View Full Version : Starting To Think Its Gas

09-14-11, 10:20 PM
We are goin on 115 days now that Ive been ever so patiently waiting for our new slithering bundles of joy to be born. I was told a week ago that she should have them within a week... I was figuring on Oct. but with someone suggesting differently every time I leave I expect to come home to bebeez. So frustrating the suspense is is drivin me nuts...
Anyone wanna fill me in on the gestation period? I coulda sworn it was about 125.

09-14-11, 10:59 PM
I honestly have no clue. what I do know is every BP breeder I know says that the females are all LATE this season, so late that they are in danger of losing out on next season. Some I have spoken to have not even had the eggs laid yet!! And all are still waiting for the hatch.