View Full Version : This was in my yard in NE Ohio.

08-29-11, 12:40 PM
What kind of snake is this? I live in NE Ohio, and it scared the crap out of my wife and kids. Is it harmless? Thanks for any help!


08-29-11, 04:08 PM
Looks like a ribbon snake, harmless.

08-29-11, 04:18 PM
An easy way of figuring out if a snake is harmless or harmful is to look up the snakes in your area. I typed "venomous snakes in Ohio" to get this page, Venomous Snakes of Ohio (http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/species_a_to_z/resourcesreptilespoisonoussnakes/tabid/5685/Default.aspx)
You can see from that page there is 3 venomous snakes in Ohio, 2 of which have rattles on the end of their tail. The only one that doesn't have a rattle is the copperhead, which looks nothing like that snake. So for future reference that's a good way of doing it.

08-29-11, 04:55 PM
Ribbon snake, totally harmless.
Welcome to the forums.

08-29-11, 10:08 PM
Ribbon snakes are commonly kept as pets.

another kind of garter snake.

08-29-11, 10:29 PM
Ribbon snakes are commonly kept as pets.

another kind of garter snake.

They are kept as pets, but they are very fast and make a mess in their water bowel. They are very water oriented.

08-29-11, 11:57 PM
They are kept as pets, but they are very fast and make a mess in their water bowel. They are very water oriented.

Yes, and are excellent climbers too. Easy to get taking small fuzzy mice, and quite interesting as display animals.

I kept a couple Thamnophis Proximus orarius for a few years.


08-30-11, 12:10 AM
Yes, and are excellent climbers too. Easy to get taking small fuzzy mice, and quite interesting as display animals.

I kept a couple Thamnophis Proximus orarius for a few years.

I use them as display snakes in my shows. Mine thrashes around a lot when you hold it, but it never had tried to bite.

08-30-11, 01:12 AM
I had a couple. It was good fun to watch them fishing.

12-11-11, 03:51 PM
that was my first snake ever :3

12-11-11, 09:38 PM
Maybe the pic is deceiving, but that snake looks much larger than a garter snake? :confused:

12-14-11, 07:31 AM
Maybe the pic is deceiving, but that snake looks much larger than a garter snake? :confused:

I would guess based on the weed leaves( Dandelion ) that the snake in the picture is about 14 ish inches... ??

12-14-11, 07:45 AM
Maybe the pic is deceiving, but that snake looks much larger than a garter snake? :confused:

Im with you on this one. It does look a bit big for a ribbon snake, and the pattern is a little different than the ones in the other pics.

12-14-11, 09:28 AM
cv1972675, I found this pretty amazing PDF about Ohio reptiles: Ohio Reptiles PDF. (http://www.flipseekllc.com/wildohio2009reptiles.pdf) I can't really tell by your photo, but I would lean towards it being a queensnake rather than a garter snake. :)