View Full Version : Will on/off thermostats shorten life of heat mat?

09-05-11, 09:21 PM
I got a zoo med heat mat, I was wondering if I went with an on/off thermostat, will it wear down faster than a proportional thermostat? I'm thinking because the heat mat will constantly be turned on and off, the heat mat wont last as long? Or does it not make much of a difference?

09-06-11, 06:41 AM
Ive never used a dimmer on a mat. My on off thermo works fine with the one mat ive got. As far as i know the mats are designed to go on/off all the time.

09-06-11, 07:41 AM
Probably too much info, but.....

Most On/Off thermostats are solid state (electronic) therefor are "soft start" meaning that they turn on at the precise moment that the sine wave is at it's lowest point.

This stops all "inrush" spikes, The spike that kills light bulbs when you flip the switch at just the right moment. (Ever notice that bulbs always go out just as you turn on the light??)

In other words, the start up cycle is non damaging. ;)

Your heat mat will be fine....

09-07-11, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the replies.

09-08-11, 03:31 PM

Although I bet it could with enough study. a proprotional one not running at full temp would probably last longer. but in reality probably only hours or days.

Than again. Heat mats don't really die to often. Not a whole lot in them.

09-09-11, 10:05 PM
I was wondering because I got a zoo med uth which needs to be stuck to the glass and is permenant. I didnt want it to die on me so I was just wondering if it was a good idea.

09-10-11, 07:12 AM
They arnt permanent. you can pull them off.

But I would use alluminum foil tape and tape it in place.
That way it's easy to get too etc.