View Full Version : Help?

09-03-11, 10:24 PM
I have to admit that I am terrified of snakes and even though I've been told by many that they are afraid of me too one has taken up residency in my laundry room. My brother discovered it by accident when the cat had it cornered and under a rolling rack. Thinking it was a mouse tail sticking out he praised the cat until he got close enough to see that it was a two-three foot snake and when he moved the rack the snake retreated under the shower through a small hole. It has been three days and we haven't seen it again. My brother feels certain that it is a garter snake, we live in Illinois and it probably is (that's what I tell myself). But since nobody has been able to get it out or find it the plan is to wait it out and whoever sees it next catches it. Now let me be clear I realize everyone on this site loves snakes and we are working on a strict catch and release plan, I don't even really like killing bugs, except mosquitos so the only harm that will come to the snake is if the cat is the next one to see it. I'm looking for help so that I can shower without fear again and do laundry. Our basement is finished and very cluttered, right behind the laundry room is a storage room and I'm terrified of the idea of it having babies in the house. Please, Please someone tell me what to do, and please don't say wait. We live near some fields, a couple lakes, I'm sure it would be much happier there then playing hide and seek with me and my pets. Any advice is much appreciated!

09-04-11, 10:45 AM
Most likely a common garter snake, they can be quick, so catching it could be fun.

They are totally harmless, However without a photo for positive ID, it could be something different.

There is only 4 venomous species in Illinois, copperheads, cotton mouth & rattlesnakes (massasauga & Timber) - these are really obvious to spot, all other Illinois species are harmless.

09-04-11, 11:25 AM
Can you patch up the hole where the snake fled into? That would be my first thing to do as it is also more than likely the point in which it came into the house as well.

09-04-11, 07:39 PM
What the snake look like and what color?

09-04-11, 08:32 PM
I didn't see the snake but my brother did and looked it up online and is pretty sure it is just a garter snake. It could not have come in through the hole it hid in because the shower drains through a short pipe into the sump-pump so the shower is off the floor a bit to accommodate the drainage pipe. I don't want to patch the hole because if the snake is still there it would die and even if it didn't have an odor I don't want to kill it just move it out. If it is just a garter snake but 2-3 feet long could it hurt my cat if cornered, she is pretty small and has no front claws?

09-04-11, 08:54 PM
Their is many services that will provide snake removal you can call and they will do it for a good price

09-05-11, 03:06 AM
I doubt a garter will be any harm to your cat. Im pretty sure your cat should have bigger teeth lol. But on a serious note, its no harm to u or your cat. :)