View Full Version : lizard info needed

09-11-11, 02:30 PM
I have been looking at the crocodile skinks but in need of more info on them. Has anyone kept these or dealt with them before?
Im also interested in finding out way else is out there, does anyone have any suggestions on any unusual lizards. Im looking for something that stays about 12inchs or under as its my first lizard. I am willing to put alot of time into research once i have chosen, plus i will have my boyfriend to help. So whatever i get will be well looked after.
Thanks for any advice, rachel x

09-11-11, 11:48 PM
Bump lol.... any ideas people? :)

09-12-11, 01:35 AM
No idea D; As I said in her other thread, in the welcoming area, I think, never heard of Crocodile Skinks.

If you're looking for alternatives, leopard geckos are really awesome, though, they aren't unusual. You're looking for more exotic reptiles, I'm assuming? I'll have to dig through my history to remember what all the odd lizards are that I remember all the images of and get back to ya on some things.

PS: Just off the top of my head Glass Lizards are pretty awesome, but their name is quite accurate. They're very delicate with their tails. The Worm Lizard shares the same characteristics and I haven't heard anything about them being as brittle. Same with the Slow Worm(Anguis).

09-12-11, 02:03 AM
Ive just been doing research for the gf and ive found info on them... theyre crocodile gecko's (Tarentola Mauritanica). So far ive found that theyre quite prone to stress easily from handling etc. So it looks like your back to the drawing board rachel... it may be an idea if people say what theyre keeping atm instead. :D

09-12-11, 02:58 AM
Awww, sad to hear that. Yes, I wouldn't recommend a 'display pet', as my malaysian was called. I looked up pictures, and they're absolutely adorable, but if they don't like being handled, it's not recommended, or whatever, I don't recommend it. I say this because my Malaysian gecko is just one of those reptiles, and I really do want to hold her, but I can't. One, she bites, two, she musks something awful, three, their skin is very sensitive to the oils in our hands. So she's pretty much the gecko that's just sitting in my big 100g vivarium that I watch from time to time, snapping up crickets. That's about the only time I get to see her since she's always hiding.

Meanwhile, I've done some research, but I don't guarantee that all of these can me kept as pets. I know some definitely can be, but I also don't guarantee they'll enjoy being held or if they'll be easy to keep. I also threw in a few larger types just to add on to the list of odd and interesting lizards.

Malaysian Bowfingered Gecko (2.5in. - 3.5in.)

(From: D.D. Reptiles (http://www.ddreptiles.net/projects.html) )

Dwarf Sand Gecko (3.5in. - 4in.)
(From: GECKO`S (http://www.cardiffreptilecentre.eu/gecko.html) )

Eurydactylodes Agricolae (This is a small color changing gecko. Up to 5in.)
(From: Flickr: Sayid2's Photostream (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48381921@N06/) )

(From: Eurydactylodes agricolae - Ridge and Valley Reptiles (http://www.ridgeandvalleyreptiles.com/eurydactylodes-agricolae.html) )

(From: Sexing Eurydactylodes Agricolae - Geckos Unlimited (http://www.geckosunlimited.com/community/new-caledonian-geckos-bavayia-eurydactylodes-rhacodactylus-no-cresteds/43193-sexing-eurydactylodes-agricolae.html) )

Borneo Green Eyed Cat (Called cat because it curls its tail around it during slumber, like a cat. Up to 7in.)

(From: D.D. Reptiles (http://www.ddreptiles.net/projects.html) )

Axolotl (6in. - 18in., 9in. is common, 12in.+ is rare.)

(From: Big Ben the Axolotl : Zooillogix (http://scienceblogs.com/zooillogix/2007/10/big_ben_the_axolotl.php) )

Uromastyx (10in. - 36 in. depending on type)

This is the smallest type. (From: Uromastyx macfadyeni | The Reptile Database (http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz/species?genus=Uromastyx&species=macfadyeni) )

09-12-11, 03:03 AM
New Caledonian Giant Gecko (14in. - 17in.)

(From: GECKO`S (http://www.cardiffreptilecentre.eu/gecko.html) )

Blue Tongued Skink (Up to 14.6in.)

(From: K-State News Insider Blog Archive K-State veterinarian says pets may not always make best roommates for college students (http://kstatenews.org/?p=2103) )

Sudan Plated Lizard (18in. - 28in.)

(From: Gerrhosaurus major Reuzen schorshagedis Óriás pajzsosgyík páncélos gyík Sudanschildechse Sudan Schildechse Tarczołusk sudański Ještěrkovec velký Lagarto blindado leonado Majorödla (http://www.hlasek.com/gerrhosaurus_major_ad3009.html) )

Basilisk (up to 30in.)

(From: http://www.sagazone.co.uk/forums/thread/47019/?start=3140&type=archive )

Frilled Lizard (Up to 34in.)

(From: Frilled Lizards, Frilled Lizard Pictures, Frilled Lizard Facts - National Geographic (http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/frilled-lizard/) )

Vorax Gecko (??? Not a ton of info. on these.)

(From: Halmahera Giant Gecko for Sale - 100% FREE Replacement Guarantee for DOA Shipments. (http://www.generalexotics.com/lizards/geckos-for-sale/halmahera-giant-gecko) )

Taylor's Fat-tailed Gecko (??? I wouldn't assume too big.)

(From: David Hegner (http://www.davidhegner.com/somaliland4.htm) )

Somali Rock Gecko (??? Also wouldn't assume too big.)

(From: David Hegner (http://www.davidhegner.com/somaliland4.htm) )

I'm not sure if these can be kept as pets:

Taylor's Fat-tailed Gecko (I'm sure it can be, just not 100%)
Somali Rock Gecko

Hope you find one that suits you! c: Even if it's not one up here~ lol~

09-12-11, 03:59 AM
Thanks sapphyr for the info and pictures, and for the links to the websites i will defenitly have to look at them all in greater detail to see which i will be able to look after. Thanks again x

09-12-11, 07:00 AM
No problem.~ <3 Though, those aren't info sites. Those are only there to mark where the images came from, it was a forum rule put in some time ago to either do that or to ask permission to use it from the owner.

09-12-11, 09:27 AM
My local pet store where I get most my supplies at just got Axolotls. Lemme tell they are COOL! This is their sales pitch.

‎***Adorable Axolotyls*** Now Available At [store name]!
- Priced According To Color
- [Green Flourescent Protein]'s Glow Neon Under A Black Light
- Simple to care for; can grow up to 12 inches
- Take their premade homes with you for only $15.99-$19.99 more!
Available Colors: Gold Dust Albino, Wild Type, Leucistic, Melanoid and GFPs!

09-12-11, 10:11 AM
Yes, they're very adorable~ c: I've always been a big fan of them and plan to own one soon. I recently realized how easy they are to obtain when a frequent expo vendor was carrying a load of them. Pin-Up Reptiles, I think is their name. The guy has all the kinds, and he told me all about 'em, too. Said you could keep them in a little tupperware container if you wanted, especially as babies(all he sells are babies).

Always loved the Albinos and Leucistics.~

09-12-11, 10:41 AM
Theres a few places near us with axolotls. Theyre really cool but i think rach has her heart set on a little lizard lol... maybe afterwards tho :D
... btw, am i right in that theyre technically first stage salamanders? They can live theyre whole life in this stage but they can also mature and go through the change (not sure what the right term is).

09-12-11, 10:51 AM
Ive just been doing research for the gf and ive found info on them... theyre crocodile gecko's (Tarentola Mauritanica). So far ive found that theyre quite prone to stress easily from handling etc. So it looks like your back to the drawing board rachel... it may be an idea if people say what theyre keeping atm instead. :D

Crocodile gecko and crocodile skink are 2 very different animals. Def not the same!!

Google Images (http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=red+eyed+crocodile+skink&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&rlz=1C1SKPL_enCA403CA403&biw=1138&bih=555&tbm=isch&tbnid=xp7-h8RAQYq80M:&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/25840421%40N02/3794412046/&docid=rZKIUuDyh_tDyM&w=500&h=375&ei=NzhuTtG9E8Le0QGy1cCABQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=175&vpy=238&dur=1728&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=113&ty=112&page=5&tbnh=117&tbnw=170&start=69&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:69)

09-12-11, 10:58 AM
Crocodile gecko and crocodile skink are 2 very different animals. Def not the same!!

Your probably right as i dont really know much about our lizard friends (learning slowly :) ).... thanks for lettin me know, ill try looking again. So do you have any info on the skink?

09-12-11, 09:27 PM
Theres a few places near us with axolotls. Theyre really cool but i think rach has her heart set on a little lizard lol... maybe afterwards tho :D
... btw, am i right in that theyre technically first stage salamanders? They can live theyre whole life in this stage but they can also mature and go through the change (not sure what the right term is).

Actually, yes, my judgement was a little off, they -are- technically salamanders, meaning amphibians instead of reptiles. I threw in the Axolotl, though, 'cause they have an uber unique look about them.~

09-13-11, 12:30 AM
Actually, yes, my judgement was a little off, they -are- technically salamanders, meaning amphibians instead of reptiles. I threw in the Axolotl, though, 'cause they have an uber unique look about them.~

Oh i wasnt picking at you sapphyr... i was just confirming my info. :D

09-13-11, 12:21 PM
I have Jeweled Lacertas, care is pretty easy and they're super pretty I have pictures of them in the thread i started called 'pictures'