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09-11-11, 12:18 PM
Just got a Spider BP female yesterday, its my first snake. Any information on special care would be appreciated. At the moment I am keeping it in a 14x30 inch Tubber ware container. I have been monitoring the temp and humidity since yesterday. during the day I was averaging 80 degrees and last night dropped around 74-75 degrees. I realize I need to use some form of a heat source but was concerned about the safety of UTH causing fires.

09-11-11, 05:48 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


09-11-11, 06:56 PM
Welcome to the forum! You can just hook up the UTH to a thermastat and you can control the temps the UTH put out.

09-11-11, 07:41 PM
Just got a Spider BP female yesterday, its my first snake. Any information on special care would be appreciated. At the moment I am keeping it in a 14x30 inch Tubber ware container. I have been monitoring the temp and humidity since yesterday. during the day I was averaging 80 degrees and last night dropped around 74-75 degrees. I realize I need to use some form of a heat source but was concerned about the safety of UTH causing fires.

hello and welcome

ball pythons have very specific humidity and heat requirements

from what i've read on forum's,its my opinion that as a species ball pythons seem to stop eating with the slighest of husbandry malfunctions

i would get a heat source on a thermostat,set up in a tank thats suitable

that way your python will get correct consistant temperatures and humidity

cheers shaun

09-11-11, 07:44 PM
Hello and welcome to our zoo.

09-11-11, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the forums! :D I personally won't contribute to your question since I don't personally own BPs. I know plenty others do, so I'll let them answer for you, as they're more experienced, probably. :D

Though, I'm sure fire is a possibility, but it matters what kind of material it's on top of and how high you have the heat setting. I'd imagine it shouldn't be too terribly hot, don't want to burn your baby.

09-11-11, 08:47 PM
Hey there mister........next Sunday we need to get a good pic of her to post on here! I already posted that one of Eben on here.

09-12-11, 02:17 AM
I dont keep royals, but youll generally need a heat source and thermostat for most snakes needs. Goodluck :)

09-12-11, 03:07 AM
BP's need a hot spot of 91f and humidity no lower than 55% and higher when they are in shed. Get yourself a thermostat asap and get the heat up.

09-12-11, 05:35 PM
Just bought a Zoo Med UTH ( i think 8x6) and it only raised my temp by 3 to 4 degrees on my hot side. Staying about 79 - 80 degrees. Is this common? Do I need a bigger UHT? My set up is a 24Lx 16Wx 6T rubbermade bin.

09-13-11, 03:08 AM
YOu need to do something to raise those temps - the snake wont eat cos its too cold and it will likely get ill. UTH should cover 1/3 of the floor space of the tub.

09-13-11, 12:00 PM
Welcome to the forums :D
A spider female will be my next snake :D Congratulations