View Full Version : Need Help ID'ing this lizard!!

09-17-11, 07:18 PM
Hello everyone I am new to the forums! I own three beautiful crested geckos and an amazing bearded dragon.

Anyways I really need help trying to figure out what this lizard is called so I could find out its diet and how to mimic it's environment.

So we were hiking this morning (the place is called Sunol-Ohlonne Park @ Sunol, CA) and we found this lizard and it still looks like a baby. It looks pretty cool so I decided to capture one and maybe raise it.

Here are some pics (sorry i took with camera phone so not that high quality)


09-18-11, 10:49 AM
I think you should put it back... taking animals from the wild to be raised in captivity is wrong 99% of the time

Put the lil guy back, it's the best thing you can do

(and I have no idea what it is)

09-18-11, 10:56 AM
Looks like what you got there is a Western Side Blotched lizard. http://www.californiaherps.com/lizards/images/ustansburianarv05.jpg
However I agree in leaving WC animals in their natural habitat. Taking them out of the wild is likely to cause many problems.

09-18-11, 10:58 AM
I also have to agree, even taking one animals has an effect on both other members of its species and that of others in the same habitat and in most cases it is also illegal. I know it can be fun and interesting but imagine what he is going through right now being plucked out of his big home and stuffed in a box. The stress alone can be enough to kill him if not cause health issues, if you've had your dragon for long enough and done a lot of reading you would know how negatively stress can affect these animals.

09-18-11, 11:09 AM
His primary inquiry was to identify the reptile, I don't know the species but if you check your states reptile list it shouldn't be too tough.

Regarding keeping it, my opinion is. If you take the time to do your research and properly house him, give him the proper temps and humidy/diet there really is nothing wrong with 1 person doing it. The big issue is the "Farmers" who take all the reptiles in an area and sell them in the pet trade. 1 person taking even a handful of reptiles shouldn't hurt the ecosystem.

09-18-11, 01:13 PM
For the purpose of pure Identification-If it has blue on the belly, it's probably a western fence lizard. If not, Youngster's guess is most likely accurate.

09-18-11, 04:20 PM
ahh.. well ill bring him back tomorrow when we go to the trail again. i was feeling kinda bad when i took it yesterday. thanks everyone for your replies.