's full grown, I believe. She's a bit small for her age.

09-20-11, 01:12 PM
wow that one is a fatty! thanks for the info

Little Wise Owl
09-20-11, 01:13 PM
Yeah, that guy could stand to lose a couple pounds. lol

It kind of bugs me that some tegu owners think that a fat tegu is a healthy tegu... I can only imagine the fat deposits in the poor animal's body.

09-20-11, 02:58 PM
Nice Tegu, I really like the color and pattern on yours.

09-20-11, 09:11 PM
a very nice intricate pattern on the first one

the big female is my favorite

i did not realize how big they were until i saw it in your arms

its like a wee mini dinasaur,love the tounge flicking out

cheers shaun

Little Wise Owl
09-21-11, 01:51 AM
It was the first time I ever got to hold an adult. :)

09-21-11, 02:54 AM
What an awesome looking animal! Thanks for the great Pics!

09-21-11, 04:44 PM
Sweet looking tegu, red is rather rare where i live, i have never even seen one in person, Cant wait to see lots of photos to come :P

Little Wise Owl
09-25-11, 02:18 PM
Oh look! She's eating! Not exactly what I'd like her to eat but at least it's something.

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/321613_10150812233695134_549785133_20724842_177275 0896_n.jpg
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