View Full Version : heat tape question

09-07-11, 12:22 PM
Hubby has offered to set me up a small cabinet rack system, as there is no more room in our house for show tanks, and I still want at least 2 more snakes at some point.

So finding heat tape in a store here seems impossible, I went online to see what I could find there. I found a website that offeres many different wattages and such and I am back to square 1!! Which one do I need, I currently keep Corns and will be getting into BP's

Flexwatt Heat Tape (http://www.reptilebasics.com/flexwatt-heat-tape)

Thanks for your help!!:)

09-08-11, 02:31 PM
So looking around online with canadian companies, I am still not finding heat tape, probably due to the regulations. Anyways my options are to see if I can order from an american company.......or

The canadian companies offer the product I will link below, they say it is designed for rack systems, for the size I am looking at it wouldn't be horribly expensive. What do you all think???

Zoo Med Repti Heat Cable 50 Watt 23 Feet - Pets & Ponds (http://www.petsandponds.com/en/reptile-supplies/c224111/c224112/p16472480.html)

09-08-11, 03:28 PM
Dont touch that crap!

Greg west from Cornels world sells it out of alberta.

Or you can check the RC classifieds, it's always on there

The cable is a big NO NO

09-08-11, 04:28 PM
What are the cons to the cable, I didn't even know about it till now.

09-08-11, 05:04 PM
Dont touch that crap!

Greg west from Cornels world sells it out of alberta.

Or you can check the RC classifieds, it's always on there

The cable is a big NO NO

Ok, I found greg west, any chance you can send me a link to the "RC classifieds, a search with that did not bring up anything relevant.

09-08-11, 05:27 PM

09-08-11, 07:37 PM
Or mrherp.ca he seems to have better prices

09-08-11, 09:45 PM
Awesome thanks everyone!!