View Full Version : Will my juvenile BD's spikes ever grow?

01-07-03, 05:52 PM
Hi Everyone,

I own a four-month-old bearded dragon. He seems healthy, but his spikes are much smaller than average. I mean, they're tiny!

Does anyone know if his spikes will catch up to the rest of him?

I bought him from a breeder online, who's produced only a couple dragons with such small spikes. His parents' spikes are normal.

Just curious. I'll like him no matter what.


01-07-03, 11:28 PM
Any possibility that he's a she? Don't they generally have smaller spikes?

01-08-03, 04:02 PM
I've heard of a few rare dragons here and there whose spikes are always small, but most of them seem to have a good spike growth right at "puberty" and your dragon is still a bit young for that.

If the dragon reaches 9 months old and the spikes are still small, then that's probably genetic but keep watching and waiting and they might grow.