View Full Version : New GTP arrived today! *pics!

09-07-11, 10:01 PM
Hey guyss. Look who came in today! Sorry if this isint a good pic. he was a little nippy. haha. He is a biak type, Not really sure on age yet. I need help deciding on a name!! Thanks!14466

09-07-11, 10:02 PM
Looks really skinny, based on the spine but REALLY sexy gtp.

09-07-11, 10:44 PM
Yeah a little bit. And thanks!

09-08-11, 03:20 AM
Sweet looking gtp, congrats. :)

09-08-11, 05:12 AM
Aww He looks like my guy used to, I love the yellow.. Mine just started to turn green. ( also a biak) I hope yours mellows out a bit for you, mine will still try to eat my hand if given the chance.

09-08-11, 05:20 AM
Pretty little guy mine is still small too I got it in june and yea they are nippy as hell they do calm down though we can reach in and touch ours and it doesn't care she'll even wrap around our fingers and let us handle her completely she isn't sexed I just call her a her for the time being

09-08-11, 06:49 AM
What a gorgeous looking GTP. He'll surely grow up to be quite the looker.

09-08-11, 07:54 AM
Thanks everyone! I'll make sure to keep yall updated!

09-08-11, 10:01 AM
congratulations on getting a nice looking gtp in your collection

i look forward to updates on her progress

cheers shaun