View Full Version : New from Nebraska

09-02-11, 05:20 PM
Hey everyone, my name is Kyle, just picked up an infant Brazilian Rainbow Boa from General Exotics. I spent a load of time before purchasing him researching and learning so I could provide the best possible home. I thought I had the tank set up correctly and I did a trial run of a week before he arrived (placed my order on Monday, he arrived the following Wednesday as specified). However Once I got him I've noticed that the hot side of the tank is having trouble maintaining humidity. I've got a Fluker's vented 5.5" diameter clamp light Fluker's Clamp Lamps at PETCO (http://www.petco.com/product/9469/Flukers-Clamp-Lamps.aspx?CoreCat=MM_ReptileSupplies_Lighting) centered on the left side of the cage over the water dish, although I'm thinking of reversing the sides.
The water dish is an exo-terra granite rock water dish Exo-Terra Granite Rock Water Dishes at PETCO (http://www.petco.com/product/10392/Exo-Terra-Granite-Rock-Water-Dishes.aspx?CoreCat=MM_ReptileSupplies_FoodWaterDi shes) and is fairly large and am thinking of switching to the smaller one I had for the gecko that I had for about 3 years, its about 6 inches small diameter and 9 inches large
Zoo Med Repti Rock Water Dish - Bowls & Feeding Accessories - Reptile - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2752586). I'm also thinking about switching to a smaller hide as I currently have this one.
PETCO Reptile Cave Hideaway at PETCO (http://www.petco.com/product/115407/PETCO-Reptile-Cave-Hideaway.aspx?CoreCat=LN_ReptileSupplies_Snake_Dec or).
Here's a rough MS paint sketch of my terrarium set up, its fairly accurate dimension wise and is 30x12x12 with a screen top that has been covered with aluminum foil with a hole cut out for the heat lamp which currently has a 50w black light in it.
temp is controlled by this set up, I'm a car guy so it was fairly easy to do since I already had everything except the thermostat.
programmable remote thermostat for terrarium heaters - Terrariums Forum - GardenWeb (http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/terrarium/msg0906173310507.html)
anyways, enough about my setup, here's the little guy, checking out his new digs and crawling around my hand/arm

and just for kicks, here's my other hobby. The black rx7 is mine.

09-02-11, 06:18 PM
sSnakeSs.com - Rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/index.php?page=rules)


09-02-11, 06:28 PM
Hello and welcome! Sweet looking BRB and car.
As far as the humidity go i would get a UTH (under tank heater). Heat pads don't dry the humidity out of the air like heat lamps. A good heat pad on one side with a water bowl in the middle or on the cool side of the cage should do the trick for you.

09-02-11, 06:40 PM
thanks freak! I'll pick one up then. I went with the light setup because I already had the equipmant needed. Any words of advice as far as the hide/water bowl ideas?
modman, read the rules before I posted, thanks!

09-02-11, 06:52 PM
Hello and welcome!

09-02-11, 09:00 PM
thanks freak! I'll pick one up then. I went with the light setup because I already had the equipmant needed. Any words of advice as far as the hide/water bowl ideas?
modman, read the rules before I posted, thanks!

It's usually a good idea to have 2 hides, one on each side. This way the snake an choose to be either on the warm side or cold side and be secure no matter what. Looks good though.

09-02-11, 10:02 PM
Welcome to the forum!

09-02-11, 10:06 PM
Nice and welcome to the forum....the BRB is next on my list. Your little guy is gorgeous!

09-03-11, 04:21 AM
Welcome to the forums :D
You have a very adorable BRB :)

09-03-11, 05:44 AM
Once you get a heat pad set up if you still are having issues with the humidity. You can put a smaller bowl of water over the heat pad and it will help up the humidity.

09-03-11, 09:23 AM
Great looking brb! Welcome to the forums.

09-03-11, 04:56 PM
thanks for the welcome everyone. This seems like one of the more knowledgeable forums which is why I joined up. I did pick up the under-tank heat pad this afternoon and got it in place, we'll see how its doing when I get home in a bit. My BRB (currently nameless, open for suggestions) has been staying in his humid hide so I'm looking forward to seeing how this works out. I also picked up a second, smaller, hide for him and placed it over the heat pad.

09-03-11, 05:00 PM
Being your into car and he's head marking look like racing stripes you could name him Speed Racer or something to do with racing.

09-03-11, 05:38 PM
ha ha, thanks, I never really thought of that, I've got a few ideas now

09-03-11, 05:53 PM
ha ha, thanks, I never really thought of that, I've got a few ideas now
Let us know when you decide on a name for him.

09-03-11, 09:19 PM
Sweet BRB I just got one myself recently. Also awesome looking Rx-7. What mods are done to it. I'm into cars as well I currently own a 240sx

09-05-11, 04:53 PM
a lot, I'll PM you