View Full Version : Guess Who's Back~

09-11-11, 01:19 AM
So guess who's been thinking about you all over the past few months but been too lazy to post things? I have~

Yes, I'm extremely sorry for randomly disappearing as I did. I hit a rather unpleasant bump along my path and kind of fell off the face of the, well... forum. lol~

So, I'm back, and I'll try to check back daily, but I won't be ask active as I was, I don't believe... since I spent several hours a day, last time, checking and reading -everything-. Too addicted to games to read, read, read. D;

but yeah... Really sorry you guys. </3 I hope some of my friends are still around, I saw Wayne is, but I expected as much. xD And hello to all the new people that have no clue what I'm talking about. c: <3

09-11-11, 01:30 AM
Hey Sapphyr!! Welcome back! I was wondering where you'd got to! :)

09-11-11, 01:52 AM
Ha~ c: Thanks~ Yeah, I'd been pretty stressed out and stuff. D; I'm all good now, though. Now I just need to post updates on my hoggie and my BRB and photos on my newest baby ;> A CP.

09-11-11, 10:19 AM
I just saw Myra!!! You have no idea how incredibly jealous I am hahahahaa...how is she temperament-wise? Cage aggressive or twitchy at all? I've heard they can be a little defensive when they're babies.

09-11-11, 06:00 PM
Ha~ Well I'm glad you like her~ xD She's very well-mannered, but, yes, she is a little defensive when you first go to pick her up, though she doesn't strike. She just snaps into that S position and eyes the hand. After she's in your hand, though, she chills out. Very hyper though, got to keep a good eye on her, lol~ :D And, yeah, I guess you could describe her as a little twitchy. c:

09-11-11, 06:14 PM
Hey, my favorite artist/singer! How have you been? Good to see you back!

09-11-11, 08:17 PM
Ohey it's Greg, my buddy that owns them fiesty scrubbies! ;D and thanks c:

It's been pretty good. Got some kittens to give away, going to apply as a Vet Tech., getting my license something this week or next week, and my anxiety disorders have been calmed thanks to my psychiatrist and medications. <3 I feel so much happier now that I'm not stressing about -everything-. I seriously got a stomach ulcer from stressing so much and had frequent panic attacks, it was horrible. I'm all good, now, though. :D

How's things been with you?