View Full Version : Lrrr has passed away
09-07-11, 12:25 PM
Hey everyone :( Well.. this past day has been really hard for me
Last night at 5 am I heard a lot of noise coming from Lrrr's cage, so I checked on him
he was moving very strangely so I took him out to observe him. He continued to walk in a robotic/centipede type way and was opening his mouth gasping for air
I knew he wouldn't survive through the night so I wrapped him all tight in his favourite sponge bob blanket, and then I layed him on my chest
He was gasping for air, his lttle head was right by my face.. looking me in the eyes. He hugged his arms around my body and closed his eyes. I fell asleep shortly after
When I was woken up for school at 7:30.. he had passed
he lived a hard life, home to home and from bad conditions to worse. I changed that and gave him a life of luxury, I did everything I could to improve his life because of his past
But in the end, he died peacefully in my arms sleeping. I am so very thankful that I didn't just put him back in his cage.. I would have felt even worse
at least he spent his last moments with me, we had a connection so I know he didn't die alone or scared. He died in the comfort of my arms.. and thats something I will cherish forever
I am just destroyed over this.. I can't stop sobbing, and I just feel depressed
RIP Lrrr, I will love you forever
Thanks for reading
09-07-11, 12:28 PM
so sorry to hear of your loss. But you gave him something no-one else did, comfort, love and respect. You made the last part of his life worth living.
09-07-11, 12:30 PM
so sorry to hear of your loss. But you gave him something no-one else did, comfort, love and respect. You made the last part of his life worth living.
thank you very much, It makes it a lot easier knowing that I cared for him extremely well, spoiled him rotten and gave him the ultimate gift.. comfort in his last moments
I plan to bury him tonight with my mother and father, thats going to be really hard
09-07-11, 12:34 PM
I know hun, but we keep those we love with us all our lives, whether they can stand next to us or not.
09-07-11, 12:37 PM
I know hun, but we keep those we love with us all our lives, whether they can stand next to us or not.
Thats 100% true, I know that after what happened last night.. I am going to remember him forever. He will always have a special place in my heart. And I know he will always be with me
When I bury him I've decided im going to bury him in his favourite hide. Ill get some pictures of the funeral and post them here later
Thanks again, I appreciate the support
09-07-11, 12:37 PM
</3 that sucks Sorry to hear he looked handsome
09-07-11, 12:41 PM
:( RIP, but I'm sure the times with you were the best of his life.
09-07-11, 12:51 PM
</3 that sucks Sorry to hear he looked handsome
Thank you very much
Yeah he was my pretty little guy.. it breaks my heart
:( RIP, but I'm sure the times with you were the best of his life.
Thank you, the times we had were very good. He would sleep with me for hours, and he would come with me around the house wherever I could take him. He did a ton of exploring in my house and outside
We enjoyed eachother's company and presence, and that's why his last moments on this planet with me were so special and important to me
RIP Lrrr, I will love you for eternity
09-07-11, 12:53 PM
So sorry for your loss. :sad: I'm sure he was happy that you where there last night. Just know that you did all you could and made his life the best it could be.
09-07-11, 12:56 PM
So sorry for your loss. :sad: I'm sure he was happy that you where there last night. Just know that you did all you could and made his life the best it could be.
Thank you very much, I could tell he was calmed by my comfort. As soon as I wrapped him in that blanket and layed him on my chest, he instantly relaxed, stopped trying to move and struggle around, and he even started gasp for air less
I genuinely feel that he knew what was happening, and he knew his best friend in life was there to comfort him. and thats exactly what happened, he died peacefully in my arms
That comforts me... It makes me feel like I did something special for him. in his last minutes I was there. and im very greatful for that.. I could have just fallen back asleep or whatever
Thanks for the support everyone, it means a lot to me
09-07-11, 01:22 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss, you are a wonderful person for taking him in and making his life as wonderful as you did.
09-07-11, 01:34 PM
So sorry for your loss. Just remember thanks to you he die happy and will live on in your memories.
That's why Sav's should not be sold so cheap and to people who have no idea how to properly care for these amazing creatures.
09-07-11, 01:59 PM
Its also why I firmly believe people should have to pass tests in order to own exotics or any animals that has specific and special needs and requirements.
Its people like the op though that help the animals victim to these terrible situations and we need many more people like him.
09-07-11, 02:05 PM
Its also why I firmly believe people should have to pass tests in order to own exotics or any animals that has specific and special needs and requirements.
Its people like the op though that help the animals victim to these terrible situations and we need many more people like him.
Thanks for the kind words, I have always tried to help the unwanted or abused reptiles, my sav was a rescue. my macklots python was practically given to me for 50$ because of how aggressive and hard to deal with he is. and my leopard gecko Lily, was a rescue from a private gecko rescue
It makes me feel a lot better knowing I have other people who are right there with me. Ill be sure to get some photos (and maybe video.. but that would probably just be me crying uncontrollably) of his funeral up today.
I am planning on making a little cross out of wood and writing on it with a sharpie. If it ever fades, ill write it again. that way I can always visit him and read some good things about him
Thanks again
09-07-11, 02:07 PM
Pretty sure he just means that if they weren't sold so cheaply Lrrr wouldn't have had such a hard start on life with all those other owners.
09-07-11, 02:12 PM
Pretty sure he just means that if they weren't sold so cheaply Lrrr wouldn't have had such a hard start on life with all those other owners.
yeah I realized that and changed the post. My apologies, I am very on edge.. angry, sad.. depressed and quick to fire the cannon if you know what I mean. no hard feelings :)
09-07-11, 03:06 PM
So sorry for your loss, its never easy losing a pet you love dearly. I've been there so I completely understand how you feel. Like someone said in one of the earlier posts, it looks like the best parts of his life were with you.
So sorry to hear about your loss. he was a beautiful Sav
CK SandBoas
09-07-11, 03:12 PM
I am so sorry for your loss:sad: At least he knew comfort, love and security with you. If only all animals could know that feeling, have an owner that cares so much about them, like you did for Lrrr.
09-07-11, 03:15 PM
My condolences, don't know what to say. You did all you could.
09-07-11, 03:18 PM
My best wishes to you and lrrr. Sorry for yourselves loss.
09-07-11, 03:52 PM
My condolences, don't know what to say. You did all you could.
I'm at a loss for words too.. just the other day he was eating and acting like his normal self
I really did do everything I could for him but nature had other plans
Thanks again for all the support everyone! it's much appreciated
RIP Lrrr
So sorry for your loss. :(
yeah I realized that and changed the post. My apologies, I am very on edge.. angry, sad.. depressed and quick to fire the cannon if you know what I mean. no hard feelings :)
It looks like i missed it. I did not mean to insult you, what you have done is great. I was directing my comment to the original owner, who original made the irresponsible purchase. Great work, every living thing must eventually die, but at least you provided him with the proper care.
09-08-11, 07:18 AM
It looks like i missed it. I did not mean to insult you, what you have done is great. I was directing my comment to the original owner, who original made the irresponsible purchase. Great work, every living thing must eventually die, but at least you provided him with the proper care.
thank you very much
I agree 100%, people should not be aloud to own these animals without jumping through a few hoops. it saddens me that my friendship/bond with Lrrr has been cut short because of his previous owners negligence
I know I said I was gonna bury him yesterday... but I just couldn't do it. So I decided that today is the day. It's still going to be hard but not as hard as it would have been yesterday.
will post pics of the funeral
Thanks again everyone for all the support, it has made my grieving a lot more bearable
09-08-11, 06:12 PM
Sorry for your loss, its never easy losing an animal you love.
09-09-11, 11:48 AM
I'm very sorry for you loss. Know that there are many people out there that know exactly what you're going through. Keep your chin up, don't forget your friend.
Little Wise Owl
09-10-11, 12:12 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss ):
He had a good life with you.
09-10-11, 12:50 PM
Thank you very much everybody, I appreciate the kind words
I am going to make a memorial video for Lrrr today, So ill put that up when its done
Thanks again!
09-10-11, 06:13 PM
Memorial video is up!
Sorry about the first part of the video... my voice was low because the camera was a little far away and I was trying to not burst into tears
I decided that I was going to put two songs on the video, ying and yang type idea I guess
The first song and its style is representative of our strong bond and connection even in death, and the second song represents the sadness, depression and pain you experience when you lose a pet
I even put a nice little message for Lrrr at the end of the video :)
Thanks again everybody... it was really hard for me to make this video, but after doing this video and giving him a proper burial, I feel a lot better
09-10-11, 08:51 PM
my condolances on your loss
cheers shaun
09-10-11, 09:25 PM
Im really sorry to hear of your loss, RIP Lrrr
09-11-11, 06:33 AM
:sorry: :sad:
09-12-11, 02:18 PM
:sorry: :sad:
this sums up how im feeling very nicely
But on a happier note, my parents both agree I deserve another sav. They thought I wouldnt be able to handle or care for a big animal properly. I proved them wrong 2 times now, and a third is growing LOL
so I have earned it they say :yes:
The plan is, I'm going to buy a hatchling and QT him/her for 30 days. in that time I plan to do a fecal for parasites and take it from there.
I already have all the heat lamps and bulbs, all I need is a sterilite tub (im thinking at least 20 inches long, 8 - 12 inches wide and 5 - 7 inches tall), The dirt substrate (my backyard) and a hide or two and two thermometers.
with the sav thats only like 80 bucks (roughly)
so we'll see how that turns out. I would love to have another chance at monitors, this time with one I raise properly and KNOW its not been abused or neglected previously.
That would be amazing.. I'm really hoping it happens.
Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate all the support :)
09-12-11, 02:21 PM
Aww congrats! I'm happy that even though you had a very sad loss of a great pet that you are able to share your care and compassion with another animal!
09-12-11, 08:26 PM
Awww, I'm so sorry about Lrrr, but I'm happy to hear you'll be getting a new friend to share you're love with. I'm sure it'll never equal up to Lrrr, but it soothes that pain of losing such an amazing friend. As they say, the best way to combat the loss of a loved pet is to get another. And, yes, that sounds a bit harsh, but it's the truth, and in our heart, we know it's not replacing them. We just want to keep sharing our love.~
PS: I forgot to mention, I saw his picture an I'm like,"Oh noooo! I'd remember that handsome little devil from anywhere!" 'Cause I remember a post you'd made of him a few months back and he was just soooo cute. <3 It makes it even sadder to learn he's passed. :c
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